I dare not drink more water, and meals are often delayed. Who are these young people in Songjiang busy with?

Lunch and dinner are not eaten until 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm every day, so that days, they have lasted ten days. Since taking on the work of dispensing and delivering medicines for all the residents of Xiaokunshan Town, the meal order of the “Medicine is Coming” dispensing team of the Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team of Xiaokunshan Town has been delayed by two or three times compared to the past. Hour.

Under the epidemic, the Xiaokunshan Town Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Team formed a dispensing team. The members are mainly young people, and the team members are 24 hours a day. In the “Xiaokunshan Town Drug Protection Group” WeChat group, “receive orders”, and a special person will connect with each neighborhood (village) committee to communicate the work of drug distribution and delivery. In order to deliver the medicines to the residents as soon as possible, the dispensing team goes to the designated hospitals and pharmacies in two batches every morning and noon to dispense the medicines, and then deliver the medicines to the neighborhood (village) committee. Most of the team members who set off after 8:00 a.m. returned to the team after 2:00 p.m.; and those who set off after 11:00 p.m. did not return to the team until after 8:00 p.m. to change out of protective clothing.

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A complete drug distribution and delivery work, including collecting drug information, confirming special circumstances, screening and dispatching purchase orders, A series of processes such as going to the community to get materials, rushing to the hospital to register for a doctor and taking medicine, sorting out the medicine, and dividing the delivery area. When there is a shortage of medicines, it may take two more places to distribute the medicines needed by the residents. During the period, the team members wore protective clothing, and their physical strength was much higher than usual, but they did not dare to drink more water or eat to supplement their physical strength, and often relied on perseverance.

“Try to let residents get the medicine they need within 12 hours of making a request.” Team member Huang Youwei said. In order to improve the efficiency of drug distribution and delivery, the whole process is non-contact, and all drug expenses are paid in advance by the dispensing team, and then bills are settled and reconciled after residents receive the drugs.

For a period of time, the team members have also explored their experience. For example, if insulin has a temperature requirement, it will be taken at the end. , try to shorten the time on the road, everyone laughed and said that they became the dispensing brother. Since the establishment of the “Medicine is Coming” dispensing team, as of the time of the reporter’s interview, it has dispensed more than 1,500 boxes of medicines to 462 residents. On one day, they dispensed more than 500 boxes of medicines to 154 residents.

Text: Zhang Xiaoxiao correspondent Huang Youwei

< span>Picture: Interviewee

Editor: Zhang Youming, Lu Jia, Li Yuanyuan