In order to let everyone sleep well, this editor even encourages fishing online

Recently, the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences Literature Publishing House jointly released the “Report on Sleep Research in China (2022)” )”. The report pointed out that Chinese people do not have enough sleep time. The average sleep time per day is 7.06 hours, which is nearly 1.5 hours shorter than that of 10 years ago, and the time to fall asleep is more than two hours later.

As a saying goes Falling asleep… Modern people inevitably have all kinds of sleep problems.

“too long to read” version

< span>1. There are six typical symptoms of insomnia, namely difficulty falling asleep (time to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes), early awakening, easy awakening in the middle, excessive dreams, light sleep, dizziness and discomfort after getting up;< /span>

2. To judge whether your sleep is up to standard, don’t compare it with other people’s sleep time. If you sleep for one night, your physical strength will be very good and full of energy the next day. , in a good mood, then this is high-quality sleep, otherwise, the sleep quality is not good and needs to be adjusted;

3. The evidence shows that good Supplementary sleep can reverse the overall impact of occasional sleep deprivation on cognitive impairment. However, for chronic partial sleep loss caused by staying up late, the cognitive recovery process seems to take longer.

How to tell if your sleep is qualified?

Daniel J. Buysse, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2014 in Sleep magazine, “Sleep Health: Can “We Define It? Does It Matter?” states thatsleep health is characterized by subjective satisfaction, proper timing, adequate length of time, high efficiency, and persistence upon waking attention.

But such a description is highly subjective, making it difficult for us to directly judge whether our sleep is qualified. We all know that sleepwalking and snoring are sleep disorders, and most people suffer from insomnia. According to international classification standards, there are more than 90 kinds of sleep disorders, and insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders.

(Source: Figureworm Creative)

According to Guang’an According to the introduction by Dr. Wang Jian, director of the Department of Psychology and Sleep, Men’s Hospital, in an interview with CCTV, there are six typical symptoms of insomnia, namely difficulty falling asleep (time to fall asleep for more than 30 minutes), waking up early, and difficulty falling asleep in the middle. Waking up, dreaming more, sleeping lightly, feeling dizzy and feeling unwell after getting up.

If you feel that you are always having trouble falling asleep, restless sleep, or waking up early, and you are not sure if it is insomnia or the severity of your insomnia, you can Test the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), which is one of the most widely used clinical insomnia assessment scales.

1. Rate your difficulty falling asleep in the last two weeks:

None: 0

Mild: 1

Medium Degree: 2

Severe: 3

Very severe : 4

2. Rate your recent difficulty in maintaining sleep:

None: 0

Mild: 1

Moderate: 2

Severe: 3

< span>Very severe: 4

3. Rate the severity of your early waking up in the last two weeks: < /p>

None: 0

Light: 1

Moderate: 2

Severe: 3

Very severe: 4

4. Satisfaction with your current sleep pattern:

Very satisfied: 0

Satisfied: 1< /span>

Moderately satisfied: 2

Unsatisfied: 3< /span>

Very dissatisfied: 4

5. Compared to others, you how much insomnia affects quality of life noise or damage?

No: 0

Minor: 1 span>

Some: 2

More: 3


6. To what extent do you think your sleep problems interfere with daytime functioning (eg, daytime fatigue, dealing with work/routines) capacity for trivia, concentration, memory, mood, etc.)?

No distractions: 0

Minor: 1< /span>

Some: 2

More: 3 span>

Many distractions: 4

7. How worried or distressed are your sleep problems?

Not worried: 0

Minor: 1< /span>

Some: 2

Many: 3

Very concerned: 4

This questionnaire is often used to assess the nature of insomnia, Severity and impact, with a total score from 0 to 28, with scores interpreted as: no insomnia (0–7); mild insomnia (8-14); moderate insomnia (15-21); severe insomnia (22-28).

The score data of this scale is for reference only. If the individual’s insomnia problem has seriously affected normal life and work, it is recommended to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. If it is only mild insomnia, you can try to change your behavior to help improve sleep.

Do I have to sleep 8 hours a night?

We often say that staying up late hurts the body because most people suffer from lack of sleep due to staying up late. The harm of long-term lack of sleep to the body is All-round, it affects all levels of the body, not only making people feel tired and sleepy, but also increasing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, depression, diabetes and obesity, and impairing cognitive function, memory and immune system.

What’s more obvious is that lack of sleep will make people more and more ugly. Studies have shown that if you sleep less than 2 hours a day for a week, new skin will grow on your face. Wrinkles and even spots. In addition, lack of sleep can also lead to edema and intestinal flora disturbance. If you can’t sleep at night and like to eat a late-night snack, obesity problems will follow.

(Photo source: Tu Wo Creative)

But not It doesn’t mean that you don’t get enough sleep for 8 hours, you don’t get enough sleep.Different people have different sleep needs, and data shows that women need more sleep than men 80% of people sleep 7-9 hours a day, and about 0.1% sleep 4 hours a day is enough.

