In April, the regular meeting of the head of the Heshui County Village Assistance Team was held

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On April 8, the regular meeting of the head of the Heshui County Village Assistance Team in April was held. Wu Ting, Member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Deputy County Chief, and Chief of the County’s Village Assistance Team, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhi Xiaokun, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Deputy County Mayor, attended the meeting and read out the “Notice on Special Supervision of the County’s Village Assistance Work and the Operation and Improvement of “One Household, One Policy”.

Wu Ting requested that all townships and village-based assistance teams should strengthen supervision and inspection, effectively improve the effectiveness of supervision and inspection work, strictly implement the work system, and fulfill their assistance responsibilities. . It is necessary to strengthen the assistance in villages, pay close attention to the two key links of monitoring and assistance, and actively implement support measures such as industry, employment, and comprehensive security in accordance with the requirements of “six must-visit” and “six-must-check” to prevent and eliminate potential return to poverty. risk. It is necessary to strengthen strict management and build a team of excellent cadres. The township party committees and governments should strictly implement their territorial management responsibilities, strengthen the daily management of members of the village-based assistance team, and strictly implement the village-based assistance management system to ensure that all tasks are implemented. It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of prevention and control, pay close attention to key links, key places, and key groups of people, build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, and fully cooperate with epidemic prevention and control.

Reporter Li Dongjun

Producer: Tang Hongbin
Producer: Wang Tingbin and Qiu Jingjing
Editor in charge: Li Dina
Editor: Yang Qingqing