“I can’t do it anymore, can you take me to the hospital?” The doctor’s boyfriend’s illness made me shudder

In this fast-moving era, there are always jobs, bills to pay, and pressures to let go.

Many people have stooped and gone bald as a result. The collapse of adults may be at the moment when these daily chores pile up.

Today we asked the Husk Patient to introduce a doctor with a stressful job to see him as he was crushed by the last feather , is how to find the possibility of breathing in the cracks.

In August 2019, male ticket was assigned a new job function: in addition to daily medical and scientific research work, he was also responsible for the administrative affairs of the department. The reason for this arrangement by the superior is very clear. For young doctors who are on the rise in their careers, it is necessary to undertake certain management functions.

When friends heard about it, they all showed him a “huh” expression. It’s not that this responsibility is difficult, but everyone knows that he lacks management skills and is shy. He was asked to coordinate dozens of people’s meetings, on-duty, overtime, and leave, as well as dealing with the hospital administrative department. This is simply a nightmare incarnation.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

House leakage happened to rain overnight, and it was particularly difficult for their department during that time. The old doctor retired and the new doctor did not arrive, so the two security tasks must be on call 24 hours a day. The male ticket worked hard for a while, but found that he couldn’t coordinate. The schedule was changed 8 times a week, he had to have lunch and received 7 calls to change the shift, and the doctors who had already been arranged were transferred to meetings and classes… Everyday It’s all like this: just after comforting the anxious patient who had been in the waiting room for more than two hours and started yelling, they were on their way to the emergency department, and the leaders from all walks of life called again and yelled, “Why don’t you watch the group?!” .

I saw him a few times standing in front of the kitchen sink, hands shaking, trying to take a deep breath.

We had serious discussions about work stress during that time. For most people, career pressures from all sides are usually optional: you can choose to ignore some of them, procrastinate some, or resist some.

But for a career as a doctor, there are far fewer options – you know if you don’t show up, someone might die.

The gentle personality and inability to reject others also make the male ticket more vulnerable. He said to me privately: “I think if I can’t arrange the administrative work of the department well, it’s all my fault, it’s my lack of ability…”

I said, “The first thing you need to realize is that you can’t get everyone to like you if you’re going to have jobs for other people.”

The male ticket huddled up on the sofa: “I just want everyone to like me!”

I just got off work one day, and his colleague sent me a message saying that he was in a wrong condition and was in emergency room, but there were still many patients who couldn’t accompany my colleague, so let me hurry up and pick him up one time.

I was stuck in rush hour traffic for an hour and a half before I got to the hospital, the male ticket was curled up alone on a small reclining chair in the corner of the locker room, shaking. After asking around, an experienced nurse sister said that the panic attack may have triggered the hyperventilation.

At this time, his colleague finally finished watching the patient of the day and came to me and said, “How could he have a panic attack? Look at this happy and healthy young man, is he too worried? Let him relax more…”

Me: “Actually, I think that worrying is the result of anxiety, not the cause. Who is not a bit traumatized in modern people, go back to the psychiatrist to see, it is time to take medicine and take medicine. “

The colleague has an expression of “how can a young man make it so easy to go to a psychiatry”.

Men also had one or two episodes at home after that, shrinking into a ball and trembling alone, it was clearly time to intervene. Since professional stress won’t go away for a while, find a way to combat the pain itself. As a doctor and doctor’s partner, we both have no worries about treating mental problems, and psychiatry is a thriving science with so much money!

We explored the registration system of the Shanghai Mental Health Center at 600 Wanping South Road for a long time, and found that the weekends were full, and the workload of the male ticket did not allow him to ask for leave on weekdays. It was temporarily about three weeks later, but only one or two days later, I suddenly received a message from the male ticket: “I can’t do it, can you come and pick me up to go to the hospital in the afternoon.”

I was in a meeting with my superior when I rushed into the department. When the male ticket saw me, he cautiously told his superiors that he could not work in the afternoon and had to go to the doctor.

The voice of the superior suddenly became anxious: “What should you do if you suddenly want to leave our side?”

He mumbled like he was being scolded by his teacher.

Fortunately, the boss let him go after a few scoldings. I held his hand and asked, “Is it hard to be scolded by the boss?”

He said, “I can’t take care of it now.”

When I went to the hospital, I saw that there was no outpatient clinic. Fortunately, I got the special needs number of the day. In the waiting room, he gritted his teeth and clenched his hands, and I could feel his muscles tensing, like a rat cornered by a giant predator, pain radiating from every pore.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

In that instant I realized something. Our understanding, our deep friendship over the years, and all the determination I was able to stand up for him, were not able to fight the pain for him at this time. Illness is a person’s own destiny, I can accompany him, but he himself is the chosen hero.

Because of this sudden realization, I did not accompany him to the consultation room. I realized that I didn’t want to be the one explaining the patient’s condition next to him. I don’t want to pretend that I can be the savior: the hero’s decision to go head-to-head against the Demon King must be his own decision.

He came out after a while, looking much more relaxed.

“Moderate anxiety,” he said, “and the doctor said: it’s all doctors, he understands!”

After dispensing the medicine, I asked, “Do you want to take a few days of sick leave?”

The male ticket suddenly became nervous again: “I don’t know, I can’t decide…”

“You’re all like this, take a good rest!” I dragged him back to the doctor’s office, “Can the doctor give him sick leave?”

“You can open it in this situation,” the doctor swiped the sick leave slip, “I’ll give you two weeks off, at most, if you don’t get better in two weeks, you can open again! Don’t be afraid, it will be fine. Yes!”

After seeing the disease, we decided to take a detour to eat crab noodles in order to celebrate our successful consultation.

I didn’t feel that hard at the time. On the one hand, a diagnosis means a cure; on the other, neither of us think it’s a big deal. There is no one in this world who is not sick, isn’t it good to have a cure?

However, my first reaction after the diagnosis may have been the same as that of many patients’ families: “My partner has an anxiety disorder, and I made him feel uncomfortable Are you happy?”

If someone around us is suffering from anxiety, how should we deal with it? For panic attacks, anxiety and other phenomena, how do doctors explain and what suggestions will they make?

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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