I heard that HPV vaccine, only one shot is enough?

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) released news on its official website. The immunization strategy expert group meeting proposed that 1 injection of HPV vaccine can achieve the same effect as 3 injections.

So they suggest that women aged 9-20 should be vaccinated with 1-2 doses of HPV vaccine, and those over 21 are recommended to be vaccinated with 2 doses of HPV vaccine.

I believe that many sisters already know that HPV vaccination can effectively prevent cervical cancer, but this is the first time I have heard that it only takes 1-2 shots.

So, is it possible to inoculate only 1 injection? Can 1-2 needles achieve the effect of 3 needles? Today, Brother Eng will talk about his views.

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One shot of HPV vaccine is enough?

HPV is the English abbreviation of Human Papillomavirus, Persistent infection of high-risk HPV is a necessary condition for cervical cancer and precancerous lesions Therefore, Vaccination of HPV vaccine in women of appropriate age can effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions.

But in reality, because of the lack of HPV vaccines, many people want to be vaccinated but cannot get the vaccines.

Some sisters are still struggling with the price, because HPV vaccine is currently at their own expense.

So far, only about 6% of women who should be vaccinated in China have been vaccinated against HPV, and more than 90% of women who should be vaccinated have not been vaccinated.

This situation is similar in other developing countries and regions. Therefore, we can understand the deep meaning of the WHO’s policy: The vaccine used by one person can now be distributed to three people.

In this way, it is relatively easier to meet the WHO’s goal of “eliminate cervical cancer worldwide by 2030”.

However, Can 1 injection achieve the same immune effect as 3 injections? There is still a lack of strong clinical research evidence.

According to some evidence published in the United States, 4-valent HPV vaccine with only 1 injection, the protection rate is only more than 60% of 3 injections, less than 3 injections Same effect.

In addition , all current HPV vaccine instructions and the guidelines or consensus of most countries mention that it is best to get 2-3 injections.

In my country, only domestic bivalent vaccines can be vaccinated with 2 doses for 9-14 year olds. Other groups and other vaccines require 3 injections to complete the immunization plan.

Therefore, more clinical studies are needed to support the replacement of the current consensus with 1-2 needles.




Why does the HPV vaccine prevent cervical cancer?

According to research, 98%-99% of cervical cancer is related to persistent infection of high-risk HPV.

Injection of HPV vaccine can effectively prevent the infection of corresponding HPV subtypes, so it can prevent cervical cancer and other cancers to a certain extent.




How long does the HPV vaccine last? Regardless of life?

So, for the subtypes covered by the HPV vaccine, can the preventive efficacy be controlled for life?

Unfortunately, this question cannot be answered at present.

Because, the first vaccine was launched in 2006, and it has been more than 10 years now, your life is not yet there.

However, there is still something to be happy about. According to scientists testing the first vaccinated people, they found antibodies in their bodiesAlthough there is a slight decrease, is still high and has sufficient preventive effect.

In addition, some scientists have calculated that the HPV vaccine can last for about 50 years according to the speed of antibody subsidence.

Of course this is just an inference, we will wait and see.




HPV vaccination also requires cervical Cancer screening?

Actually, regardless of whether or not the HPV vaccine is vaccinated, or the duration of the HPV vaccine, Enge appeals to sisters who have sex on a regular basis Do cervical cancer screening, including HPV testing and TCT testing.

This is because there are many subtypes of HPV virus, of which there are more than 10 types that can cause cervical cancer, known as “high-risk HPV”, and HPV vaccine can only prevent infection of limited subtypes .

About 70% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV16 and 18 subtypes, bivalent vaccine and Quavalent vaccine protects against both both subtypes; Ninevalent vaccine except for 16 In addition to subtype 18, it can also prevent 5 subtypes 31, 33, 45, 52, 58.

For other high-risk HPV subtypes, the current vaccines are still out of reach.

It should be noted that for Chinese women, in addition to 16 and 18 subtypes, 52 and 58 The infection rates of the subtypes follow closely and need attention.

Vaccination just adds a layer of protective armor to you and reduces the incidence of lesions. It is by no means an excuse to indulge yourself or not do screening.

HPV vaccine + regular cervical cancer screening, a two-pronged approach can better prevent cervical cancer.


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