If you don’t want your bones to become brittle, you must eat as little as possible of these three foods!

This article is transferred from: Health Times

Health Times

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The author of this article: Jia Shuaijun, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Orthopedics, Xi’an Red Cross Hospital, Shaanxi Province

In daily life, there are three types of food that can damage bones. If we don’t want the bones to become brittle, we must eat as little as possible.

1. Pickles

Many families like to eat steamed buns with pickles. Pickles contain a lot of salt. When the sodium ions in our body exceed the standard, they will flow out of the body with calcium ions. Eating pickles regularly can lead to the loss of calcium in the body. Over time, it can pose a threat to bone health. Therefore, for bone health, try to eat less pickles as much as possible.

Photo by Mao Yuanyuan in Health Times

2. Carbonated drinks

Many young people like to drink carbonated drinks, but drinking carbonated drinks for a long time will lead to a large loss of calcium in the body, which will lead to osteoporosis over time. For bone health, avoid drinking these beverages.

3. Fatty meat

Fat meat contains a lot of protein and fat. If you eat too much, it may cause excess calories and cholesterol levels. high, leading to obesity. Obesity puts stress on various organs of the body, and bones can also be affected. In addition, the digestion and absorption of fat requires the liver to secrete a large amount of bile. Excessive secretion of bile in the body will destroy the digestive system, which will also affect the body’s absorption of calcium, which is also detrimental to bone health.

If bone density continues to decline, it will lead to weakening of bone strength, increase in fragility, and even severe fractures. In the early stage of osteoporosis, the symptoms are generally general weakness or low back pain. If it is not effectively controlled, it will cause serious harm to the body in the later stage.

For the elderly, to prevent osteoporosis, we must first adhere to outdoor exercise, get more sun exposure, and eat more calcium-rich foods such as cabbage, radishes, and soy products. Regular check-ups help to detect diseases earlier.

More healthy living information

This article comes from: 2022-04-26 Health Times “Three foods are bad for bones”

Editor: Lu Yang

Reviewer: Yang Xiaoming