If you are old and tired, try the food “nutritional yeast”

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First time hearing about “nutritional yeast” and it felt like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Nutritional yeast (Nutritional yeast), also known as Nooch, can be added to many recipes for a cheesy and savory flavor.

It’s a popular food for vegetarians because it’s rich in nutrients, including protein, multiple vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants.

A good source of B vitamins and minerals, and a complete protein.

Doesn’t that sound weird? In today’s article, I will take you to learn about what is nutritional yeast, what benefits, how to eat it and precautions.

What is nutritional yeast?

So what is nutritional yeast? What are its characteristics?

Yeast is a fungi that is actually ubiquitous and a healthy bacteria in your gut that helps you absorb vitamins and minerals, Strengthen the immune system.

Also found in beer, bread, kombucha, fermented foods, kefir, yogurt, and many other healthy foods.

The nutritional yeastis the yeast species S. cerevisiae, cultivated for its special flavor and umami, and has become one of the popular nutritional foods.

Different types of yeast

Yeast is divided into three types:

Baker’s yeast, typically used in leavened bread. Yeast dies during cooking, but creates an earthy yeasty smell.

brewer’s yeast for brewing beer. Dead yeast cells left over from the brewing process can be used as a nutritional supplement, but have a bitter taste.

Nutritional yeast, which is grown for food, the yeast cells are deactivated during the manufacturing process. Can be used in cooking or as a condiment for savory or umami flavors.

nutrient content of nutritional yeast

Growers propagate nutritional yeast in media for a few days.

The yeast is then inactivated by heat, no longer alive, and washed, dried and crushed to create a variety of product.

The nutritional content of nutritional yeast may vary depending on the production environment.

One ​​serving (approximately two tablespoons or 30ml) also contains approximately 60 calories, 9 grams of protein, 5 grams Carbohydrates and 4 grams of fiber.

Nutritional yeast has complete plant protein containing nine essential amino acids that the body needs, can help vegans Get some extra high-quality protein.

Nutritional yeast is rich in B vitamins, especially B12, which vegetarians are prone to deficient in.

You can purchase nutritional yeast in two forms; fortified and unfortified.

Fortified nutritional yeast is the most common found in the “health food” section of most grocery stores will have.

Fortification means addition of extra vitamins during production to increase the nutritional content of the yeast.

Fortified nutritional yeast contains iron, B vitamins, zinc, selenium, manganese and other trace minerals that support health.

Unfortified nutritional yeast also produces natural vitamins and minerals as it grows.

Fortified nutritional yeast contains more B vitamins than unfortified varieties because extra amounts are added during the manufacturing process .

Only 2 teaspoons (5 grams) of fortified nutritional yeast contains:

Calories: 20;

Protein: 3 grams;

Fat: 0 g;

Carbohydrates: 2 grams;

Sugar: 0 g;

Fiber: 4% of the Daily Value (DV);

Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 246% of DV;

Niacin (vitamin B3): 109% of DV;

Vitamin B6: 212% of DV;

Folic acid (vitamin B9): 59% of DV;

Vitamin B12: 313% of DV;

Iron: 2% of DV;

Potassium: 2% of DV;

However, both fortified and non-fortified nutritional yeast contain the antioxidants glutathione and selenomethionine;

These can prevent oxidative stress, protecting your body from many chronic diseases.

Health benefits of nutritional yeast

The many health benefits of nutritional yeast may be related to its high-quality nutrients.

Stable blood sugar

The fiber and protein in nutritional yeast can help stabilize blood sugar after meals and prevent blood sugar spikes.

Reduces the blood sugar roller coaster and helps appetite.

Vitamin B12 Supplement

Vitamin B12 is important for the nervous system and helps promote the health of DNA and red blood cellshealthy operation.

In general, vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products and is hard to obtain for people on a vegan diet that does not eat animal products. enough vitamin B12.

If you can add fortified nutritional yeast to your vegan diet, it can help you get B12 and prevent depression, emotional problems, injury brain.

Immunity boost

In animal studies, yeast has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can protect your body from infection and help boost immunity.

It prevents harmful bacteria from attaching to the intestinal lining, stimulates immune cells, and binds to toxins to reduce the risk of viruses.

Relieves fatigue and benefits the brain

Nutritional yeast is rich in B vitamins, can help you feel less tired and clear and quick thinking.

B vitamins play a vital role in energy production and brain function, and nutritional yeast provides multiple B vitamins , to help you meet your daily needs.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants

Antioxidants fight free radicals, unstable molecules that increase the risk of disease.

Research has found that nutritional yeast contains glutathione and selenomethionine to protect your body from chronic diseases and reduce the risk of ( Including: heart disease, cancer, macular degeneration, etc.) risk of chronic diseases.

These compounds may also help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals and heavy metals, helping your body eliminate environmental toxins.

and raised in an environment trans-fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan, it’s pretty safe and healthy a kind of food.

How to eat and precautions

Nutritional yeast is a tasty and healthy food that will suit most people’s tastes.

How to eat nutritional yeast

As anyone who has eaten nutritional yeast knows, it has a unique nutty and cheesy flavor, salty.

It can be eaten in many ways, and you can add it to any meal to enhance its umami and nutritional value.

Here are some edible additions suggestions:

You can sprinkle nutritional yeast on top of cold dishes.

It can be added to konjac noodles or other dishes, or used in place of cheese.

Add to vegetable soup or bone broth, nutritional yeast will enhance the cheesy flavor and make the soup thick .

Pairing with roasted vegetables and roasted meat: For those who like roasted vegetables, you can pair it with nutritional yeast. After mixing, stir well and taste good. It can also be added to grilled meat and sprinkled after it’s cooked.

Add to eggs and scramble together for a cheesy and savory flavor, perfect for eggs and omelets.

If you’re a vegetarian, you can add it to silken tofu, which is also a good option.

Storage method

Nutritional yeast is best stored in a cool, dry, dark place with a lid tightly to prevent moisture and oxygen from damaging nutrients Yeast nutrients.

When stored properly, nutritional yeast has a shelf life of approximately two years.

Risks or Side Effects of Nutritional Yeast

You may need to avoid or limit nutritional yeast intake if you have the following conditions or reactions:

Allergies to yeast, should avoid nutritional yeast completely.

Difficult to metabolize folic acid (the synthetic form of vitamin B9), try unfortified nutritional yeast.

With migraines caused by the amino acid tyrosine, don’t eat large amounts of nutritional yeast.

Have Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) or a sensitive digestive tract and become constipated if you eat yeast because the fiber in nutritional yeast may cause indigestion , in this case, it is recommended to eat less and control the amount.

Other than this, healthy people should be able to metabolize a few tablespoons of nutritional yeast per day without any health problems.

Of course, eat moderate everything, if you eat too much.

Make sure you eatno adverse reactions, and if so, reduce the amount. .

Key Thin Dragon Says

Nutritional yeast should be vegan and keto-friendly.

Not only is it packed with vitamins, minerals, and complete protein, it can also help you control appetite, reduce overeating, and maintain a healthy weight.

If you follow a strict vegan diet, nutritional yeast can provide you with even more health benefits and make up for the lack of nutrients.

For example, vitamin B12, which is difficult to obtain from other vegan foods, was once a popular food for vegans abroad.

Ketogenic dieters, if you lack B group, you can also try.

Of course, it’s not a must-eat, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t.