If there is insufficient yang energy in a woman’s body, there may be three manifestations in the body. There are 4 methods, and you should follow them.

Yang qi is the foundation of a person’s survival. If a person has strong yang qi, the body’s ability to resist diseases will be stronger, and the body will be healthier. If yang qi is insufficient , there will be some problems in the body. Today’s people have to face invisible pressure, coupled with changes in living habits, will accelerate the consumption of yang in the body. What problems will occur in women if there is insufficient yang in the body?

If there is insufficient yang qi in a woman’s body, the body will have three manifestations:

1. Cold hands and feet

Insufficient yang qi will affect blood circulation in the body. The hands and feet are peripheral nerves and cannot be supplied by blood and cannot be maintained. At a constant temperature, the body will be afraid of the cold, and the hands and feet are always cold. Even when the weather is hot, hands and feet are always icy cold, making people feel a little cool.

2. Hair loss and hair loss

Hair is a flower from the kidneys , kidneys are good, hair is thick, black and shiny. However, if the kidneys are weak and the kidney yang is insufficient, the hair will become sparse and dry, and the hair will not be nourished in time.

3. Pale complexion

Yang and Qi Blood has a very close relationship, yang qi is sufficient, qi and blood are full, and the complexion is ruddy and shiny. With deficiency of yang qi, qi and blood will not run smoothly. After a long time, the body will appear the phenomenon of insufficient qi and blood, and the complexion will be pale, lackluster and lack luster.

How do female friends usually replenish yang energy? Here are 4 methods to share with you, follow them, replenish yang energy, and avoid getting sick!

1. Eat more Yang Yang food

Life If you want to supplement yang energy, you can eat more foods that nourish yang, such as ginger, tuckahoe, red dates, longan, chestnut, lychee, pineapple, goat milk, milk, black rice, barley, venison, lamb, mulberries, walnuts Wait. Eating these foods regularly can improve the deficiency of yang qi and play a role in warming and nourishing kidney yang.

2. Drink warm water

Drink more warm water every day to help Replenishing water can dispel cold and dehumidify, warm the body, enhance yang qi, warm the body, and make the complexion rosy and shiny.

3. Keep the body warm

Cold can pass through the body Some of the acupuncture points or joints enter the body, causing blockage of blood circulation, affecting blood circulation and damaging yang qi. Therefore, if female friends want to have enough yang, they should keep their bodies warm in their daily life. You can use a hot water bottle to warm the body parts, such as the waist, abdomen, ankles, etc.

4. Sunbathing

The sun is the biggest in nature” Yang Qi furnace” is also the most economical method of replenishing Yang. The Baihui Point on the body and the Governor Vessel on the back are the sea of ​​yang qi. Frequent sun exposure on the head and back can obtain the yang qi in nature. However, remember to sunscreen when basking in the sun, especially for female friends who love beauty, apply some sunscreen when basking in the sun, to avoid the ultraviolet rays in the sun from sunburning the skin.

Finally, if female friends want to supplement yang energy, they must remember less in their life.Greed for cold, do not drink cold drinks, cold water, ice water, etc.; also do not eat some cold foods, such as sashimi, etc.; also do not blow air conditioners for a long time when the weather is hot, these habits will damage the body’s yang Qi, reduce the body’s immunity, causing physical discomfort.

Note: The picture is from the Internet