If you don’t want to be troubled by Alzheimer’s disease when you are old, you must develop these 5 habits, which may be effective in preventing

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that often occurs in the elderly. Although it will not threaten the patient’s life in a short period of time, after the emergence of Alzheimer’s disease, the patient will not only have symptoms such as disobedience, memory loss, and even There will also be problems that cannot be taken care of.

Relevant statistics show that in recent years, the number of elderly people over 60 years old in my country has reached 230 million, which means that the number of people with dementia is relatively large.

At the same time, modern research reports indicate that the rate of missed diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is now 73%. If so, the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease nationwide has exceeded 10 million.

So, If we don’t want to be troubled by Alzheimer’s disease when we are old, we must be prepared to deal with it. For example, the following habits, please stick to them .

1. Pay attention to your diet

< p>For the elderly, if you want to stay away from Alzheimer’s disease, you must start with your diet and stay away from foods high in sugar, cholesterol and salt.

Because sugar increases the risk of diabetes, which in turn affects the brain’s metabolic function, it increases the risk of Alzheimer’s.

High-cholesterol foods can easily damage blood vessels and cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. High-salt foods are one of the factors that increase blood pressure. In severe cases, Alzheimer’s disease can be induced.

2. Often use the brain

people Like other organs in the body, the brain follows the principle of “use it or lose it”. If you don’t use the brain for a long time, it will make the brain’s response sluggish and you will lose concentration.

So remind the elderly after retirement to cultivate more hobbies every day, such as practicing yoga, fishing, photography or reading magazines, which can stimulate the vitality of brain cells.

3, multi-sport

now Many people often sit for work and study. Although it saves energy, sitting still for a long time will compress the blood vessels; The transport to the brain makes the brain cells ischemia and hypoxia, causing symptoms of dizziness and fatigue, and may also cause cerebral blood vessel blockage over time.

On the contrary, insisting on aerobic exercise for about 40 minutes a day can promote blood flow, improve blood flow to the brain, and enhance brain function.

4. Drink green tea properly

Relevant studies have found that green tea is rich in polyphenolic antioxidants. Drinking some properly can increase brain cells, maintain the health of brain blood vessels, and shorten brain reaction time.

So if you want to prevent dementia in old age, you can use green tea to drink more water on weekdays, but you must pay attention to the concentration, especially for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, you must control the amount of drinking.

5. Avoid overeating

It is best to eat seven full meals for a meal, otherwise it will not only cause gastrointestinal discomfort, but also easily increase blood sugar and blood lipids, which will lead to increased blood viscosity, making blood vessels less elastic and less elastic. Problems such as sclerosis eventually affect the blood supply to the brain and are more likely to cause Alzheimer’s.

All in all, Alzheimer’s is more harmful and irreversible. Fortunately, preventive measures are taken. It can reduce the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease, so it is recommended that you master the five points of attention mentioned above, including drinking green tea properly, avoiding overeating and exercising more, using the brain regularly and paying attention to a balanced diet.

In addition, the elderly must have good work and rest habits. Generally speaking, they must fall asleep before 11 o’clock, and when they have enough sleep, they can clear the middle and senile plaques in the brain and maintain brain health. .
