If you have the confidence and determination to overcome diabetes, plus these 3 points, you will be able to live a long and healthy life

If your life becomes dull because of diabetes, then you are overwhelmed by diabetes.

If you have the confidence and determination to coexist with diabetes, then, if you do these 3 points, you will definitely be able to live a long and healthy life.

NO.1. Hypoglycemic, heart care

Diabetes is equivalent to coronary heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Most of the diabetic patients do not pay attention to the treatment of diabetes, let blood sugar “jump up” in front of you, let blood sugar “strike” in front of you, and finally because of the heart and brain Vascular problems leave us.

Research found that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease kills more than half of people with diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes, lowering blood sugar and protecting the heart are equally important, blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipids, blood coagulation , body weight should reach the target, and use drugs with cardiovascular protection under the guidance of doctors.

NO.2Learn to self-identify the clues of diabetes complications

Diabetes complications are the main culprit in shortening the life expectancy of diabetic patients. Diabetes complications may occur if the following symptoms occur:< /p>

1. blood sugar higher than 13.9mmol/L, there may be ketone bodies, which may lead to diabetes The possibility of ketoacidosis, you should drink plenty of water at this time, and at the same time lower your blood sugar through medication.

2. The foam does not dissipate after urinating, go to the hospital to check for white urine Protein/creatinine ratio to see if it is early diabetic nephropathy.

3. Cover one eye to see if there are objectsblurs, distortions, black spots and other abnormal manifestations, and then do the test with the other eye. If you have the above symptoms, go to the ophthalmologist to see if you have diabetic eye disease.

4. If you feel frequent numbness, pain, inability to walk for long distances in the lower limbs, There is a possibility of neuropathy or lower extremity vascular disease, requiring immediate medical attention.

Some diabetes complications are symptomatic, and some diabetes complications do not appear until later stages. Therefore, diabetic patients should have a comprehensive medical examination for diabetes complications every year. You can’t tell if you have diabetes complications just by how you feel.

NO.3 Once infected, treat aggressively

Bacteria and viruses like sweet tastes, and they often invade the body following the “sweetness”, leading to concurrent infections in diabetic patients. If not treated in time, they will evolve into more serious diseases, such as a common “cold” that eventually evolves into severe pneumonia. At first, a small wound on the foot led to the eventual amputation and death.

Infection has become one of the leading causes of death in people with diabetes.

So, the seemingly ordinary “little things” like colds, fevers, small skin breaks, Diabetic patients should not carry it by themselves, it is more reassuring to let the doctor see it, do you think so?

During the Qingming Festival, please take care of yourself while remembering your loved ones!

Author: zfy