In order not to have children, I buried a needle in my arm…

Case one:

Xiaomeng, Liaoning

As soon as I left the hospital after the subcutaneous implant, I felt relieved.

I have had dysmenorrhea since I was a child. When I was a child, people told me “it’s good to get married”, and after marriage, they said to me “it’s good to have a child”.

I have given birth to my second child until now, and it still hurts when it should.

After giving birth to my second child, I don’t plan to have any more children, so when choosing a contraceptive method, I chose skin burial with the mentality of trying it out.

There are many cases that the dysmenorrhea is relieved after implantation, and there are also cases of decreased menstrual flow or amenorrhea.

I did it in my hometown of Liaoning. It cost about 2,000 yuan before and after inspection + surgery, which many people may find expensive. But it’s really worth it compared to the pain and even the loss of work every month.

(Source: Narrator)

Skin burial was much quicker than I thought, taking about 5 minutes. The implant was implanted on April 10, and irregular bleeding started on the 27th. The blood volume was very small, but apart from a little discomfort in the stomach, there has been no pain in the past two months.

Finally no more menstrual cramps!

Case Two:

Mustang, Guangzhou

The reason I do skin implants is to gain autonomy over contraception.

I don’t want to get pregnant no matter what the situation, so I hope that from my side, the possibility of pregnancy is completely eliminated.

Among the effective contraceptive methods, I don’t think I can insist on taking the contraceptive pill. If I forget or miss it, the effect will be reduced.

The doctor also reminded me that I could consider getting a ring, but I usually feel uncomfortable when I have a gynecological examination, and the IUD makes me feel very scared.

After investigation, I still felt that skin burial was quick and less traumatic, so I chose skin burial.

The cost of skin burial surgery + implants is 964.76 yuan, but I also did a series of inspections before doing it, which cost nearly 1,000 yuan.

Just finished

bruising on arm days after procedure

Subcutaneous implant surgery prescription

It was finished on May 31st this year. I came to my aunt half a month after the skin was buried, and it has been 15 days and it has not been cleaned.

However, before I did it, I also learned that irregular menstruation is a common discomfort with skin burial, and I was mentally prepared. Now I feel everything is normal.

Subcutaneously implanted contraceptive needles, referred to as skin implants, were actually approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the 1980s [1].

It is a small tube about 40 mm long (containing a certain dose of progesterone), which is implanted under the skin on the inner side of a woman’s upper arm, which can slowly release progesterone.

Hypodermic implants are generally valid for up to 3 years, so they are suitable for those who do not plan to have children for a longer period of time.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Hypodermic needles have three distinct advantages: Effective, easy to operate, and reversible.

Data shows that the effective rate of subcutaneous implantation is higher than 99%, which is one of the most effective contraceptive methods[1].

Although the correct use of condoms can be 98% effective, when many people use condoms on a daily basis, they may not be able to use them “correctly” every time, so the actual effectiveness may be Great discount.

Oral short-acting contraceptives also need to be taken regularly according to the instructions every day to achieve the expected effect. If one or two missed doses, it will also affect the effectiveness of contraception.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The implantation process is very simple, the operation process is not very painful, and it will hardly affect work and life.

If you have any discomfort during the validity period of the implant (usually 3 years), or if you are planning to become pregnant, you can also choose to remove the contraceptive at any time.

After a week of removal, the progesterone released by the contraceptive injection in the body basically disappears without a trace. Most women will resume ovulation within 3 to 4 weeks and can have children.

Of course, the implant needle must be taken out after the implant validity period has passed.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

For women who are breastfeeding, unsuitable for estrogen-based contraceptives (the shot contains only progesterone), or women who can’t keep up & can’t remember taking short-acting contraceptives every day , subcutaneous implantation is a safe and effective option [2].

Progesterone can also reduce menstrual flow, so it is also suitable for people who want to improve menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea.

However, if you already have one of the following 4 conditions, the use of hypodermic contraceptives is not suitable for contraception:

Unexplained irregular vaginal bleeding

Women with a history of coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, stroke, vascular embolism

Women with a history of liver disease, cirrhosis, liver tumors

Women with a history of breast cancer


At the beginning of the implant, there may be minor discomfort such as itching, pain, and swelling near the implant.

After implantation, there may be: Irregular periods, spotting, irregular vaginal bleeding (one of the possible side effects of any hormonal contraceptive method is irregular bleeding) , amenorrhea, may improve with prolonged placement.

Some people also experience headaches, mood changes, weight changes, etc., but the incidence is not high and the symptoms are generally not severe.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

The good news is that the shot can be taken out at any time in the event of intolerable side effects.

If you still have irregular vaginal bleeding or other discomfort after adapting for about half a year, you can consider removing the skin and burying it and changing to other contraceptive methods.

About the comparison of short-acting oral contraceptives, intrauterine contraceptive systems, male condoms and subcutaneous implants, Zhimei also summarized the following table for you:

We encourage every woman to choose the most suitable contraceptive method after comprehensive understanding and consideration of the pros and cons.

Reviewer: Ren Tong | Chief of Gynecology, Peking Union Medical College HospitalPhysician


[1]WHO.Family Planning/Contraception[EB/OL].https: -planning-contraception, 2020-06-22.

[2] Cheng Linan, Di Wen, Ding Yan, Fan Guangsheng, Gu Xiangying, Hao Min, He Jing, Hu Lina, Hua Keqin, Huang Wei, Jin Li, Kong Beihua, Lang Jinghe, Leng Jin Hua, Li Jian, Liu Caixia, Liu Guanyuan, Song Lei, Wang Xiaoye, Wu Shangchun, Xue Min, Yang Huixia, Yang Qing, Yao Shuzhong, Zhang Zhenyu, Zhou Yingfang, Zhu Lan. Chinese expert consensus on the clinical application of female contraceptive methods[J].Shanghai Medicine,2018 ,41(11):641-655.

[3] Jin Li. The choice of contraceptive methods for women with underlying diseases: a key interpretation of the World Health Organization’s “Medical Standards for the Selection of Contraceptive Methods” [J]. International Journal of Reproductive Health/Family Planning , 2013, 32(02):143-148

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