If women want to prevent arthritis, they must do 4 things, which may prevent arthritis from happening

Arthritis refers to inflammation that occurs in the joints and is a general term for various types of arthritic diseases.

According to relevant survey data, there are as many as 100 million arthritis patients in my country, and the number is still increasing, especially women between the ages of 35 and 55 are the high-risk groups of arthritis , has exceeded 20%.

The occurrence of this result is not only related to the increase of age, but also over strain, heredity, genes, obesity, etc. are all important factors, especially after the age of 45, women’s ovarian function declines , estrogen levels drop, articular cartilage metabolism is weakened, and degenerative changes are more likely to occur.

Therefore, female friends must do the following to prevent arthritis thing!

1. Wear less high-heeled shoes

As age increases, female friends should wear less high-heeled shoes, because high-heeled shoes will increase Stress on the knee, over time, can also accelerate joint degeneration, which can lead to knee arthritis.

2. Pay attention to calcium supplements

Calcium is gradually lost in the process of increasing age. If calcium is not supplemented in time, it is easy to develop arthritis. Therefore, female friends should try to supplement calcium after the age of 30, such as eating more soy products and drinking more milk. Because it is richer in calcium.

In addition to sun exposure, the reason is that sun exposure can promote the synthesis of vitamin D, and Vitamin D can also speed up the absorption of calcium.

3. Active exercise

Think To avoid the occurrence of arthritis, women should continue to exercise, but try to avoid sports that damage the bones, such as climbing stairs and climbing mountains, etc., because these sports carry a larger load on the knee, which is about 3 to 6 times that of the body. This is bound to cause mechanical wear to the joints.

Normally speaking, slow running, yoga and other exercise methods can achieve very good results, of course, if physical fitness allows, you can also add strength training appropriately, especially It’s a thigh workout, which helps spread the stress out of your knees.

But remind female friends with a large weight base, Don’t run at first, it is recommended to choose swimming method, which is more friendly to the knee joint.

4. Avoid prolonged sitting

Compared with people who insist on exercising, people who have been sedentary for a long time are more likely to suffer from arthritis. This is because when people sit, the burden on the body is on the waist, and the blood circulation in the lower limbs slows down , It is easy to have the problem of blood viscosity, which in turn affects the joint operation of the lower limbs.

In addition, the joints need synovial fluid to lubricate, but if you don’t exercise for a long time, the cartilage will lose its stickiness, which will make you more prone to joint diseases.

Finally and most importantly, many people like to cross their legs when sitting for a long time , And when Erlang’s legs are tilted, the pressure on the knee joint is greater.

At the same time, it will also cause abnormal distortion of the joints, aggravate the degree of cartilage wear, and over time, cartilage dystrophy, which will also induce joint inflammation.

All in all, through the above content, we have learned the principle of arthritis, and more women friends The reason why it is easy to be troubled by arthritis is actually related to calcium deficiency, often wearing high heels and increasing age.

In addition, female friends should avoid cold joints on weekdays, especially in summer, when staying in an air-conditioned room, it is best to wear long clothes and trousers.