“I never thought I could stand up!” 24-year-old woman paraplegic only because of tuberculosis?

“Thank you for your treatment, I never thought I would be able to stand up again…” On March 29, when 24-year-old Ms. Xiao was able to get out of bed and walk after treatment, she came to the doctor’s office and asked the medical staff Express thankfulness.

In March last year, Ms. Xiao, who lives in Shaoyang City, developed symptoms of back pain and slow movement.

She thought it was caused by bending over for a long time and not having a good rest, so she didn’t take it to heart.

But gradually, she found that she was walking more and more difficult, moving her legs a little bit hurts her heart, and even the most basic walking. , going to the toilet has become a problem.

In desperation, Ms. Xiao finally went to the hospital accompanied by her family and was diagnosed with spinal tuberculosis and incomplete paraplegia of both lower extremities.

Hearing this news, Ms. Xiao’s heart was like a bolt from the blue. When she thought that she was so young and could no longer stand up, she fell into deep despair.

Seeing Ms. Xiao like this, the family members felt pain in their hearts and took her everywhere to seek medical treatment.

Introduced by an acquaintance, in December last year, she was pushed by her family in a wheelchair to the Department of Orthopedics (Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine) of Hunan Chest Hospital. Department) visit.

At the time of admission, Deputy Chief Physician Zhou Jialin of the Department of Orthopedics (Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine) conducted a detailed examination.

The results showed that Ms. Xiao’s parts of the thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae and appendages, sternum and ilium were severely damaged, and tenderness of multiple spinous processes of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae< /strong>, level 0 muscle strength of both lower limbs.

If left untreated, various complications will occur. Long-term bed rest will cause movement disorders and reduce breathing volume.

Once the secretions from the respiratory tract are not discharged in time, or the discharge is not smooth, it will also cause lung infection, and in more severe cases, multiple organ failure may occur and lead to death.

The condition is critical and must be treated immediately.

In response to Ms. Xiao’s condition, the Department of Orthopedics (the first department of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine) immediately organized a joint consultation with medical staff, and formulated “Anti-tuberculosis drug treatment + surgery + rehabilitation training ” treatment plan.

Compared with the active treatment of the medical staff, Ms. Xiao’s attitude seems to be particularly depressed.

I often cry to my family, “I’m paraplegic, I can’t stand up anymore, this life will end just after the beginning…”

After Zhou Jialin found out about this situation, he regularly Enlighten Ms. Xiao, relieve her psychological pressure, and establish healing confidence for her.

Under the encouragement of the doctor, Ms. Xiao regained her spirits and began to actively cooperate with the treatment.

After systematic anti-tuberculosis drug treatment and rehabilitation exercises, Ms. Xiao can walk slowly with the support of her family, and the sensory and motor functions of both lower limbs are gradually recovering.

“The patient is usually healthy and has no clear family history of tuberculosis. In the course of the disease, he developed spinal tuberculosis and complete paraplegia of both lower extremities in just a few months. , the current therapeutic effect can indeed be called a miracle.”

Xiao Jingnan, director of the Department of Orthopedics (First Department of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine), Hunan Chest Hospital, introduced that spinal tuberculosis complicated by Paraplegia is a complication of spinal tuberculosis.

In the early stage or in the active stage of the disease, the tuberculosis material such as abscess, cheese-like material, granulation tissue, sequestrum, and necrotic intervertebral disc directly compresses the spinal cord.

In the late stage or healing stage, it is caused by dural granulation tissue fibrosis, hyperplasia, thickening, compression, spinal deformity and deformity, or pathological displacement of vertebral body. Sometimes spinal cord vascular embolism leads to degeneration and softening of the spinal cord, and paraplegia can occur without external compression factors.

Xiao Jingnan said that early detection, accurate diagnosis, and timely treatment are the keys to successful treatment.

After paraplegia, under the control of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment, early surgical treatment can often recover or even cure.

Xiao Jingyan reminded that tuberculosis is not terrible. It can be completely cured by early, appropriate, combined, regular, and whole-course standardized treatment. 90% of patients can be cured through systematic and standardized treatment.

Of course, the healing time is usually closely related to the patient’s immune function and nutritional status. Therefore, it is necessary to actively cooperate with the treatment during the treatment, and ensure adequate sleep, good nutritional support, and appropriate rehabilitation training. To achieve the best treatment effect, complete recovery as soon as possible.

(edited by Rainbow. Some pictures are from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

Special author of Hunan Medical Chat: Feng Yuan, Chen Yanan, Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital