I am 91 years old, I walk my dog ​​every day and I can play mahjong, I have a romantic wish

In 1949, I came to Dalian, an old liberated area in the northeast from Nanjing with full of enthusiasm, and became the first five-year student of Dalian Medical University. In the blink of an eye, more than 70 years have passed, and I have also changed from a youthful young man to a gray-haired old man. I am 91 years old this year. I have experienced ups and downs in my life. I am still in good health. I can still walk the dog and walk every day. I can also play mahjong with my neighbors. All the physical indicators are normal. I summed up my life health experience, mainly in 5 aspects.

Elder Wu Dongqiang and his wife

Keep learning , keep pace with the times

< span>It has been nearly 40 years since I retired. I think retirement is the cessation of work, not the cessation of learning. You should also keep learning and constantly enrich yourself. One is to take learning as a part of life, to learn and enjoy it. I bought a lot of medical books, subscribed to various newspapers and magazines, such as “Medical Food Reference”, etc., and read and learned every day. The second is to adhere to the use of brain and writing, combined with their own clinical experience, to classify and organize the collected materials. Originally limited to his own field of work, after retirement, there is time to dabble in multiple disciplines. I will give these materials to anyone who needs them, which has helped my relatives and friends a lot. I also went to the community to give health lectures and medical science popularization, and was rated as an excellent party member many times. It also made my later life very fulfilling and happy.

Wu Dongqiang and his wife

Eat well

The Way to Longevity A reasonable diet is indispensable. The principle of my diet is balanced nutrition, including protein and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, and milk, especially vegetables. The elderly are prone to constipation, so eat more vegetables to supplement dietary fiber to help better digestion and absorption. Fruits are also essential to supplement vitamins and minerals. The dishes must be light, avoid too much oil, and do not eat fried foods. Not picky eaters, no overeating. I am neither skinny nor fat, and I am healthy.

Exercise regularly

I do exercises every morning to move my muscles and bones. The exercises are made by myself. Then rub your body with cold water, and keep doing it all year round, even in winter, rub your body with cold water. Walking the dog every morning and evening is also an exercise. As the saying goes: “Life lies in exercise.” Adhering to proper exercise every day is good for the health of every system in the body. I can still play mahjong 2-3 times a week to exercise the flexibility of my mind and hands.

Keep a good attitude

People will experience ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs in their life. To be healthy and longevity, one must have a peaceful mind when dealing with people and things. I have experienced hardships and hardships in life, but I can deal with it with a peaceful mind. Don’t be impatient or impatient when encountering problems in daily life, and don’t take problems too extreme. Get along with people as much as possible without being annoyed, not irritable, and not worrying about little things. When it comes to the battle for fame and fortune, I often laugh it off, don’t get confused, don’t get caught up in love, don’t be afraid of the future, don’t think about the past. Being in a good mood is important for a healthy longevity, which keeps my blood pressure, blood lipids, and heart healthy.

Lifestyle< /span>

Life is regular too One of the elements of longevity. One is to have a regular daily life. It is sure to get up early and go to bed early. In addition, I also insist on the habit of taking naps. There is a fixed time for walking the dog in the morning and evening, and reading magazines and newspapers after walking. Irregular work and rest time It will have adverse effects on the whole body system, even harm the central nervous system, and also increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Second, I eat regularly, I strictly follow the schedule, three meals a day, the time is basically fixed, fruit, milk I eat them after going to bed in the afternoon, and after dinner, I eat walnuts, peanuts, etc. I don’t eat anything that is delicious outside of this time. Many people think that it is difficult to maintain such a living habit for a long time, and they are too sorry for themselves. But I don’t find it difficult. I have made it a habit for a long time. If I don’t follow this rule, it will be uncomfortable.

Finally, I would like to share with the elderly friends with Su Shi’s famous sentence: “People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its cloudy and sunny days. Nung, moon and new moon. “”I hope that people will live long and live together forever.” This is also my wish.

Text/Wu Dongqiang