In 2022, the promotion of reasonable diet in Shandong Province and the theme of the National Nutrition Week were launched

On the morning of May 15th, the 2022 Shandong Province Promotion of Reasonable Diet Action and National Nutrition Week and the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day theme publicity activities online launching ceremonies were held simultaneously in Jinan and Weihai. The launching ceremony was hosted by Shandong Provincial Health Commission, Shandong Nutrition Society, School of Public Health of Shandong University, and Weihai Municipal Government, and was carried out in the form of online live broadcast.

Xiao Peishu, the first-level inspector of Shandong Provincial Health and Health Commission, attended the launching ceremony and delivered a speech. He said that the Rational Diet Action is one of the fifteen special actions of the Healthy Shandong Action. Since its implementation in 2020, it has achieved remarkable results and contributed to the health promotion of urban and rural residents. National Nutrition Week and “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day, as annual themed publicity activities, are important carriers to carry out food safety exchanges, popularize nutrition and health knowledge, and provide nutrition and health science services for the whole population. He requested that the relevant departments and units at all levels in the province should vigorously promote the implementation of the reasonable diet action, focus on the goals and tasks of the action, actively implement them, and meet the national assessment with good results. During the National Nutrition Week and the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day, it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, focus on themes, carefully plan, mobilize and promote in an all-round way, attract the deep participation of the whole society, further enhance the national nutrition and health awareness, and popularize a healthy lifestyle.

After the launching ceremony, at the Jinan venue, from Shandong University, Jinan University, Shandong University affiliated Six experts from Qilu Hospital and Children’s Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University focused on the “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022 Edition)”, how to understand food nutrition labels, scientific cooking and healthy companionship, nutrition and diet for school-age children, and reasonable food choices. Popular science lectures and troubleshooting.

At the Weihai venue, the launching ceremony of the National Food Safety and Nutrition Health Comprehensive Experimental Zone was also held. The construction of a national comprehensive pilot zone for food safety and nutrition and health in Weihai is a task entrusted to Shandong by the National Health and Health Commission. , to better ensure the food safety and health of the people.

It is understood that the theme of this year’s National Nutrition Week is “Knowing how to cook, choose, and read labels”. The theme of the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day is “Knowing Nutrition, Knowing Exercise, Preventing Obesity, and Promoting Health”. During the National Nutrition Week and the “5.20” Chinese Student Nutrition Day, a series of activities such as popular science publicity, cooking competitions, and quizzes with prizes will be widely carried out across the province.