I am 26 years old with high risk HPV infection…

Xue Xiaoning (pseudonym)

Female, 26 years old

A small white-collar worker in a coastal city is planning to get married this year with her boyfriend who has been with her for 2 years.

Fate always likes to joke with people, and many unexpected things are “in case” before they happen, and “ten thousand” after they happen.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Last June, the company organized a physical examination. Xue Xiaoning, who has never had a cervical examination, added cervical items under the doctor’s advice, but she did not expect to be found to be HPV52 positive!

At that time, she knew nothing about the HPV virus and thought she had “cervical cancer” by searching the Internet.

Actually, having HPV does not equal cervical cancer.

The process of cervical cancer formation

Xue Xiaoning did not know,Women have an 80% chance of being infected with HPV in their lifetime, most of which are naturally cleared by the immune system within 2 years. She doesn’t know the extent of her cervical disease. She only knows that she still wants to get married, to go to the beach with her boyfriend for a honeymoon, and to have a lovely baby in the future…

Looking back at her chat records at the time, there was fear and worry between the lines.

In the hospital, Xue Xiaoning did TCT cervical cancer prevention examination and colposcopy biopsy pathology. The results showed that the cervical endothelium had lesions.

Surgery or Conservative Medication? In front of her are two choices.

In the beginning, Xue Xiaoning, who was lucky, chose conservative treatment with drugs. However, the re-examination after 3 months showed that the condition of the cervix not only did not improve, but the lesions progressed.

Xue Xiaoning was frightened, and immediately gave up conservative treatment and went to Shanghai for medical treatment. In the following days, she kept running between Zhejiang and Shanghai, and under the advice of Shanghai experts, she performed a visualization laser surgery.

When she had the second surgery, she was pleasantly surprised to find that the condition of the cervix had improved significantly, the white spots were much less, and her abdominal pain and abnormal leucorrhea were also much better. But her HPV diseaseThe poison has not yet turned negative.

Xue Xiaoning prays every day that the HPV virus turns negative. She worked hard to change her living habits-

Eat lightly, go to bed early and get up early;

Bought a treadmill to run 5 kilometers a day;

I even gave up my favorite spicy hot pot and barbecue…

The plus sign on the

reportable form has not changed.

Later, under the advice of experts, she went to vaccinate against 9-valent cervical cancer vaccine to prevent herself from contracting other types of HPV.

She has also gained a lot of experience in the treatment of cervical lesions.

Xue Xiaoning also joined a public welfare group to share knowledge about HPV virus with everyone and exchange experience in cervical lesions treatment.

This is the biggest illness she has ever had in her life. She didn’t know the value of health before, she stayed up late every day to eat spicy food, but in the future, she said:

Expert Reviews:

To be honest, Xue Xiaoning’s illness was not irreversible, but the panic she caused was like a boulder, overwhelming her breath. And there are many women infected with HPV like her.

According to

WHO data, about 528,000 women worldwide suffer from cervical cancer every year, and 266,000 cervical cancer patients die.

In my country, there are 130,000 new cases of cervical cancer every year, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in my country. And 90% of cervical cancers are related to the HPV virus.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


If cervical endothelium lesions are found, you must go to a large hospital to find an authoritative doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and cure the lesions as soon as possible. Because of cervical endothelium lesions, there is a high chance of cervical cancer.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo


The responsible doctor will carefully examine the cervix and vagina, and will also choose the most suitable treatment plan for you: conservative medication, conization, or laser.


HPV itself cannot be treated by surgery or drugs. To turn negative, you can only rely on your own immunity. Therefore, it is very important to live a healthy life, exercise, and improve your immunity!


HPV vaccination is the first firewall against the virus! Even if you have already been infected with HPV, you can protect against other types of HP by getting vaccinatedV virus infection.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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