ThereforeTo judge whether your sleep is up to the standard, don’t compare it with other people’s sleep time, if you sleep for one night, the second If you have good physical strength, energy, and a happy mood, then this is high-quality sleep. Otherwise, the sleep quality is not good and needs to be adjusted.

And staying up late is not based on what time you don’t sleep or stay up late, if you know your circadian rhythm will be disrupted, you know you will face the risk of lack of sleep immediately If you know that you will be listless and exhausted the next day if you don’t sleep, but you still don’t go to sleep for some reason, it can be counted as staying up late.

On the other hand, if you go to bed at 1 or 2 in the morning every day, and get up at 10 in the morning, and the quality of sleep is high, the indoor light is darker, and the spirit is better during the day. Well, if the biological clock is very regular, then it can be considered normal sleep.

Can sleep supplementation pay off the “debt” of staying up late?

It can pay off a little

Supplementary sleep can mainly restore the cognitive damage caused by sleep deprivation. The study found that compared with normal sleep, sleep-replenishment sleep has a shorter sleep latency (easier to fall asleep), sleep efficiency is higher, the number of deep sleep and dreaming REM sleep is increased, and the proportion of light sleep stages is lower.

(Image source: Tu Wo Creative)

The evidence shows , a full sleep cycle can reverse the overall effects of occasional sleep deprivation on cognitive impairment. However, for chronic partial sleep loss caused by staying up late, the cognitive recovery process seems to take longer.

That is to say, when we occasionally stay up late to watch football/chasing dramas/playing games, if we take a good rest the next day, we can get rid of dizziness after waking up. However, if it is a long-term lack of sleep, the effect of supplementing sleep will be of little effect, and there will be a feeling of always being very tired and unable to wake up.

A study published in Current Biology in 2019 showed that if you don’t get enough sleep for a long time and rely on weekends to make up for sleep, then making up your sleep may be harmful to your health.

The results of the study show that staying up late for a long time and making up sleep on weekends will lead to decreased insulin sensitivity in muscles and liver, and the ability to regulate blood sugar; make the situation worse.

So, we’d better maintain good sleep habits every day.

How can I improve my sleep?

If your insomnia has seriously affected your daily life, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you only have mild insomnia, try the following methods↓

1. Create a good sleeping environment. Pillow and quilt should be comfortable, the environment should be as quiet as possible, turn off the lights to keep it dark (or leave a dim night light), the room should not be too hot, it is better to be relatively cool;

2. Do not take a nap too late or too long, otherwise it will easily affect your sleep at night;

3. Drink less tea and coffee. Drink less tea (milk tea is also counted) and coffee 4-6 hours before going to bed, and avoid taking too much caffeine to make it difficult to fall asleep;

4. Use relaxationSkill. If you feel sleepy, but your brain is busy thinking, it is difficult to fall asleep, you can use some relaxation techniques, such as slow breathing, listening to soft music and white noise (wind and rain) to help achieve mental relaxation;< /p>

(Photo source: Figure Worm Creative)

5. Turn off electronic devices. Electronic devices such as cell phones, TVs, tablets, etc. can make it difficult for your brain to rest and can interfere with your biological clock.

6. Try to get up at the same time. Getting up at a regular time ensures that you don’t get too much sleep and sleep at your normal time at night, while stabilizing your biological clock.

If you are not unable to sleep, but just “revenge staying up late” and do not want to sleep, I suggest you try these 3 points:

1. Do something pleasant during the day, such as eating afternoon tea, or even sneaking some fish, so as not to make your mood too anxious, negative and tired during the day;

2. Expanding the channels for obtaining pleasure, you can increase self-care methods such as reading, fitness, music, interpersonal communication, enrich your pleasure experience through multiple channels, and avoid limiting the source of positive feelings to mobile phones and Internet-related;

3. Develop good sleep habits, such as meditation before going to bed, moderate exercise, not drinking strong tea, refusing late night snacks, taking a hot bath, and keeping the bedroom dimly lit. …..If possible, try not to play with electronics.

Finally, I wish you all a good night’s sleep, full of energy every day and not bald, and have a good night’s sleep from tonight~

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(Image source: Tu Wo Creative)



[1] People’s Daily Online, no matter how many reasons there are, lack of sleep is a problem, http://health.people.

[2]Daniel J. Buysse ,Sleep Health: Can We Define It? Does It Matter? Sleep. 2014 Jan 1; 37(1): 9–17. Published online 2014 Jan 1. doi: 10.5665/sleep.3298< /span>

[3] Liu Xiaodi. Irregular sleep patterns are associated with metabolic disorders [J]. Basic Medicine and Clinical, 2020,40(02):228 .

[4]Depner, Christopher M., et al. “Ad libitum weekend recovery sleep fails to prevent Metabolic dysregulation during a repeating pattern of insufficient sleep and weekend recovery sleep.” Current Biology 29.6 (2019): 957-967.