If your child’s teeth have these problems, it is recommended to do orthodontics as soon as possible. The sooner you do it, the better the effect.

When there is a problem with the arrangement or occlusion of the child’s teeth, they will think about the child’s orthodontic treatment. However, regarding the child’s orthodontic treatment, it is not just wearing braces as you think.

First of all, we need to figure out what kind of teeth need straightening?

In general, orthodontic treatment is required when a child’s teeth:

The ground covers the sky, the sky covers the ground, and the upper and lower parts cannot bite.

The teeth are sparsely arranged with large gaps.

Not particularly severe buck teeth

Crowded teeth, lack of space leads to overlapping teeth, or even double rows of teeth.

Facial and jaw abnormality, improper jaw development can cause facial distortion.

Orthodontics is not only about the child’s appearance, but more importantly, the child’s health.

The most intuitive impact of unaligned teeth is to affect the child’s innocent and lovely face, especially the overly or overwhelmed teeth, as well as buck teeth, etc. Such teeth are very unsightly.

Children’s minds are immature and easily misled by the appearance of things. Faced with ridicule and isolation from classmates and neighbors, children can easily become inferior and dare not laugh in front of others.

As the child grows up, the future employment and love will have a great impact. Therefore, if you find that your child’s teeth are not aligned in childhood, you should take your child to the hospital in time to diagnose whether it needs correction.

And irregular teeth, it is difficult to brush the teeth clean, and the children are young, if the oral cavity is not clean enough in the long run, it will lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay, and tooth decay is the destruction of children The main cause of dental health.

So, if your child has a problem with their teeth, it is necessary to take your child for orthodontics.

Enhancing chewing ability and restoring normal oral function

After orthodontic treatment, it can effectively enhance the chewing function of teeth and help children digest and absorb nutrients. At the same time, after orthodontic treatment, it can improve the closure of lips and improve the daily development of children.

Removal of traumatic bite

Irregular teeth are likely to cause occlusal trauma. The most common is the underbite of individual teeth. The repeated impact of the opposing teeth during chewing will cause the gums of the opposing teeth to shrink.

To correct the occlusion of the teeth

After correcting and arranging the teeth, the occlusal relationship will be normal, the occlusal force of the teeth will be balanced, the excessive wear of the teeth will be avoided, and it will have a good role in protecting the teeth and avoid misalignment. The interference of deformity on mandibular function reduces the impact of maxillofacial tissue on growth and development.

Malocclusion and abnormal oral function generally occur in adolescents and children. If not treated in time, it may affect the normal development of children’s oral and facial soft tissues. Early detection and early treatment may affect the child’s appearance. Being online is very important.

Children’s orthodontics are divided into deciduous teeth orthodontics and permanent teeth orthodontics. Orthodontics not only changes the appearance, but also improves the physiological function of the teeth. Children’s teeth are still in the developmental stage, intervening to correct deformed teeth, the difficulty of correction is low, and the effect is obvious. The most important thing is that the effect of correction is not easy to repeat.

If the teeth are fully developed and then straightened, the difficulty of straightening will increase, the time of straightening will be prolonged, and the pain that the child needs to endure will also increase.

Therefore, it is better to have teeth straightened during childhood.

Some parents worry that after their children straighten their teeth, their teeth will easily fall out in old age. In fact, the straightening process is a process of remodeling the teeth and alveolar bone. It will not cause damage to future delays. Instead, it may be because the occlusal function after correction is reasonable and easy to clean, which can reduce the occurrence of dental caries and periodontal disease, thereby prolonging the life of the teeth.