I thought it was chronic pharyngitis, but esophageal cancer was found. How to distinguish between the two? 4 differences to keep in mind

Mr. Liu is 55 years old this year. Since he was a child, he has a “hot” temperament. He likes to do everything quickly, especially when it comes to eating. When I was a child, in order to watch more TV, almost every meal only took five minutes to complete. When he grows up and works, he usually drinks a large cup of hot water and hot tea after meals to help digestion.

About three months ago, Mr. Liu found himself swallowing foodwith a distinct foreign body sensation , and often also feel dry and tight in the throat. At first I thought it was caused by pharyngitis, but after I bought some anti-inflammatory drugs and took it, there was no improvement. His condition became more and more serious, and his normal eating was affected. After going to the hospital for examination, he found a tumor deep in the esophagus, which was later diagnosed as intermediate esophageal cancer,Need immediate surgical treatment.

In clinical practice, many patients, like Mr. Liu, mistaken esophageal cancer for pharyngitis. Mr. Liu was lucky. When he was found, his condition was still in the middle stage. Recovered and discharged.

First, there is a fatal carelessness called treating esophageal cancer as pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the upper respiratory tract, mainly manifested as diffuse chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, pharyngeal lymphoid tissue and submucosal tissue. Patients will feel obvious foreign body sensation, dryness and burning sensation in their pharynx. As a result, the patient’s immunity gradually declines, and some other complications may even be induced.

Data published by “Life Times” shows that about 60~70% of Chinese people have pharyngitis of varying degrees, among which chronic pharyngitis. The incidence of pharyngitis has reached 30~50%, and the number has a gradual upward trend.

Ordinary people do not know the symptoms of esophageal cancer, and the incidence of chronic pharyngitis is high. It is easy to treat esophageal cancer as chronic pharyngitis and delay treatment, which brings great harm. . If esophageal cancer develops to the middle stage, the 5-year survival rate is only 50-60%, and the 5-year survival rate of patients with advanced stage is only 3-5%.

Actually, pharyngitis and esophageal cancer are very different in symptoms , but many people always “self-righteous” think that the abnormality of the pharynx must be inflammation, so that they miss the best time for treatment.

Second, pharyngitis and esophageal cancer, stop being silly!

1. Middle-aged and elderly people with frequent esophageal cancer

Chronic pharyngitis can occur in people of any age. Esophageal cancer mostly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people, and the high-risk age group is 45-65 years old.

2. There is no obvious incentive for esophageal cancer

The pathogenesis of chronic pharyngitis may be related to Climate, dietary stimulation and systemic diseasesrelated, while the occurrence of esophageal cancer is the result of accumulation over time, and there is no obvious incentive.

3. Esophageal cancer has more severe dysphagia

Chronic pharyngitis usually occurs in quiet There will be obvious foreign body sensation when swallowing, the foreign body sensation will be relieved when eating, and the foreign body sensation will reappear after eating, and there will be no blocking feeling when eating, and it will feel difficult to swallow food.

The sensation of swallowing a foreign body caused by esophageal cancer is generally accompanied by burning sensation and retrosternal pain, Difficulty swallowing solid foods can occur early on. As the disease progresses, difficulty swallowing semi-solid and liquid foods, and even saliva becomes difficult later on. There will also be obvious blockage and stagnation when eating.

4. Esophageal cancer accompanied by multiple symptoms strong>

Chronic pharyngitis can cause dryness, burning and itching of the throat, and some patients may also have a short cough. Patients with esophageal cancer often experience retrosternal and esophageal pain accompanied by burning, pulling, friction, and fullness.

When you find some abnormal symptoms in your body, you must seek medical attention in time. Having said that, there is a very close relationship between the occurrence of esophageal cancer and diet. These bad eating habits are advised to change in time.

Third, the occurrence of esophageal cancer is closely related to diet, so avoid these foods!

A joint study by Department of Thoracic Surgery, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu Shuangliu District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and Lung Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University , included more than 16,000 subjects, including 6,668 patients in the case group and 9,468 patients in the control group, and summed up 14 dietary factors for the high incidence of esophageal cancer in China. Xiaoai helped everyone summarize some key points. These foods are all in daily life. Recommend everyone to eat less!

1. Hot food

“While “Hot eat” is ChineseOne of the traditional habits, however, food with a temperature above 65℃ has been identified as a group 2A carcinogen by WHO. The maximum temperature that our oral cavity and esophagus can tolerate is 50-60 °C. Once this temperature is exceeded, it will cause damage to the esophageal mucosa. Repeated damage and repeated repairs will easily lead to dysplasia of esophageal cells and eventually induce cancer.

2. Pickled food

There are a lot of fungi in pickled vegetables, some common The fungi can reduce nitrate to nitrite, promotingN-nitroso compounds form. This substance can induce esophageal cancer in animal experiments, which indicates that N-nitroso compounds may be the “culprit” of pickled food-induced esophageal cancer.

3, wine

Drinking alcohol is associated with an increased risk of esophageal cancer, especially in Western populations with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, 80% and 80% in men and women, respectively 40% of cases were associated with heavy drinking and smoking.

4. Salty food

Salt food will affect the mucous membrane of the esophagus< /span>Bring chemical irritation and chronic injury, easily induce the proliferation and degeneration of mucosal epithelial cells, and increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

Half of the new cases of esophageal cancer in the world are in China. You must not be careless about your own body, and seek medical attention in time when you find abnormal symptoms. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid some factors that may induce cancer in life as much as possible.


[1] Song Wenpeng, Wang Yan, Xie Jiayu, Lai Yutian, Li Jialong, Hu Yang. Chinese dietary factors and Correlation of esophageal cancer[J].Journal of Clinical and Pathology,2021,41(08):1915-1924.

[2] “It is said that people who forget to do this before going to bed, It is easy to suffer from “chronic pharyngitis””. Life Times. 2018.9.5

[3] “I thought it was chronic pharyngitis, but it turned out to be esophageal cancer! How should the two be distinguished? “. Oncology of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University. 2021.6.19

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