If you only drink coffee and no water, will you be sleepy? 7 truths about coffee, you might as well read it before you drink it

As one of the three major beverages in the world, coffee has become a life-sustaining artifact for contemporary urbanites.

According to the BBC, in the past 15 years, the demand for coffee has risen to 43%.

According to data, China’s coffee industry maintains an annual consumption growth rate of 25%, 10 times higher than the global average.

Whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, whether it is for work or leisure, a cup of coffee seems to have become a popular way of life.

And as the so-called “there are many things right and wrong”, there are really many doubts about coffee.

First, does coffee cause infertility?

Many articles on the Internet said:

Drinking coffee regularly will change the uterine environment in women. The caffeine in coffee will stimulate the ovaries of women, which will lead to functional disorders of women’s ovaries. This increases the chances of female infertility.

But actually, coffee is okay, just don’t overdo it.

Excessive caffeine does increase the possibility of infertility, and it will stimulate the autonomic nervous system in the body. After the autonomic nervous system is stimulated, it cannot control the body Other normal tissues within the patient are prone to endocrine disorders.

A disordered endocrine system cannot balance hormone production in the body.If a woman’s production of male and female hormones is restricted, her ovulation and pregnancy rates will be greatly reduced.

But the problem is, as long as you don’t drink your coffee as water, it doesn’t really make a difference.

Second, does coffee affect a person’s mental state?

Internet rumors believe that drinking coffee regularly will stimulate the central nervous system of the human body, making the central nervous system in a state of high tension for a long time. Over time, the sensitivity of the patient’s central nervous system will decrease. .

Actually, although coffee is good, drinking too much will increase the adverse reactions such as sleep disturbance and arrhythmia.

The medical consensus is that: The healthy upper limit of human caffeine intake is 400mg per day.

What is the approximate amount of this?

For example: a large Starbucks cup, about 473ml latte, contains about 200mg of caffeine;

For example: a small bag of instant coffee, about 15g, contains about 50mg of caffeine.

As long as we don’t drink too much, it won’t cause much health effects.

In fact, drinking coffee is good for the human body

Drinking coffee in moderation can promote metabolism in the body and increase brain activity.

In addition, scientific research shows that the caffeine in coffee can also prevent diseases, thereby improving the body’s disease resistance.

Drinking coffee without water can actually make you sleepy?

The human brain has a chemical called adenosine that makes a drowsy substance when awake.

The longer you stay awake, the more adenosine in your body, caffeine can compete with adenosine for receptors combined to keep the brain awake.

If we drink a cup of coffee later in the day, the caffeine often doesn’t find enough adenylate receptors to bind to it, and it makes us feel more sleepy.

Also, we drink so much coffee every day that if we don’t get enough water during the day, our body will be in a state of Brexit water, which will make us feel physically tired.

Coffee doesn’t actually reduce stress

Be aware that many people use coffee as a way to relieve stress, and they use coffee to cheer themselves up when they are stressed.

This practice is not correct. When the pressure is high, drinking coffee can only relieve the pressure temporarily, and cannot completely eliminate the pressure.

Doing this regularly will make patients dependent on coffee and easily induce various mental illnesses.

It is recommended that patients use exercise to regulate their mood. Exercise is a process of releasing dopamine, which can make exercisers feel happy during exercise, thereby eliminating stress.

For working people, in their daily life, they must pay attention to the amount of coffee they drink, and don’t drink coffee regularly to avoid unnecessary harm to their bodies.

It is recommended that people at work drink coffee three times a week, and the drinking amount of these three times can be allocated according to needs.

As long as you stick to it for a long time, coffee can not only refresh the mind of the drinker, but also have great health benefits.