Hunan Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team Completes Mission and Sets Off Home

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, May 23 (Reporters Yuan Quan and Pan Xu) On May 23, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team successfully completed their mission and set off home after 38 days of fighting side by side with the people of Shanghai. Before leaving, Shanghai held a farewell ceremony for the medical team, and sincerely thanked Huxiang Chinese medicine practitioners for their active support.

Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team is ready to board the plane . Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yuan Quan

On April 15, 606 members of the Hunan Provincial Aid-Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine Medical Team were dressed in white and went retrograde to help Shanghai.

“Our medical team consists of 12 medical teams, consisting of the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is composed of 4 provincial TCM hospitals, including the First Affiliated Hospital of the College, and 7 municipal and state hospitals with strong TCM strength.” Xiao Wenming, the chief leader of the Hunan Provincial Aid Shanghai TCM Medical Team, said that the medical team mainly focuses on TCM internal medicine. Among the team members, “post-90s” accounted for 52%, with an average age of 32.8 years.

“With the support and help from Shanghai in all aspects, we have successfully brought the traditional Chinese medicine therapy with Hunan characteristics into the makeshift hospital in Shanghai.” The TCM medical team has achieved “zero accidents in square cabins, zero deaths of patients, and zero infections among team members”.

On May 16, Gudan Road Fangcai Hospital was officially closed. (Photo provided by the interviewed unit)

It is understood that during the operation of the Fangcang shelter hospital, the medical team coordinated and mobilized the mobile emergency intelligent traditional Chinese medicine pharmacy to carry out massage and moxibustion while giving personalized treatment. , ear acupoint pressing beans, aromatic medicines, traditional health exercises, emotional counseling and other special treatments, to the greatest extent meet the patients’ precise treatment needs of “one person, one policy, one person, one side”.

A medical team member waved goodbye to reporters. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yuan Quan

“I can go back to accompany my son to take the college entrance examination immediately. I am very happy.” said Su Youhua, deputy director of the Shaoyang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. The streets are deserted and lonely, and now the flowers on the roadside are in full bloom, and I can see that Shanghai is gradually returning.