Hundreds of thousands! What is the reason for the reappearance of the mysterious “herring array” in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan?

Yunnan is one of the provinces with abundant wildlife populations in my country, and it belongs to the “top of the country”, known as the “Kingdom of Animals and Plants”.

Of course, to form such a model, there must be special climate, geography and other reasons.

Indeed, Yunnan includes tropical, subtropical, temperate, cold Temperate and other plant types are distributed, accounting for more than 60% of the 30,000 species of higher plants in the country.

There are more than 150 kinds of tree species such as first-class, second-class and third-class. Animals also account for more than half of the country, including 1,737 species of vertebrates, accounting for 58.9% of the country. Of course, there are also rare birds and animals such as hummingbirds, Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys, wild elephants and other wild animals.

Therefore, there is basically no way to compare other provinces with Yunnan. No, Yunnan has discovered a rare scene again, that is – the mysterious “herring array” reappears in Fuxian Lake, Yunnan. Unexpectedly, there has been a legend of “herring formation to worship the Dragon King” in Fuxian Lake since ancient times.

What is the mysterious “herring array”?

The “herring array” is actually a state formed by what we call a “herring” group. So let’s get to know herring first.

The herring is a kind of fish of the family Cyprinidae and the genus herring, which can be said to be able to grow very large. According to popular science data in China, the longest body length can reach more than 1 meter, and the longest individual can reach more than 70 kilograms, so it belongs to “giant fish”. From the general appearance, the fish is actually somewhat similar to the grass carp we have seen. However, the color difference of the herring is more obvious. Its body is blue-gray, its back is darker, its abdomen is gray-white, and its fins are all black. This is the obvious point.

This creature mainly lives in the middle area of ​​the water and is not a very active fish. It mainly preys on snails, mussels, clams, clams, etc., and occasionally shrimp and insect larvae. It is also widely distributed in my country, because it is one of the four traditional freshwater aquaculture fish in my country. Therefore, it is very easy for everyone to see.

This time, the mysterious “herring array”, a “rarely seen” natural landscape, was reproduced in Fuxian Lake, Chengjiang, Yunnan.

According to residents near Xingxing Village, Luju Town, Chengjiang City, on the shore of Fuxian Lake, fish heads were swarming on the calm lake, and hundreds of indigenous herrings gathered in clusters. , sometimes arranged in the word “one”, sometimes in a circle, swimming around on the lake, thus forming a “herring array”.

And according to him, he grew up by the Fuxian Lake since childhood , a common sight in Fuxian Lake in the early years. But at the age of 92 this year, apart from seeing him in his early years, he rarely sees these creatures again after that. Therefore, seeing the “herring array” again is a rare scene, which is relatively rare.

Fuxian Lake reproduces the mysterious “herring array”, what is it? reason?

Fuxian Lake is essentially a region with a very good ecosystem in my country, and it belongs to the largest water storage lake, the largest plateau deep-water lake, and the second-deepest freshwater lake in China. It belongs to the Nanpan River. The water system, the lake is in the shape of a gourd in the north-south direction, and the drainage area of ​​the watershed is 1053 square kilometers (including 378 square kilometers of Xingyun Lake).

As early as the late Ming Dynasty, the traveler Xu Xiake wrote in his ” In Xu Xiake’s Travel Notes, “Dianshan has only a lot of soil, so there are many stagnant rivers to form a sea, and the currents are turbid, only Fuxian Lake is the clearest”.

This is enough to show that the water system and water quality in this area are all Very good. According to the survey data, the lake has a maximum water depth of about 158.9 meters, an average water depth of about 95.2 meters, and an average annual runoff of 167.23 million cubic meters. Its only outlet, the Haikou River, has an average annual outflow of about 95.72 million cubic meters.

And the old man described that this was very common in the early years. The mysterious “herring array” also shows that the former Fuxian Lake was very good. And why the “disappearance” occurred in the middle period, it must also be related to the ecosystem.

And again It is also because of the protection of the ecosystem that we see this situation.

According to the data:

The vegetation in the Fuxian Lake watershed is dominated by grasses, shrubs, coniferous forests and other secondary vegetation, with a forest coverage rate of 27.03%. The eligible area for afforestation in the watershed is about 164,000 mu, about 96,000 mu of farmland to forest, and about 96.2 square kilometers of soil erosion control area.

Did you see? The mysterious “herring array” can only be seen after the ecosystem of Xianhu Lake has been restored. This is the reason.

Generally speaking, “herring array” usually appears in early May every year , disappeared around September, these herrings, the smallest is only about 10 cm, the largest is more than 10 kilograms. In terms of time, this is also one of the active periods of the herring.

At the same time, during the spawning and breeding season of herring from April to June every year, we can also see large-scale herring groups, because they are mainly concentrated in the estuary where the bottom is gravel during the spawning period. , Lake shore shallows, and the water quality is very good, it is easy to see.

And there is also a very good point on the shoreline of Fuxian Lake, that is, there are many wild big-leaf banyan trees with lush branches. Around July is the season when the fruits on the trees mature and fall. Therefore, herrings often come to the lake shore in groups to devour the fruits that have fallen into the water, thus forming a “herring array”.

Therefore, in recent years, the ecological and environmental protection of Fuxian Lake has been continuously strengthened, the water quality of Fuxian Lake has been stably maintained at Class I, and the indigenous fish population has been effectively restored, making the long-lost “herring array” reappear. Fairy Lake, this is a very good thing for the local people. Hope that friends in the region will make persistent efforts.


This incident also tells us once again that the protection of the ecosystem requires us to continue to increase it. Of course, Fuxian Lake also has a period when the lake is closed to fishing.

Just in terms of time, it ended in early July. Therefore, there may be fishing situations in the future. I hope that friends in the area will also maintain reasonable maintenance when fishing, otherwise it may be difficult to see such a scene in the future.

So, we need to use it, but we also need to protect it reasonably, this is a “win-win”, don’t destroy all the fish in the lake at one time, it may be difficult to have good next year. Harvest, that’s about it.