In addition to bad temper, what else will change with female menopause?

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I believe that everyone is thinking “When menopause meets adolescence at home, it’s like the outbreak of a world war” I agree with this sentence. In almost every family ethics drama, there is always a rebellious child and an explosive curly-haired mother who is in menopause. The role of this mother is either sweating profusely, angry and aggressive, or brewing a temper. On the way, why this family phenomenon resonates so much, the reasoning behind this can also be talked about…

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Why do women change their temperament after a certain age?

In fact, these changes are physiological responses with scientific basis: female menopause syndrome refers to a series of mental and physical manifestations caused by the reduction of sex hormone content in women before and after menopause, such as plant Neurological disorders, reproductive system atrophy, etc., there may also be a series of physiological and psychological changes, such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. Female menopause syndrome is more common in women between the ages of 46 and 50. In recent years, the age of onset has been earlier and the incidence rate has increased.

Are you getting fatter when you get older?

With ovarian function decline, body weight will increase significantly. In terms of body composition, the content of adipose tissue increased. Leptin, a protein hormone secreted by fat cells, may be involved in food intake and energy consumption. Premenopausal leptin levels are slightly higher, estrogen also increases leptin production, and postmenopausal leptin decreases.

How can I feel sore when I move?

It is more common for joint muscle pain. Joint Pain: Muscle pain in the lower back is more common. Part of it is manifested as various discomforts that cannot be clearly identified, and pain-like discomfort.

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How could I have menopause symptoms when I was young?

In medical terms, premature ovarian failure is defined as premature ovarian failure, which occurs before the age of 40. It is manifested as amenorrhea for more than 4 consecutive months, with elevated follicle-stimulating hormone and decreased estrogen levels. Commonly seen in women with work and life pressure. There are also irregular life, staying up late, smoking women, and the age of menopause is often earlier.

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Menopause syndrome can be a lot of trouble


In general, the manifestations are also varied:

① Sexual aging: After the age of 50, women appear Decreased or partially aborted sex hormone secretion, indifference of libido, boredom, damage to sexual physiology, and atrophy of sexual function. In most women, the cessation of fertility and hormonal cyclical changes occurs naturally, the vaginal mucosa shrinks, and its lubricating ability is weakened, resulting in dyspareunia (painful intercourse), loss of vaginal folds and vaginal wall elasticity, and breast atrophy and overhang.

② Cardiovascular symptoms: Flushing, hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, headache, dizziness, even increased blood pressure, angina pectoris, etc.

③ Psycho-neurological symptoms: anxiety and depression, irritability, insomnia, irritability, inattention, forgetfulness, etc.

④ Menstrual changes and reproductive system changes: Menstrual disorders, vulvar and vaginal atrophy, senile vaginitis, uterine and vaginal prolapse, etc.

⑤ Others: Osteoporosis, joint and muscle pain, symptoms of bladder and urethra, etc.

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It is also very interesting from the perspective of Chinese and Western schools:< /strong>

Western medicine believes that female menopausal syndrome is caused by the decline of ovarian function and the decrease in estrogen secretion, so hormone supplementation can alleviate the symptoms caused by the low estrogen content. Various metabolic disorders, improve symptoms in menopausal women.

Menopause women often present with mild depression, anxiety, or cognitive impairment, and even with signs of estrogen deficiency, hormone replacement therapy can be used if there are no other contraindications ( HRT) to treat female menopausal syndrome.

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Chinese medicine believes that female menopause syndromeis mostly caused by kidney yin False theory, the female age is “seven seven forty nine”, the kidney qi is gradually weakened, the Tian Gui is depleted, the Chong and Ren meridians are deficient, and the essence and blood are insufficient, resulting in an imbalance of yin and yang; second, Yi and Gui are homologous , Insufficiency of kidney essence can cause liver dysfunction, stagnation and stagnation, liver stagnation and qi stagnation; Third, the kidney yin is depleted, the yang is not hidden, the pulse is not nourished, and the viscera, qi and blood are not in harmony, so there is often anxiety, depression, crying, taciturn, memory loss, inability to concentrate, and dreams at night. , or easily irritable, or easily paranoid, or even moody and other symptoms.

Among them, most traditional Chinese medicine believe that “liver-kidney yin deficiency, liver qi stagnation” is the main pathogenic mechanism of female menopause syndrome.

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Dr. Zhou Jianping

Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

Introduction: M.D., Deputy Chief Physician of Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Ruijin Hospital, Executive Director of Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Ruijin Hospital Wuxi Branch, Academic Secretary of Ruijin Branch Center of National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory System Diseases, Lung Medicine Association of China Medical Education Association Member of the Cancer Special Committee of the Ministry of Health, member of the Youth Collaborative Group of the Lung Cancer Group of the Respiratory Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, member of the editorial board of the prevention and treatment knowledge of the China Asthma Alliance website, member of the fifth national director of the China Tobacco Control Association, member of the Interventional Group of the Respiratory Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, Shanghai Member of the Endoscopy Branch of the Municipal Anti-Cancer Association; Youth Member of the 7th Respiratory System Disease Professional Committee of the Shanghai Association of Integrative Medicine; Youth Member of the Science Popularization Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association; Chief Medical Expert of the Shanghai Physician Volunteer Alliance; Shanghai Huangpu Member of the third session of the District Youth Federation; leader of the Tobacco Control Team of the Health Education Committee of the Shanghai Science Writers Association.