I have a bad stomach, what should I eat less? This “3 fruits, 2 water and 1 vegetable” hurts the stomach. If you don’t want your stomach to rot into a sieve, don’t be greedy.

Nowadays, there are more and more people with bad stomach. Just ask the people around you, almost everyone has experienced stomach discomfort, and many people have stomach problems. Especially in summer, stomach problems are more likely to occur.

In fact, it is not surprising that modern people are stressed, socializing a lot, eating irregularly, and eating all kinds of unhealthy food. Be “made” bad. If you want to keep your stomach healthy, it’s not difficult to say, but if you can keep your mouth shut, you will be successful for the most part!

People with bad stomach, eat less of these 3 kinds of fruits


It will soon be the season of peach and plum fragrance, plums are sweet and sour, It can relieve loss of appetite and is also very nutritious. However, although plums are good, they cannot be eaten without moderation. Even mature plums contain more plant acids and tannins. Ordinary people eat too much at one time, which will cause sore teeth and gastrointestinal discomfort. Some people with basic stomach problems eat it, which will aggravate stomach discomfort. For example, if people with chronic gastritis eat plums, acid reflux will be aggravated; if people with gastric ulcer eat plums, it will stimulate the stomach.

Suggestion: people with bad stomach, it is best to eat less or not eat plums, if you like, eat one or two occasionally to relieve your cravings; ordinary people Eat at most 5-6 at a time. 2


Sweet and sour hawthorn, if eaten in moderation, has the effect of relieving greasy and digesting food, but it is also not advisable to eat too much at one time. This is because the hawthorn fruit acid content is high, and eating too much will cause irritation to the gastric mucosa. People with gastritis, gastric ulcers, and acid reflux are more likely to cause discomfort.

At the same time, hawthorn is rich in tannic acid. When ingested too much, it will form tannic acid protein under the action of protein, and then interact with the stomach. When the food scraps are combined, they will agglomerate into lumps and form gastroliths. Small gastroliths can be excreted with the stool, while large ones will stay in the stomach for a long time, causing symptoms such as stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. Suggestion: People with stomach problems, especially those with hypersecretion of gastric acid, gastritis, and gastric ulcers, are advised not to eat hawthorn; ordinary people should not eat more, preferably no more than 25 grams per day. 3

Fresh jujubes

Fresh jujubes have hard skin, less water, and a lot of “dry goods”, which are particularly difficult to digest. Especially for people with inflammation and ulcers in the gastric mucosa, eating it is tantamount to “sprinkling salt on the wound”. Suggestion: chew fresh jujubes thoroughly, eat at most ten pieces at a time, patients with acute and chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer should eat less fresh jujube.

Drinking too much of these two kinds of water can hurt the stomach.

strong tea

Drinking tea in moderation can really help digestion and protect blood vessels. But if the tea is brewed too thickly, it will damage the kidneys and the stomach. Strong tea contains more caffeine and theophylline, which can easily stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause excessive gastric acid secretion. People with excessive gastric acid secretion, as well as patients with gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis, are prone to stomach discomfort after drinking it. Suggestion: The so-called strong tea actually has no certain criteria for evaluation. It mainly depends on the taste and color. If it tastes bitter and astringent, and the color is very cloudy, it is considered strong tea.



Like strong tea, coffee also contains a lot of caffeine. Studies have pointed out that caffeine can stimulate the lower esophageal sphincter and make it relax, which may lead to acid reflux, aggravating pantothenic acid, heartburn and other discomforts. Recommendation: Patients with gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis should not drink coffee and strong tea; in addition, cola and some functional drinks also contain caffeine. People with bad stomach are advised to avoid such drinks.

Eating a lot of this kind of food, no matter how good the stomach is, can’t handle the spicy food, such as Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, spicy hot pot, etc. that many people like to eat, and it is not very friendly to the stomach. The capsaicin contained in peppers has a stimulating effect on the stomach, and eating too much can easily damage the gastric mucosa. Especially for patients with gastric diseases such as gastritis and gastric ulcer, there are many inflammatory lesions or wounds in their stomachs. In this case, eating only a little pepper, capsaicin may directly stimulate the wounds, aggravate the damage, and lead to aggravation of the disease.

Therefore, most people should not eat chili in excess. People with low tolerance to spiciness, as well as those with stomach problems, should avoid chili peppers. Suggestion: After eating spicy food, stomach pain, heartburn, acid regurgitation and other discomforts are caused by the body’s warning, and you should stop eating spicy food immediately. Seeing this, many friends may have “complaints”: why are they not allowed to eat anything? Of course not at all! People with healthy stomachs can eat in moderation, but they must be restrained, otherwise they will break down their stomachs, and they will regret it in the future; if the stomach itself is not very good, let’s stop “difficulty” with it and try our best to avoid these difficulties. Digestible and stimulating food, when you really want to eat it, just eat a little to relieve your cravings.

Don’t want your stomach to collapse, change these bad habits as soon as possible

Irregular eating

Nowadays, people are often hungry and full when they are busy. Meals are uncertain. When hungry, stomach acid can easily damage the stomach wall. When overeating, the stomach wall is over-expanded. This is often the case, and it is easy to cause acute and chronic gastritis or ulcers. Therefore, it is usually necessary to develop the habit of regular and quantitative three meals. 2

Negative emotions flooding and overwork

Studies show that the incidence of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is significantly higher in people with long-term stress, anxiety and mental depression. In addition, overwork is also very harmful to the stomach. Whether engaged in physical or mental work, overwork will cause insufficient blood supply to the digestive organs, and gastric mucosal secretion disorders, resulting in gastric diseases.


smoking and drinking

Alcohol and tobacco are very harmful to the gastric mucosa. They are also clear carcinogens. I advise everyone to avoid them as much as possible. 4. Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the main culprits of gastritis, ulcers and gastric cancer. It can be transmitted to each other through tableware, dental utensils, and kissing. Many people do not have the habit of using public chopsticks. You have one chopstick and I have one chopstick during dinner parties. As long as one person at the dinner table is infected, it may infect the whole table. 5. Drugs of abuse Many drugs that are taken for a long time will damage the gastric mucosa, such as aspirin, phenylbutazone, dexamethasone, erythromycin, etc. Everyone should strictly follow the doctor’s advice, and do not buy or eat randomly. The pictures in this article are all from Yitu.com.

Source/Health Quanshu Comprehensive Family Doctor