In addition to calcium supplementation, there is another element that the elderly should not miss, that is, potassium. A moderate amount of potassium supplementation can reduce diseases.

We all know that the functions of the body will decline as the elderly get older, and various elements in the body will be lost without our knowing it. Then a little carelessness in life will lead to a series of diseases, so many people think that it is the cause of calcium deficiency, and start to supplement calcium in large quantities, but it has no effect. In fact, when there is a problem with the body, it is not only calcium deficiency but also potassium deficiency.

Potassium is one of the essential elements of our body like calcium, even more important than calcium. Potassium can prevent the loss of calcium in the body, and can also prevent some chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, and has the function of lowering blood pressure. A lack of potassium in the body can lead to these symptoms.

【The lack of potassium in the body can cause these symptoms】

When the body is deficient in potassium, the most common symptom of the body is fatigue, because of the lack of potassium, The organs and cells of the body will not be able to better maintain the vitality of the body, which will affect fatigue. There will also be a decline in mental status, lack of energy, and confusion, There will also be hallucinations, severe or leading to depression appearance.

Not only that, because of the lack of potassium, it will not only reduce muscle excitation, but also prevent the simple activities of muscle contraction and relaxation. Muscles experience cramps, along with pain. Especially the elderly, as long as there is a lack of potassium in the body, it is easy to get cramps in the legs and feet. Many people think that it is caused by calcium deficiency. It will also obstruct intestinal peristalsis, and then decreased digestive function may also be inseparable from the lack of potassium in the body, and then the lack of potassium supplementation for a long time will cause Constipation, vomiting, not wanting to eat.

The above points are all mild symptoms of potassium deficiency. Potassium deficiency will affect the heart and cause irregular heartbeat, dizziness and palpitation symptoms. Symptoms of ventricular fibrillation are present. It also affects mental health, and the nervous system is also affected, resulting in irritability, confusion, etc.

The above symptoms are easily manifested by the lack of potassium in the body of the elderly. Therefore, it is best for the elderly to supplement calcium and do not forget to add potassium as well. Make up. You can supplement your diet, such as eating some spinach, baby cabbage or lotus root, as well as beef jerky, lean pork, etc. In addition, yogurt is very suitable for the elderly who have poor digestion but lack potassium.

In addition, it can be treated with drugs, but you must follow the doctor’s advice and check with the doctor before taking the medicine. Taking too much potassium can also be harmful to the body, and may cause symptoms of body chills or nausea.

[In addition to the elderly, people also need a supplement]

1. Hypertension patients

Patients with high blood pressure are in great need of potassium supplementation. Just as important as limiting sodium intake. Because potassium can not only limit the loss of calcium, but also excrete excess sodium from the body. Without entering this potassium element, blood vessels will become softer and smoother, and then lower blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The most important thing is that hypertensive patients should pay attention when taking antihypertensive drugs, not to make potassium too high or too low, preferably 3.5~5.5mmol/L.

2. Frequent vomiting or diarrhea

Frequent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to the loss of potassium in the body, and then the potassium in the body will Fewer and fewer. Therefore, when the body has such a situation, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time, and do not take it seriously. When the potassium level is lower than 3.5mmol/L, it will lead to the occurrence of hypokalemia.

3. People who take medicine regularly

The older you are, the more you will get When the disease occurs, many people take some medicines to relieve the symptoms caused by the disease. For example, patients with heart disease or diabetes, the drugs they take will cause urination. Taking it regularly will cause a lot of potassium loss in the body, which can easily lead to hypokalemia. However, you should also pay attention to the high potassium concentration in some drugs because it may affect the heart. Excessive potassium content can lead to a decrease in the heart rate and even cardiac arrest.

4. People who sweat a lot

Sweat will take away a lot of water in the body, and of course there is a certain amount of potassium, which can easily cause the body The lack of potassium in the body.

From the above points, we can see the importance of potassium to the human body. Although we did not know enough about potassium before, it is not too late to understand it now. Some foods contain It is rich in potassium, and it is also very common and delicious.

The first is bananas. Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also protein, can efficiently supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. It also contains a happy chemical called serotonin, as well as analgesic effects. Moreover, it is easy to absorb, and it can be eaten by people who are often constipated with poor stomach, but in moderation. The second is taro, which is rich in various vitamins and proteins. We all know that fluorine is good for teeth, and taro contains this ingredient. Taro also has the effect of improving immunity.

Finally, sweet potatoes are of high nutritional value, rich in minerals and vitamins. People with indigestion can use it to nourish the spleen and stomach.

In summary, Potassium is indispensable to the human body, if it is really bad for human health. Especially for the elderly over 60 years old, they should have regular physical examinations and then supplement the lack of potassium or other elements needed by the body according to the body. Do not make up for the elderly randomly, In order to reduce the damage to the body, it is better to rely on diet to supplement it.


1. “Potassium supplementation is as important as calcium supplementation! The doctor said Insufficient potassium supplementation, “slow” diseases come to the door” – Life Times 2018-05-03

2. “Foods with Effective Potassium Supplements” – China Economic Net 2020-02-28