I have been taking antihypertensive drugs for several years, should I change them?


In the outpatient clinic, I encountered a patient who asked to change the antihypertensive drug again. patient. And it was they themselves who asked to change the antihypertensive drugs. As for asking them why? The patient instead asked, “I have been taking this antihypertensive drug for several years, shouldn’t I change it?”.

This is a very common problem, and many people will have this idea, that is I’ve been taking antihypertensive drugs for several years, so why don’t I have to change them? Is this really the case?

one , Most antihypertensive treatments are long-term!

Many Dr. Chen readers know that the treatment cycle for hypertension is basically long-term or even life-long. Therefore, oral antihypertensive drugs are basically accompanied by patients with hypertension for a long time. Most of the people who imagine that blood pressure is well controlled and then stop the drug also end in failure.

Second, are there any precautions for long-term medication?

“Drug is three parts poison”, this is a famous saying summed up by Chinese people. So many people worry about whether long-term oral antihypertensive drugs will have side effects? In one sentence: Taking medicine to control blood pressure is far more beneficial than avoiding side effects without taking antihypertensive drugs. So you still have to eat for a long time. As for whether there are any precautions, there is still one, that is: you must remember to monitor your blood pressure and control your blood pressure to a normal level.

three , antihypertensive drugs, do you need to change it after a while?

Since the long-term medication is fixed, should I change the antihypertensive medication after a period of time? The answer is: if your blood pressure is well controlled and there are no other changes in your condition, you don’t need to change your blood pressure medication. On the contrary, if blood pressure control is unstable, or there is a new disease change, it is possible to adjust antihypertensive drugs according to the condition.

It can be seen that even after taking antihypertensive drugs for several years, the probability is high. No need to replace! There will be no side effects and no dependence!

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