If you have fatty liver, develop these 4 good habits, or it may improve fatty liver, you might as well try

Liver can detoxify the body, secrete bile to promote digestion, produce and store blood, Promote the synthesis of secretory protein, etc.

If the liver is affected by adverse factors such as drugs, diseases, obesity, etc., it may cause the fat content in liver cells to exceed 5% of liver wet weight. The condition is called fatty liver.

Clinically, fatty liver can be divided into light, medium and heavy . The fat content in the liver is 5%-10%, it is light fatty liver, the fat content is 10%-25% it is medium fatty liver, if the fat content is 10%-25% If the content is 25%-50%, it is called severe fatty liver.

Clinically, fatty liver is not an independent disease, most of which exist steatosis, steatohepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis, which need timely treatment Regular treatment and improvement of living and eating habits can control liver disease.

I hereby tell you that if you develop the following 4 habits, fatty liver can be improved.

1. Don’t drink alcohol. Drinking is a habit of many people. After drinking, the liver needs to metabolize the alcohol in the drink, making it more burdensome.

Especially prolonged drinking can cause serious damage to liver cells, resulting in alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis or liver cancer.

If people with fatty liver do not want to get worse, they should stop drinking alcohol in time to avoid worsening of liver disease.

2. Healthy eating. People with fatty liver should develop healthy eating habits.

For example, you should control the amount of food you eat every day, you should not eat too much at one time, and the diet should be light and easy to digest, and you should control carbs, fats, and sugars >intake, and it must be matched with the nutrition of the food;

can keep the body’s nutrition balanced, so that serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels

strong>Reduce, liver fat can also be reduced.

3. Drink plenty of water. Anyone knows that water is the source of life, and the human body must maintain adequate water to maintain normal functions.

For the liver, adequate water can enhance metabolism and allow liver cells to better repair and regenerate.

If you suffer from fatty liver, you should develop the habit of drinking more water, so that the blood and urine are diluted, so that the toxins in the body are smoothly excreted, and the fat in the liver is consumed at the same time, so that Fatty liver improved.

4. More sports. Patients with fatty liver who want to reduce liver fat can do appropriate exercise. Exercise can speed up the

metabolism, which is good for burning fat in the body, so that the calories in the body are consumed, and the fat in the liver will become less and less.

In addition, exercise can effectively exercise the bones, ligaments, and muscles of the whole body, and enhance the body’s immunity and disease resistance. It is also beneficial to improve fatty liver.

It should be noted that patients with fatty liver should avoid excessive physical exertion when exercising, so as not to increase the burden on the liver, make the body uncomfortable, and cause liver disease to worsen.

After the detection of fatty liver, the patient needs to decide according to the condition treatment method. For example, mild fatty liver can be treated conservatively first, and if the condition is more serious, medication should be taken to control the condition.

At the same time, develop the above 4 habits, to do not drink alcohol, eat healthy, drink more water, exercise more, In addition, fatty liver patients should avoid drug abuse and excessive mood swings, in order to better prevent fatty liver from becoming more serious.