If you have high blood pressure and take amlodipine every day, please understand these 3 questions

Mr. Han is a very serious person and has strict requirements for others. In the work, because of this resolute and resolute style, he was quickly promoted to the group leader, and he was still the kind with outstanding performance.

But Mr. Han is a personis more impatient and gets angry easily, sometimes in order to rush work, I often lose my temper with the team members, which makes the whole office tense.

Some time ago, in order to catch up with a project, everyone worked overtime to do it together. Mr. Han was a little dissatisfied after seeing the results. The team members were asked to revise it again, but everyone felt that it was Mr. Han’s fault, so the contradiction arose, and the two sides quarreled.

Just as the two sides were arguing, Mr. Han suddenly felt his cheststuffed,heartbeatalsoaccelerated< /span>A lot, everyone saw that Mr.’s face was wrong, so he was rushed to the hospital.

Fortunately, after some rescue by the doctor, Mr. Han did not have a major problem. Afterwards, the doctor asked Mr. Han if he had heart problems or other diseases before. Mr. Han shook his head and denied that his heart has always been good, but recentlyhigh blood pressure, and has been taking Amlodipinefor several days.

The doctor asked Mr. Han again if he had ever experienced heart palpitations since taking amlodipine, and he also had a problem with amlodipine. What problems have you had. I also recalled here and said that there were never any side effects, and because the antihypertensive effect of amlodipine was not obvious these days, I increased the dose myself.

After listening, the doctor finally understood what Mr. Han’s problem was. It turned out to be Mr. Han, because the dosage of the drug was not good. Obviously, he increased the dose by himself and caused the symptoms to appear. The doctor reminded Mr. Han that in the first few days of taking amlodipine, the antihypertensive effect may not be obvious, but do not change the dosage of the drug on this point , there may be drug side effects.

For patients with hypertension, amlodipine is very familiar. In the process of taking, there will inevitably be problems of one kind or another. In this article, we will talk about the problems of taking amlodipine.

Before we talk about these issues, we must first understand how amlodipine works after entering the human body. effective.

I. How does amlodipine exert its antihypertensive effect?

At present, all the Norvox and Annezine used in the market are amlodipine.

Clinically, amlodipine belongs todihydropyridine calcium Channel antagonists can selectively inhibit cellscalcium ion channels.

We know that normal myocardial and smooth muscle contraction depends on extracellular calcium ions, which enter cells through specific ion channels and are produced. Amlodipine acts on smooth muscle cells and cardiomyocytes, effectively regulating Intracellular calcium concentration.

Amlodipine viaexpansion peripheralarterioles, reducing peripheral resistance, thereby reducing cardiomyocytes’ demand for nutrients and oxygen; span>

At the same time, amlodipine dilates both normal and ischemic regionscoronaries Dilation of arteries, and coronary arterioles, improvesmyocardial ischemia and reduces myocardial oxygen consumption, maintain the normal operation of cardiomyocytes and maintain the normal physiological function of the heart, thereby dilating coronary and systemic blood vessels, and reducing blood pressure.

So amlodipine can treat blood pressure , can be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs to reduce the number of angina attacks.

As a clinical first-line antihypertensive drug, amlodipine The onset time is slow, and the peak blood concentration can be reached 6~12 hours after taking the drug. Continuous use7 days , the plasma concentration can reach a steady state.

Its half-life reaches 30~50 hours, so take amlodipineDon’t be in a hurry, the blood pressure may not be well controlled at the beginning, but once the drug reaches its effect, the effect is very impressive.

In the process of taking, do not change or adjust the dose at will to prevent the occurrence of drug side effects.

Next, let’s talk about some problems that will occur when taking amlodipine regularly. Everyone should pay attention to it during the medication process.

Second, if you have high blood pressure and take amlodipine every day, these 3 A question must be clarified!

As a common clinical antihypertensive drug, amlodipine is highly safe, but it does not mean that it has no problems. For hypertensive patients who take amlodipine every day, these three questions should be understood during the medication process.

First, you must be aware of the side effects of amlodipine.

Amlodipine dilates blood vessels and relieves the burden on the heart and blood vessels, but if Excessive dilation of cerebral blood vessels, patients will experience headache, dizziness, excessive expansion of peripheral arteries, accelerated blood flow, and also appearBlushing.

Amlodipine can reflexively increase heart rate, and for some hypertensive patients, it may itselfHeartbeatJustspeed up, after taking amlodipine, there may bepalpitations< /span> symptoms, so patients with heart failure should avoid medication.

Amlodipine dilates arterial blood vessels much more than venous blood vessels, resulting in slightly higher venous blood pressure. Interstitial fluid seeps into the veins, resulting in edema of the lower extremities and ankles. Generally, the edema caused by amlodipine does not appear from the beginning of taking the medicine, and it may take a long time to appear after taking the medicine.

In addition, nearly one-fifth of patients taking calcium antagonists such as amlodipine for a long time may developGum hyperplasia, toothache. But after stopping the drug, this adverse reaction can be weakened and gradually disappear.

