If you have cancer in your body, you will know when you sleep? 3 manifestations that appear during sleep may be a warning of cancer

Old Zhang attaches great importance to his body and will participate in the unit’s physical examination every year. In this physical examination, he specially added the item of cardiac color Doppler. Thickened and enlarged, the doctor said, Lao Zhang, this should be heart damage caused by high blood pressure.

This made Lao Zhang worried. During his physical examination, the blood pressure test showed normal. Why is this? Afterwards, the doctor passed a 24-hour blood pressure test, found that Lao Zhang’s blood pressure increased when he went to bed at night, and all this was actually a fight with Lao Zhang Ai snoring related.

“Doesn’t snoring mean that I slept soundly?” Lao Zhang was very puzzled. Doctors say snoring, although common, can even be dangerous to your own health.

I. Snoring at night, or more prone to cancer

Nocturnal snoring, some are normal, some are disease-related. Generally speaking, simple and habitual snoring should not be too stressful.

Simple snoring is mainly caused by improper sleeping posture, nasal congestion, drinking before bed, etc. The snoring is relatively stable and regular, which is not a big problem for individuals , without special treatment.

Habitual snoring refers to snoring from a young age and has formed a habit. Snoring is relatively loud and lasts a long time, so don’t worry too much.

note thatobstructive sleep Snoring caused by apnea, snoring is heavy and loud, and during snoring, breathing interruption and apnea may occur.

Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when airflow through the airway is obstructed during sleep, causing rapid airflow to form a vortex as it passes through a narrowing of the upper airway , causing vibrations near the soft tissues of the mouth or throat, which can lead to snoring. When the airflow is continuously compressed, there will be difficulty in breathing, or even the critical situation of breathing interruption and stop.

Obstructive sleep apnea is very common, affecting approximately 10% of adults worldwide Obstructive sleep apnea. In my country, there are not a few adults who snore while sleeping. There are about 150 million people, and nearly half of them are middle-aged and elderly people who will definitely snore when sleeping.

Obstructive sleep apnea is no small thing, a 22-year US study found that compared with normal people< /span>,patients with obstructive sleep apnea have higher cancer incidence, tumor aggressiveness, and cancer mortality< span>.

Among them, the mortality rate of cancer in patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea is 2 times that of normal people, and the mortality rate of cancer in patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea is 4.8% in the normal population. times.

Therefore, if snoring during sleep has affected normal life, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time.

Second, there are 3 manifestations of sleeping, which may be cancer.

There is cancer in the body, and the body usually has some manifestations. If these things happen at night, pay more attention.

1. Insomnia disorder

Insomnia disorder is not ordinary insomnia, it refers to frequent occurrence of insomnia Continued difficulty in falling asleep or maintaining sleep leads to insufficient sleep satisfaction, while social impairment occurs.

Tumor patients often have insomnia disorder, and the disorder of the sleep-wake cycle can cause endocrine disorders and reduce immune function . Studies have found that postmenopausal women who suffer from severe insomnia for a long time have an increased risk of developing thyroid cancer.

How to judge whether it is normal insomnia or insomnia disorder? It mainly depends on whether the following 3 points are met:

At least two or three nights a week cannot fall asleep or sleep quality is not good; the situation of poor sleep has lasted for at least one month; Because of poor sleep during the day, symptoms such as anxiety, palpitation, memory loss, and elevated blood sugar and blood pressure appear.

2. Bursting pain< /p>

Dr. Yu Shengji, Department of Orthopedics, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences pointed out that one of the manifestations of bone metastases from cancer is intermittent pain in the initial stage, which later develops into persistent or bursting pain, especially after suffering from cancer Bone metastases should be alerted when nighttime bursting pain occurs.

Also, there may be osteosarcoma, specifically manifested as pain in the limbs at night and lumps in the feet, which can easily be mistaken for growing pains or sports strains. You should be vigilant and learn to distinguish.

3. Simultaneous headache and vomiting

Headache and vomiting often occur when sleeping at night. The headache is concentrated in the forehead, back of the occiput and both sides. The vomiting is manifested as projectile vomiting. Worsening as the headache worsens, it may be a sign ofan intracranial tumor.

Three, how you sleep can affect your health

A person spends one third of his life sleeping, which shows the importance of sleep. But what counts as “good” sleep, do you really know?

1. Staying up late is dangerous, what time do you sleep well?

Stay up all night and stay up all the time? When your body can’t stand it, you will regret it too late. Staying up late for a long time is very harmful, affecting the rhythm of the biological clock, leading to lack of energy during the day, and easily negative emotions.

So what time is the best time to go to bed? A study by the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and other institutions showed that people who fell asleep between 10:00 and 11:00 pm had the lowest risk of cardiovascular disease, and those who went to bed at 12:00 pm or later had the highest risk of cardiovascular disease. From this point of view, it is recommended to go to bed between 10:00 and 11:00 pm to ensure adequate sleep time.

2. Is it reliable to sleep in bed on weekends?

Can staying up late on weekdays and sleeping late on weekends to supplement sleep can offset the harm of lack of sleep? It might work once or twice, but it won’t work in the long run.

Research finds that doing so disrupts circadian rhythms, increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes risk. Therefore, if you stay up all night on weekdays, you can take a nap at noon the next day, or go to bed early on weekends to return to normal sleep time. In addition, , sleep more is not better, sleeping for too long will make people lack energy and reduce appetite.

3. Wrong sleeping position, body suffers

What position do you like to sleep in at night ? Generally speaking, sleeping on the stomach and curled up are not good for health, for most people, the correct sleeping position Sleep on your side or on your back. Some patients with special diseases may be suitable for different sleeping positions.

In this way, sleeping is really a science! Sleep is very important to human health. Abnormal sleep symptoms may also be a sign of disease. Everyone should develop good living habits, ensure high-quality sleep, and pay attention to their sleep status at any time, and seek medical examination in time if any abnormality is found.


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[3] “Sleep on the left side sad? Sleeping on the right side hurts the liver? Which sleeping position is best? After reading it, you will know”. Popular Science China. 2021-12-14

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