I thought it was a stomach problem, but I found out stomach cancer. I emphasize again: stomach cancer will “camouflage”, pay attention to 5 abnormalities


Uncle Li is 67 years old this year. Since he retired, he has been suffering from abdominal pain and bloating, but it usually relieves a lot after resting. Therefore, he always thought he had a stomach problem and did not go to the hospital for examination.

Two weeks ago, Uncle Li’s abdominal pain became more and more frequent, and the pain became more and more intense, which could not be relieved after rest, and even had nausea and vomiting.

I guessed that the stomach problem might be getting worse. Uncle Li came to the hospital for an examination. The doctor suggested a gastroscope. The result was that lesions were found as soon as the gastroscope went in. After further pathological examination, Uncle Li was diagnosed with Differentiated adenocarcinoma of gastric antrum.

The small stomach problem suddenly turned into stomach cancer. Uncle Li was caught off guard. He thought it was the doctor who made a mistake. After confirming the results again and again, Uncle Li regretted that he didn’t go to the hospital for examination earlier.

I. Will stomach disease develop into stomach cancer?

There are many causes of stomach problems. Irregular diet, such as irregular eating, binge drinking, excessive hunger, irregular eating, etc., can easily damage the health of the stomach; When a person is in a state of stress or overworked, gastric acid will be secreted too much, which will corrode the gastric mucosa, cause the imbalance of attack factors and protective factors, and easily cause local inflammation of the stomach. In addition, smoking a lot, staying up too late, etc. are also triggers of stomach problems.

Stomach disease is very common, and it is difficult to completely cure it. Therefore, some people worry that stomach disease will become gastric cancer if it does not heal for a long time.

In general, from common gastritis to gastric cancer, it will go through five steps: superficial gastritis→atrophic gastritis→intestinal metaplasia→dysplasia→gastric cancer. Among them, chronic atrophic gastritis With dysplasia is currently recognized as a precancerous lesion of gastric cancer, and patients with dysplasia of gastric mucosa have a higher risk of gastric cancer.

But at the same time, we must also realize that the process from gastritis to gastric cancer is relatively long, which takes about 10-20 years. In any stage before cancer, if it can be controlled and intervened in time, Block its process to the greatest extent and reduce the risk of gastric cancer.

In addition, I would like to remind everyone that some gastric cancers will also “disguise” as gastric diseases, such as malignant ulcers, which are actually a manifestation of gastric cancer Types and symptoms are not very different, only in imaging examinations. Therefore, once abnormal symptoms occur, do not take self-diagnosis for granted, and should go to the hospital for professional examination in time to prevent being “deceived” by gastric cancer.

Two and 5 symptoms, beware of gastritis and cancer

Although gastritis can also cause discomfort to patients, it can generally be effectively relieved by drug control. Symptoms do not appear repeatedly and intensely. If patients with stomach problems themselves experience increased discomfort or abnormal changes caused by non-external stimuli in the near future, they should be alert to the possibility of cancer.

1. Changes in the nature of pain

Pain is one of the most common clinical symptoms of advanced gastric cancer. Abdominal pain can be acute or slow, starting with abdominal fullness and discomfort, exacerbated after meals, and as the disease progresses, it will develop into dull and discomfort, occasionally rhythmic ulcer-like pain, but this kind of pain Not relieved after eating or taking antacids. The pain is generally irregular and progressive.

2. Masses in the upper abdomen

Gastric cancer may also appear as local masses. If there is a relatively fixed and hard mass in the upper abdomen, pain is felt when pressing, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, when the mass gradually increases, you should be highly alert to the tumor possible and must seek medical attention as soon as possible.

3. Heartburn and acid reflux

Stomach cancer is often accompanied by problems such as weakened gastric motility. After that, the stomach cannot empty the food to the small intestine through normal peristalsis, and the stomach acid may reflux into the esophagus with the food, resulting in the feeling of acid reflux and heartburn.

4. Black stools

When the body’s nutrient supply cannot keep up with the growth rate of the tumor, it will cause the tumor to produce part of the tumor due to lack of nutrients. necrosis, resulting in rupture and hemorrhage. Bleeding symptoms in the early stage of gastric cancer are not obvious enough, and these blood will be excreted with the intestines, because the iron in the blood will form iron sulfide, which will cause the color of the patient’s stool to change. If you have dark stools, you should get checked early.

