I eat breakfast without brushing my teeth in the morning, but the doctor says it is healthy, why? Hear what the doctor has to say

“Didn’t I go to the United States as an exchange student last year? I went there for more than two months, and I found out that Americans eat breakfast before brushing their teeth!”

< p>“That sounds disgusting…Didn’t they swallow all the bacteria in that mouth?” span>

It is understood that in the United States, most people brush their teeth after eating breakfast, but in China, they generally brush their teeth and then eat breakfast, otherwise their mouths are dirty. What about breakfast?

Which is better to eat breakfast or brush your teeth first?

1. Is it harmful to eat breakfast before brushing your teeth?

Americans like to eat breakfast before brushing their teeth, but in China, most people eat breakfast after cleaning their mouths. Which one is better? Before clarifying this order, let’s talk about why you need to brush your teeth.

Our oral cavity is in direct contact with the outside world.In addition to external bacteria, the internal environment is also full of various microorganisms.

One of them is called dental plaque, which has a very “dominant” personality. Wherever he goes, he always has to do some “destruction”, causing damage to teeth and gums, and eventually lead to loose teeth or even fall out. And we brush our teeth to remove plaque.

So, what is the difference between brushing your teeth before meals and brushing your teeth after meals?

Brush first: Start your mouth with a clean in the morning to brush away plaque and breath, preventing them and food Enter the stomach and intestines together, and bacteria will use food metabolism to produce acid, which will corrode teeth.The fluoride layer in toothpaste can protect teeth and help teeth resist acid erosion< span>;

Eat first: Teeth will form new plaque about 20 minutes after eating, and Food residues after meals are easy to decay and produce acid in the oral environment.After eating, brushing can remove all kinds of food residues and plaque. If you eat leek cake and brush your teeth, it can also remove the smell and keep your mouth fresh.

It can be said that brushing your teeth first or eating breakfast first has its own advantages, depending on personal habits.

However,Sun Yat-Sen University Dental Clinic Dr. Zhu Wangyong still recommends eating first and then brushing your teeth after getting up in the morning, which is more scientific and effective. Brushing your teeth after meals can both remove the soft dirt caused by food debris and brush away plaque, maximize the benefits of brushing.

Maybe seeing this, some friends will worry that eating breakfast first will eat bacteria into their stomachs.

In response, Director Ke Jinjing, Department of Gastroenterology, Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital said, Some bacteria will actually be destroyed by gastric acid in the stomach, and a small part will flow into the intestinal tract, but it does not matter too much. Function, healthy people need not worry too much.

Second, if you don’t brush your teeth well, it may really shorten your life.

Whether you brush first or brush later, as long as you brush your teeth, it can protect your mouth. effect. On the contrary, if you do not brush your teeth carefully, it is likely to cause various diseases.

A survey of 9,280 participants in Guizhou Province found that brushing ≥2 times a day could reduce the risk of Risk of hypertension, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes by 35%.

Published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a study that included more than 160,000 screening data from the Korean health insurance system found that participants who brushed their teeth ≥3 times a day, A 10% reduction in the risk of atrial fibrillation and a 12% reduction in the risk of heart failure.

If you don’t brush your teeth properly, what will be the consequences? In addition to causing periodontitis, there may be multiple risks:

1. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease p>

Published in the European Journal of Clinical Research from the School of Public Health, Peking University Health Science Center, an analysis of 512,715 participants in China followed for 10 years found that compared with those who brushed their teeth regularly, span>Participants who rarely or never brushed their teeth had a 12% increased risk of major cardiovascular events.

At the same time, the risk of stroke, cerebral hemorrhage and cor pulmonale increased by 8%, 18% and 22%, respectively.

2. May activate oncogenes

The research team from the University of Sao Paulo in Frontiers The journal in Cellular and Infection Microbiology published a correlational analysis of the potential link between oral bacteria and head and neck cancer.

The study found that fungi and bacteria in the oral cavity not only lead to diseases such as periodontitis and dental caries, but also activate the expression of genes related to head and neck cancer. Express.

3. Increased risk of stomach cancer< /p>

Published in Gut, the top international authoritative journal in the field of digestive diseases, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health and the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University found:< /p>

People with a history of gum disease had a 43% and 52% increased risk of developing esophageal or stomach cancer; two or more drops People with teeth had a 42% and 33% increased risk of esophagus and stomach cancer.

4. All-cause risk increase

Last June, published in the European Clinical A Chinese prospective chronic disease study in the Research Journal, a recent analysis involving nearly 500,000 people in the country confirms thatpeople who don’t brush their teeth regularly have a 25% increased risk of all-cause mortality .

Third, grasp the golden time of brushing your teeth, don’t let your teeth be “destroyed”

Brushing your teeth has become a habit of many people, even so, oral problems Still emerging. This is likely to be related to the timing of brushing.

There are actually “golden 10 minutes” of brushing your teeth, 10 minutes after eating food is a critical period for dental health. After eating, the acidity of the mouth will decrease to PH4.5. If you do not brush your teeth immediately, the acid will erode the enamel on the surface of the teeth, resulting in decalcification and tooth decay.

In addition, these 3 brushing methods are very damaging to your teeth and can also damage your teeth :

  • Tugsaw brushing

Some people think that brushing Press hard and brush sideways for more clean. But in fact, brushing your teeth horizontally and forcefully for a long time is a predisposing factor for the “wedge-shaped defect” of the teeth, and as the defect deepens, there will be tooth soreness , and even damage the pulp, causing neuralgia. In addition, too much force can easily hurt the gums, causing bleeding and damage to the gums.

  • Only the tips of the teeth

Some people think that the gums It is more “fragile”, so avoid the gums when brushing, and only brush the tips of the teeth. However, the parts of the teeth that need cleaning the most are not the cusps, but but where the teeth are close to the gums, where food debris and dental bacteria are more likely to collect spot.

In addition to the cusps, the tongue coating and the side of the tongue are also places that many people tend to ignore. The surface of the tongue is uneven, and the side of the tongue is responsible for the secretion of saliva. These places are easy to breed plaque. When brushing your teeth, these parts should also be brought.

  • Too short of brushing

Many people just brush their teeth Like going through the motions every day, from squeezing toothpaste to gargling, the whole process takes less than 1 minute. Generally speaking, effective brushing should take at least 3 minutesto thoroughly clean the teeth.

Finally, Xiao Jiu recommends the healthiest way to brush your teeth——“Bass Brushing”.

Remember one principle: 45 degree angle. When brushing the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth, keep the bristles at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the teeth, place them toward the gums, and gently press the junction between the teeth and the gums to slightly vibrate the toothbrush back and forth. It can ensure that the dead corners such as teeth and gums are cleaned in place.

In addition to maintaining oral health, daily brushing also has a great impact on physical health. Therefore, Xiaojiu recommends that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially before going to bed. of.


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[3] “When is the best time to brush your teeth? It turned out to be wrong before! “.Health Times.2020-09-30

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