In addition, some patients who take amlodipine experience Allergicreaction, skin itching, rash and other problems; some patients may experience gastrointestinal tractafter taking amlodipine Reaction, the patient will feel dry mouth, abdominal distension, nausea, unable to eat, these are not major problems, and the symptoms will generally disappear when the drug is stopped. However, patients with the above symptoms, it is best to take other types of antihypertensive drugs.

Second, pay attention to the dosage and timing of amlodipine.

Clinically, commonly used amlodipine includes amlodipine besylate (or amlodipine maleate) Dipine) a dose of 5mg, and levamlodipine besylate, the size is generally 2.5mg, 2.5mg levamlodipine and 5mg amlodipine dose equivalent.

As third-generation calcium channel blockers, amlodipine and levamlodipine belong to span>Depot, amlodipine, for the treatment of hypertension in adults, starting dose of 5 mg , once daily, up to a maximum dose of 10 mg. In elderly patients with hepatic insufficiency, the starting dose is 2.5 mg once daily.

Amlodipine can exert antihypertensive effect within 4 hours after taking it for the first time, but patients need After taking it for one week, will reach a relatively stable blood pressure state .

The doctor’s principle of lowering blood pressure is to gradually adjust to a safer dosage within 4 weeks. The reason why the blood pressure is not allowed to drop too low is to prevent the blood pressure from dropping too fast and causing obvious discomfort to the patient.

Third, pay attention to the combination of amlodipine and other antihypertensive drugs .

Amlodipine can be combined with other antihypertensive drugs, synergistic Antihypertensivecan not only reduce the dosage, but also reduce adverse reactions and better control blood pressure.

The dosage of the combination should be based on the actual condition of the patient, Personalized adjustments.

GeneralStart with a small dose , adjust the dosage according to the drop in blood pressure. Dose adjustments can also be made quickly if clinically warranted, with close patient monitoring.

The above precautions regarding the use of amlodipine should be handled with caution if the patient encounters it.

In addition to controlling high blood pressure with medication, there are many things that patients with high blood pressure need to pay attention to in their daily life. Healthy people should also pay attention to the daily precautions for high blood pressure, because this is also the focus of preventing high blood pressure.

Third, how to properly prevent and control the occurrence of hypertension?

With the improvement of people’s living standards and the aging of the population, more and more people have joined the ranks of high blood pressure, so how to prevent and control high blood pressure , has also become an important daily task.

In fact, the prevention and control of high blood pressure is not as difficult as imagined. The following aspects of the problem, healthy life, you can well control high blood pressure.

1. Have common sense in life to prevent hypertension .

Knowing that high blood pressure can cause harm to the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, and once you start taking medicine for high blood pressure, you should not take it at will Stop the drug, and pay attention to this disease from the consciousness.

2. Take care to maintain a normal weight.

It is best to develop a regular patternexercise span>, it can not only maintain a stable body weight, prevent obesity, but also increase the body’s oxygen consumption through exercise, making the cardiopulmonary function more healthy.

3. Pay attention to physical examination.

A yearly comprehensive physical exam can help you understand your blood pressure. For patients with hypertension, physical examination can detect the control of hypertension in the previous period, and provide a diagnostic basis for subsequent hypertension treatment.

4. Develop good work and rest habits.

DevelopmentEarly to bed and early to riseThe law of life, if you often stay up late, lack of sleep will lead to high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease and sleep disorders are also closely related. Therefore, planning your daily routine, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and ensuring adequate sleep can effectively prevent high blood pressure.

5 .Adjust your diet.

Excessive intake of sodium salt is a cause of high blood pressure, so pay attention to the daily salt intake The dosage should be less than 5 grams. eat a light diet, don’t eat too fatty food, reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol Into, such as animal offal, fatty meat, fried food, eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality protein, etc.

Don’t drink too many caffeinated beverages and teas, and develop the habit of not smoking or drinking.

6. Keep your mind balanced.

The occurrence of high blood pressure is closely related to a person’s mental state, if the mood is unstable, the fluctuation is obvious, or Stressed and often on the verge of collapse, such people are prone to high blood pressure.

So to prevent and control high blood pressure, learn to manage emotions< /strong>, release pressure, learn to self-enlightenment, don’t be too preoccupied, be good to yourself and others.

Summary: As a common chronic disease, high The blood pressure population is getting larger and larger. In order to control blood pressure, in addition to the problems to be paid attention to in life, safe medication is also equally important. As a first-line antihypertensive drug in clinical use, amlodipine should be taken according to the doctor’s advice. In the early stage, because the antihypertensive effect is not obvious, like Mr. Han, you should increase the dosage or even change the medicine yourself. While stabilizing blood pressure, we must also pay attention to medication safety.


1. “Pharmacological Analysis and Clinical Effect Evaluation of Amlodipine” Health Must Read 2019.11

2. “Standardized Management of Hypertensive Patients” People’s Health Publishing House Sun Ningling
