In order to do fine surgery and practice left hand painting, ophthalmologist hand-painted eye disease atlas

Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client May 23rd (Reporter Zhang Jian Correspondent Wang Huiwen) Recently, Dr. Cheng Qiong from the Department of Ophthalmology of Taikang Tongji (Wuhan) Hospital Using her vivid hand-drawn atlas to popularize the knowledge of eye diseases and explain the surgical plan to the patients, her beautiful hand-painted eye disease atlas as fine as a textbook has been praised repeatedly by patients and colleagues. “After seeing Dr. Cheng’s painting, I immediately understood what was going on with my illness and how the doctor would treat it. Now I am more relieved!” said a patient.

Dr. Cheng Qiong is painting. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Due to the complexity and precision of the eyeball structure

The idea of ​​hand-painted eye disease science map was born

Dr. Cheng Qiong, who graduated from Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University with a master’s degree, is recognized as a “talented woman” doctor in the Department of Ophthalmology of Taikang Tongji (Wuhan) Hospital. She is engaged in corneal and intraocular refractive surgery, not only She has superb surgical skills and is good at painting. Her hand-painted paintings are everywhere in the outpatient hall of the Ophthalmology Refractive Center.

Dr. Cheng Qiong’s hand-painted works. Photo courtesy of the hospital

Because the eye is an organ that receives 70% of external information, the internal structure of the eyeball is as complex and precise as a chip. “Although everyone knows that eyes are precious, most people are The structure and diseases of the eye are not understood”. In the outpatient clinic, Dr. Cheng Qiong found that it is difficult to convey the knowledge of eye disease clearly and accurately only by language when explaining the condition to the patient. “Many patients want to know what the eye disease they have is and how to treat it.” Simple inquiry and explanation It is increasingly difficult to meet the needs of patients.

Under this circumstance, Cheng Qiong came up with the idea of ​​hand-painting a set of common eye disease popularization maps in outpatient clinics. Wouldn’t that be much more convenient!”

For the completion of delicate surgical operations

Specially practiced painting with my left hand

About a month ago, Cheng Qiong started to paint in her free time at night. It usually takes 3-4 hours to complete a painting. It took her nearly a month to complete more than 20 drawings, including not only the schematic diagrams of common eye diseases such as myopia and astigmatism, but also the schematic diagrams of full femtosecond corneal laser surgery, ICL lens implantation surgery, etc., with rich colors. The delicate brushstrokes and vivid images of popular science maps are comparable to textbooks. Cheng Qiong posted the drawn maps to the circle of friends, and immediately gained countless fans.

Dr. Cheng Qiong’s hand-painted works. Photo courtesy of the hospital

What is even more surprising is that some of the more than 20 pictures were drawn independently by Cheng Qiong’s left hand. In order to exercise the flexibility of the left hand, it is not restricted by the left and right hands during the operation. Some angles that are not suitable for the right hand can be successfully completed with the left hand. Cheng Qiong often uses the left hand to paint. Now the flexibility of her left hand is comparable to that of her right hand. Not to mention too much, many operations are performed with both hands, which has also become a “stunt” of Cheng Qiong.

Beautiful hand-painted maps

Building a bridge of communication between doctors and patients

“Since the application of hand-painting to After the outpatient treatment was explained, I gained a lot of fans.” Cheng Qiong said, as she had imagined before, the beautiful and clear hand-painted maps brought great convenience to her usual outpatient work. Many patients read the maps and listened to key explanations. , understand the principle of disease, and know how to cooperate with treatment and review, and can better understand some limitations of medicine in the face of complex diseases. The obscure professional vocabulary is omitted, and the doctor has built a bridge of communication between doctors and patients using plain language that patients can understand and maps that can be understood.

Dr. Cheng Qiong’s hand-painted works. Photo courtesy of the hospital

“A lot is here with me After the patients who underwent surgery looked at the map I drew, they sincerely felt that the surgeon’s eyes and hands were very delicate and dexterous, and they were very confident in handing over their eyes to this doctor for surgery. Cheng Qiong said that every patient will be very worried before seeing a doctor and undergoing surgery. Patiently explaining the principle of the disease and introducing the surgical plan to them can relieve their anxiety and help them cooperate with treatment. The atlas sends a signal to the patient that I can use my dexterous hands to complete the painting details, and I can do every delicate ophthalmic microsurgery. ”

[Editor: Yu Lina]

[Source: Changjiang Daily – Changjiang Net]