Husband smokes for a long time, husband and wife suffer from cancer together? 6 consequences of secondhand smoke, none of which are simple

Smoking is harmful to health, and everyone must have heard calluses in their ears.

But the problem is that it is precisely this health truth instilled from childhood to adulthood that still cannot stop the smokers from “flying through the clouds”.

And this kind of “flying through the clouds” not only hurts my own health, but also affects my relatives and friends around me.

Husband smoked, and they both had cancer

Recently, a woman in Henan found out that she had lung cancer during a physical examination. After inquiries, she found out that the woman’s husband had been smoking for a long time, and he had been diagnosed with lung cancer several years ago. squamous cell carcinoma.

And the woman was forced to inhale her husband’s second-hand smoke and third-hand smoke (tobacco smoke residues on surfaces such as clothes and walls) for a long time. As a result, she was unfortunately infected and eventually suffered from Lung cancer.

300 million smokers are harming more than 740 million innocent people

According to a WHO report on China’s smoke-free policy released in Beijing in October 2015, the data shows: There are currently more than 300 million smokers in my country, and nearly 740 million As non-smokers, 180 million children are exposed to secondhand smoke.

This also means: No one smokes, except yourself, it will endanger the health of two people.

Tobacco exposure kills more than 8 million people every year

Data show that more than 8 million people die each year from tobacco exposure, more than 700 of them from direct tobacco use, and about 1.2 million are non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke By.

Long-term smoking of secondhand smoke can cause nodules to form in the lungs, resulting in cough, hemoptysis, fatigue, night sweats and other symptoms. When the lesions are extensive, the patient will have symptoms such as chest tightness, cyanosis, and shortness of breath.

Infections, bronchiectasis, etc., may further aggravate the condition.

Secondhand smoke can cause lung nodules in a variety of other ways:

1. Damage to the stomach

Secondhand smoke will stimulate the nervous system and other systems to a certain extent. Long-term inhalation will not only speed up the secretion of gastric juice, but also make the stomach and intestines tense for a long time, and then have symptoms such as loss of appetite.

In addition, the nicotine contained in the smoke can irritate the blood vessels in the gastric mucosa, resulting in abnormal blood supply to the stomach, Damage to the gastric mucosa.

2. Affects fetal development

Women should not smoke during pregnancy and should not inhale too much secondhand smoke.

If pregnant women inhale too much second-hand smoke, the nicotine in the smoke will cause certain pollution to the fetal environment, destroy the reproduction of fetal cells, cause fetal dysplasia, and congenital malformations, etc. Condition.

Therefore, smokers are advised not to smoke in front of pregnant women as much as possible to avoid serious damage to the fetus.

3. Causes asthma

Long-term inhalation of second-hand smoke will make children more susceptible to asthma, because children and other groups have not fully developed their organs and systems, and have poor resistance to second-hand smoke, so they are more vulnerable to second-hand smoke. suffer from diseases such as asthma.

AnotherIn addition, studies have found that children inhale significantly more harmful substances every day than adults, so children’s respiratory systems are more susceptible to external stimuli such as second-hand smoke.

4. Affects hearing

Excessive inhalation of secondhand smoke can greatly affect hearing, especially children, who are more likely to suffer from diseases such as otitis media, and even loss of hearing in severe cases.

Secondhand smoke can damage hearing, possibly because the nicotine, tar and other harmful components in the smoke damage the vascular system of the inner ear, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the inner ear.

5. Heart attack

Secondhand smoke not only damages the lungs, it also affects the health of the heart. Studies have found that carbon monoxide in secondhand smoke can reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and quickly damage the cardiovascular system.

When cardiovascular damage occurs, it not only causes a heart attack, but it can lead directly to a heart attack. Therefore, staying away from second-hand smoke is good for protecting the heart.

6. Lower fertility

If a woman inhales secondhand smoke for a long time, it will increase androgen levels in the body and reduce estrogen levels.

When hormone levels in the body change significantly, it can damage egg quality, reduce endometrial receptivity, reduce the chance of conception.

Also, for people with polycystic ovary syndrome, exposure to secondhand smoke can make the condition worse.

One smokes, the whole family suffers

As our closest loved ones around us, when we seem to be smoking cigarettes recklessly, we also plant a ticking time bomb for their health.

The wisps of cigarettes in their hands are burning for everyone’s health. When will smokers feel touched?