If you can’t sleep well, the heart is full of fire, and if you have difficulty falling asleep, it is because of liver stagnation. It is recommended to eat 2 things regularly, or it may help you sleep.

Introduction: After a day’s fatigue, at night, you need to replenish your body’s energy through sleep. Having a good night’s sleep can make your body healthier. It is better to enter the working state. Many people have poor sleep quality. They often toss and turn at night and can’t fall asleep. Some people often stay up late and have bad habits, which will lead to insomnia. No matter what the cause, it is necessary to find a way to treat insomnia.

[Liver stagnation]

Liver qi stagnation is relatively common in daily life, liver qi can help everyone to expel toxins from the body. The body secretes better, increases endocrine, and promotes blood circulation. Often in an environment of high work pressure, liver qi will be stagnant, qi and blood will not run smoothly, sleep will be worse, awakening will occur, and shortness of breath, chest tightness, and mouth will also appear at night. dry tongue.

[Heart Fire] p>

People with strong heart will have redness on the tip of the tongue, especially oral problems are more likely to occur, and the mood will become irritable.

andpeople who are hot, have poor sleep quality, It affects the normal metabolism and operation of every organ in the body, causing diseases such as constipation and oral ulcers. Excessive heart fire is related to the kidneys. Therefore, in daily life, it is necessary to protect the health of the kidneys and avoid physical discomfort.

It is recommended to eat 2 foods frequently, or it may help sleep

1, Walnut

< span>People who often suffer from insomnia eat some walnuts properly to improve their sleep. Many people think that walnuts have the effect of nourishing the brain? Why can sleep be relieved? Eating walnuts properly can protect cardiovascular health, relieve insomnia, and walnuts contain melatonin. Eating some walnuts often can soothe the nerves, help sleep, and supplement nutrition for the body.

2. Honey

Honey is a natural nutrient. Eating honey properly can eliminate the excitement of the brain. Eating honey regularly can help relieve stress and help sleep. Among them, honey Glucose, vitamins and minerals can nourish the brain nerves, regulate the release of the nervous system and the brain, and promote sleep quality.

Health practitioners refer to honey as a health care product to soothe the nerves and help sleep. In addition to treating insomnia, honey also nourishes the skin , Detoxification, the effect of protecting the heart.

What does insomnia do to the body?

Immunity is weakened and it is easy to get sick: If a person has frequent insomnia, the body’s immunity will be reduced, The performance of cold, fever, and weakened immunity, the survey found that people who sleep less than 7 hours for two consecutive weeks are about three times more likely to catch a cold than those who sleep for 8 hours.

Injures organs and accelerates aging: Poor sleep quality, long-term staying up late will damage the heart When the load increases, the heart is sleeping normally. When resting, the beating of the feet will be slower than that during the day. If you do not sleep, the heart will work under high pressure for a long time, causing myocardial infarction. This is why many white-collar workers often stay up late to work overtime and experience sudden death. Only the heart has a great impact on other organs.

Illnesses:Insomnia and Cardiovascular There is no relationship between diseases. In fact, long-term insomnia will cause many diseases in the body, such as high blood pressure. Because of long-term insomnia, the body cannot rest and is overloaded, which will affect the organs of the body, except for high blood pressure, etc. Disease, insomnia on the liver damage is also greater.

Accelerated aging: People who suffer from insomnia more often than those who get enough sleep People who are old and often suffer from insomnia have a dull complexion, dark circles and bags under the eyes, giving people a feeling of lack of energy. Over time, wrinkles and stains appear, which accelerates the aging speed, especially for people after the age of 30, which is prone to occur. Insomnia, the situation is more serious, it is recommended to adjust, if necessary, drug treatment.