5. Sudden weight loss

During the development of gastric cancer, the function of the stomach will decrease with the changes of the disease, and the patient’s diet Will be greatly affected, due to malnutrition and the phenomenon of weight loss. And if you are malnourished for a long time, it will lead to a lack of energy, that is, weakness. After eating, some patients can obviously feel bloating and belching, which greatly restricts their normal diet, resulting in progressive weight loss.

For how to detect early gastric cancer, Yongan, Deputy Chief Physician of Gastrointestinal Surgery, First Hospital of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province pointed out that the first thing to do is to pay attention to your stomach. Repeated or self-administered oral medication does not improve after medical treatment, and gastroscopy should be checked in time.

Third, there are so many gastric cancers in China, are they eaten?

According to medical statistics, there are 120 million gastrointestinal patients in China, and 400,000 new gastric cancer patients are diagnosed every year, accounting for 42% of the world’s gastric cancer incidence. The occurrence of gastric cancer is the influence of comprehensive factors. Under the joint action of many factors, after years of development, there is no progress in the middle.Any intervention will eventually develop into cancer. Among them, risk factors such as improper diet and Helicobacter pylori should be paid attention to.

1. Irregular diet hurts the stomach

Overeating, preferring dry, hard and hot food, raw and cold food, fast food, irregular meals Unhealthy eating patterns and habits such as irritability, angry eating, etc. may become the incentives for the occurrence of gastric cancer.

Because the repeated action of these factors can cause damage to the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing the susceptibility to carcinogens, such as frequent consumption of cold drinks, will cause gastric mucosal vasoconstriction and reduce its resistance. In addition, a survey has shown that the risk of gastric cancer in people who often eat irregular meals is 1.3 times that of the normal population, 1.5 times when they are angry, and 4.22 times when they like hot food.

If the above factors act synergistically, the relative risk of gastric cancer is higher. Therefore, if suffering from chronic stomach diseases, such as chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, and polyps, or people who have had gastrectomy; or >Those who smoke and drink alcohol for a long time, like to eat fried, smoked, preserved food, or eat irregular diets, even if they do not have gastric cancer-related symptoms, it is better to have a gastroscope every year.

2. The threat of Helicobacter pylori

Another authoritative evidence shows that Helicobacter pylori may be the “culprit” of gastric cancer. Once a person is infected with Helicobacter pylori, it will cause a series of gastric diseases such as chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer. Epidemiological research statistics show that people infected with Helicobacter pylori are at 2-6 times the risk of stomach cancer. Because it will repeatedly destroy the gastric mucosa, thereby causing gastritis and gastric ulcers. Under long-term stimulation, the gastric mucosa epithelial cells mutate, which may transform into precancerous lesions, and further develop into gastric cancer.

Helicobacter pylori has a high infection rate and recurrence rate worldwide. According to statistics, more than 50% of the world’s population is infected and recurs every year. The infection rate is 1.75% to 2.4%, and it is increasing year by year; the infection rate in developing countries is as high as 90%, and the annual recurrence rate is much higher than that in developed countries. It can be seen that it is imminent to curb Helicobacter pylori infection and reduce the incidence of gastric cancer.

Prevention is the most economical and effective health strategy, and lifestyle adjustment is crucial for the prevention of gastric cancer. To prevent gastric cancer, pay attention to overcoming bad diet and living habits, eating less fried food, high-salt and pickled food, not smoking, drinking less, and eating more fresh vegetables and fruits; unexplained loss of appetite, upper abdominal fullness, vomiting blood , abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, indigestion, anemia, melena, etc. should be vigilant; high-risk groups should have regular gastroscopy to improve the early diagnosis rate of gastric cancer; in addition, to prevent “bacteria” from entering the mouth, that is It is also recommended to use public chopsticks when eating, which is also the best way to prevent Helicobacter pylori infection.


[1] “Doctors teach you a small coup for preventing gastric cancer”. Senior Daily. 2021-08-19

[2] “Stomach Cancer” How much do you know about the symptoms and nursing measures of gastric cancer?”. Public Health News. 2021-06-03

[3] “Beware of the “Clues” of Gastric Cancer. People’s Political Consultative Conference News. 2021-04-07

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