I almost got “killed” by my husband’s semen…

Is this allergy?


I have heard a lot of seafood allergies, egg allergies, pollen allergies, but I never thought that semen can also cause allergies…Today we will invite a A personal experience of “semen allergy”, to talk about her feelings.

anonymous patients >

Thanks to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel for giving me this opportunity to speak. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen, maybe this is the legendary “extreme joy produces sorrow”? Things are like this——

I am 46 years old, but my energy is relatively good. In the evening, I will still do some “indescribable” things with my husband.

More than an hour later, tragedy struck.

In the beginning, I felt dizzy, and itchy hands and feet. , It didn’t take long for me to have diarrhea!

My husband also noticed something was wrong with me and rushed me to the emergency room. After arriving at the hospital, I was treated with antibiotics and my symptoms gradually improved. The doctor said I was allergic and nearly died of shock. My God, what a life-and-death moment…I almost died because of “indescribable” things! I asked the doctor what happened and he said I was allergic to penicillin. W? After suffering from hives from penicillin as a child, I never dared to touch this stuff again! The doctor explained to me, “You didn’t touch it, it was your husband who did. He has this thing in his semen.”

I suddenly realized that my husband had infective endocarditis and was recently receivingparenteral naficillin.

The penicillin in the medicine was excreted with his semen, “Indescribable” then entered my body.

The harm is because of the lack of culture. I hope that the majority of women will know more about their bodies, make sure they are not allergic to semen, and then consider “indescribable” things .


Thank you very much for sharing this sister from the United States!

Actually, this is a real case that happened in the United States. The American Journal of Medicine(American Journal of Medicine) also did detailed case reports.

Title: “Nearly Killed by Love: A Sexual Accident” p>

In addition to the above-mentioned cases of allergies caused by “drugs contained in semen”, there is actually an allergy to semen itself.

That’s “human semen allergy”, the first death due to semen allergy The case occurred in 1958, and there are also some women in China who have experienced it.

Semen hypersensitivity in humans is a group of disorders involving immune or non-immune mechanisms, often emergent, involving multiple target organs severe clinical symptoms.

It is common in early childhood. In the normal population, the total prevalence of allergy is 10%-60%, and the span is relatively large.

This is a clinical syndrome with multiple triggers and different pathogenic mechanisms.

What is it like to have this disease?

It’s not sperm that causes allergies, and it doesn’t want to carry this pot.

Semen and substances from Seminal plasma antigenic substances.

When the serum of women with allergies releases immunoglobulin E (IgE) and binds to these antigens to produce antigen-antibody A substance called “histamine” is released, which in turn causes telangiectasia, increased blood permeability, smooth muscle contraction, and finally an allergic reaction.

What are the common symptoms?

This allergic reaction usually occurs within minutes to hours after intercourse. Shown as:

  • Face flushing span>

  • Itchy eyes

  • Runny or blocked nose< /span>

  • Laryngeal edema

  • Hives in the genitals

  • Vulvar edema

  • Increased secretions, etc.< /p>

Severely ill patients may experience systemic allergic symptoms, such as

  • swollen eyelids and lips

  • Rash all over the body

  • Itching is unbearable

  • chest tightness Shortness of breath

  • Severe cough, etc.

However, the specific allergy symptoms and severity vary from person to person.

In fact, for most people, this allergic reaction is not fatal, and even semen allergy will not occur at all. This is because seminal plasma contains an immunosuppressive substance that can reduce the “sensitivity” of the immune system, called male inhibitory substances (Male Inhibition Material, MIM). What’s the use? It is used to protect sperm from rejection. You know, the human body is relatively resistant to “foreign objects”, such as cold viruses, other people’s blood, etc.

And when the activity of MIM in the female body is reduced and she is allergic, the semen entering the female body will easily cause allergies .

Not sure if you are allergic to semen?

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Simple, just send it… uh, no, just go to a regular hospital to check.

What to check?

The main routine checks are: span>

  • Semen Allergen Skin Test

  • < p>Serum IgE detection

  • Others such as anti-sperm antibodies, anti-uterine antibodies, anti-ovarian antibodies and anti-zona pellucida antibodies

What if I am allergic?< /span>

First of all, the husband and wife should cooperate to take psychological precautions, reduce psychological pressure, and reduce the number of sex.

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Then, generally, the following methods can be used:

  • Condom or use of birth control cream during sex(jelly)< /strong>

Yes, it’s that simple and crude.

Condoms and ointmentscan directly block the contact between the mucous membrane cells of the female reproductive tract and semen, and can also reduce the amount of semen Allergenic.

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  • 30-60 minutes before intercourse on the labia, A small amount offluocinolone acetateointment or hydrocortisone ointment around the vaginal opening can prevent or reduce allergic reactions.

  • after sex , It is best for women to urinate immediately and try to make the semen in the vagina flow out of the body. Then rinse the vagina and vulva with warm water to flush out the semen.

  • Oral about half an hour before sex Diphenhydramine 25mg, or phenergan 25mg, or 1 tablet of Aspirin can prevent or reduce allergic reactions to semen. Taking calcium tablets also has a certain anti-allergic effect.

  • Desensitization Therapy

This method is to allow women to gradually adapt to sperm, which is more able to “cure the root cause”.

Generally, semen is collected from men and then desensitized by subcutaneous injection or vaginal drip.

Subcutaneous injections require 1-2 years of treatment by subcutaneous injections 1-2 times a week at concentrations and doses Gradually increase the dilution of semen.

Vaginal instillation takes a very short time, and the method is to double-diluted semen at 20min intervals Slowly drip into the vagina, gradually increasing the concentration until the original solution.

After desensitization treatment, remember to continue regular sex to maintain semen tolerance. If sexual intercourse cannot be sustained, a vaginal instillation of frozen semen can be used to maintain tolerance.

Desensitization therapy has achieved varying degrees of success. Semen is separated by column separation, and macromolecular fragments with potential immunosuppressive effects are removed before desensitization treatment.

pans< Semen allergy can’t have children?

women with semen allergy, most of them do have immune insufficiency caused by their own reproductive-related antibody disorders. pregnant. It’s artificial insemination‘s turn~ remove allergies from semen Substance, only sperm is taken for insemination, you can still be a beautiful and lovely expectant mother! Ah, by the way, men can be allergic to their own sperm, too(smile).


References: span>

[1] Almost Killed by Love: A Cautionary Coital Tale Marchitto, Mark C. et al. The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 132, Issue 8, e650-e651

[2] De Cuyper C, Bogaerts Y, Vandekerckhove F, et al. Intravaginal desensitization and successful pregnancy in a woman with seminal fluid allergy[J]. J Allergy Clinl Immunol, 1996, 97: 1427.

[3] Liu Xiaowen. How to deal with semen allergy[J]. Jiangsu Health Care, 2015, 19:50.

< span>[4] Xi Guangpeng, Zhang Jing, Xu Yue, Ma Yuemei. Semen hypersensitivity [J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 2018,03:319-324.

< p>This article was first published: Medical Obstetrics and Gynecology Channel

The author of this article: Liu Fengling

Editor in charge: Liu Fengling

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