Humidity is riddled with all kinds of diseases! 4 behaviors make the humidity in the body heavier and heavier, and 3 tricks will help you drive it away~

Chinese medicine health science

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that moisture is the “evil of all evils”. If it gets on the skin, it will form acne, eczema, etc.; It will cause dizziness; running to the joint will cause joint pain… It can be described as “infinite trouble”.

Where does the moisture come from?

1.Moisture is divided into “inside and outside”

Dampness is divided into internal and external. External dampness is caused by the invasion of the human body due to humid climate, wading in water and rain, and dampness in the living room; while internal dampness is related to the function of internal organs Direct relationship.

But the two are cause and effect of each other, external dampness will increase internal dampness, and internal dampness will cause external dampness. Therefore, if the dampness is not removed in time, the dampness will become heavier and heavier, and even fall into a vicious circle.

Many people have many misunderstandings about moisture:

Misunderstanding 1: Autumn and winter are dry without moisture?

Many people think that the rainy summer is the most humid season, and in autumn and winter, the weather is dry, so there is no humidity. gas.

Actually, autumn and winter are “cold”, and “cold must be accompanied by water”. , cold and damp. Therefore, it is easy to form “cold and wet” in winter, and more “hot and humid” in summer.

Misunderstanding 2: Swimming and sweating will increase moisture?

first Speaking of swimming, during swimming, a large amount of water and moisture will penetrate into the body through the pores, but swimming is a systemic aerobic exercise, which has a relatively good exercise effect on the limbs, trunk, spine, and cardiopulmonary function. Exercise can promote blood circulation, increase water metabolism, and accelerate the discharge of moisture.

Sweat steaming and bathing can help open the pores of the skin all over the body, at this time, the moisture will be discharged with the sweat. This dehumidification method is especially suitable for people who do not like to exercise, but if the time is too long, it may cause collapse and even hypoxia, so be sure to grasp the degree.

Misunderstanding 3: Eat more spicy food to remove dampness?

In Chinese medicine, chili is spicy It has the effect of warming and dispersing, making people sweat, and it can indeed disperse the moisture in the body. But the humidity referred to here is “cold dampness”.

For people with hot and humid constitution, eating chili will not only increase the humidity, but also cause acne, sore throat, oral ulcers, etc. ;Especially for people who are prone to allergies, have a bad stomach and people with asthma, eating chili will aggravate the condition.

2.Don’t do the “humidification” behavior!

Compared with external dampness, internal dampness should be paid more attention, because more internal dampness indicates that the human liver and spleen are out of tune, yang qi is deficient and weakened, and water dampness is caused It is the product of the pathological changes of the disease.

Some behaviors and habits in life can easily aggravate the moisture in the body. Have you been recruited?

staying up late and overworked

the ancient book “The Spleen and Stomach” ” pointed out: fatigue is the first disease of the spleen. When the spleen is injured, the transportation and transformation of water and grains in the body are affected, which will naturally aggravate dampness in the body.

Suggestions:Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and enter before 23:00 every day sleep state.


Sedentary causes Insufficient blood supply, aggravates fatigue and muscle soreness, and affects the discharge of moisture.

Suggestions:Every hour of sitting, get up and move to stretch your muscles and bones.

greedy for cold or heavy taste

like to eat raw and cold If you eat too much food or cool fruits and vegetables, or you like to eat greasy, too sweet or too salty food, it will increase the burden on gastrointestinal digestion, lack of gastric motility, and block the meridians, which will increase the chance of accumulation of dampness.

Suggestions:Have a balanced diet with meat and vegetables; , it is best to add mild seasonings (such as onion, ginger) to neutralize.


Alcohol has a direct effect on the gastric mucosa The stimulatory effect of ethanol, and it needs to be metabolized by the liver to be converted into non-toxic ethanol and excreted, which will increase the burden on the liver. People who drink for a long time have a weak spleen and stomach, can’t accept decomposed water grains, and profuse the essence, and the water essence will accumulate if it can’t be distributed around.

3.There is a coup for dealing with dampness

The primary task of eliminating dampness is to develop a good eating habit, with an appropriate and balanced diet. Most beans have the properties of invigorating the spleen and removing dampness, so you can eat more legumes such as mung beans, red beans and lentils; eat more millet, coix seed, corn, red bean, white radish, seaweed, lentils, kelp, papaya, Foods that strengthen the spleen and dampness such as yam, wax gourd, lotus seeds, and Gorgon.

recommended a dehumidification soup: Qinghua soup< /p>

Medicinal materials:

Princess ginseng 10 grams: invigorating the spleen, nourishing qi, nourishing the stomach;

Plantago 10g: clearing away heat and dampness;

Yinchen 10g: regulating qi, removing dampness, clearing heat and promoting gallbladder;

< p>Barley 10 grams: strengthens the spleen, clears dampness, and clears heat.

Practice: Soak the medicinal herbs in water for 1 hour, then put them in a pot to boil, boil the pot and simmer for 15 minutes as a substitute for tea .

Moxibustion and dampness

In the rainy and humid season in summer, moxibustion on the following acupoints can be used to warm the stomach and remove dampness.

Acupoint selection: Zusanli, Yinlingquan, Zhongwan, Shenque.

Actions: Warming the middle and dispelling cold, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, relieving vomiting and relieving pain.

Operation: Take the supine position and prone position, ask family members to light moxa sticks, and perform circular moxibustion at the acupoints . The moxibustion practitioner aligns the moxa sticks at the acupoints, 2 to 3 centimeters away from the skin, and moves left and right directions or rotates repeatedly to apply moxibustion. It is advisable to make the patient feel warm locally without burning pain, generally moxibustion at each point for 10 to 15 minutes, until the skin becomes flushed.

soak before bed

Soak your feet in hot water before going to bed, it can strengthen the spleen, dehumidify, clear the menstrual flow, diuretic water, etc. It can also improve the quality of sleep. For most people, it is enough to soak your feet in hot water around 40°C in Futian.

If symptoms such as weakness of limbs, drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. occur, you can add 20 grams of Wei Lingxian (removing dampness) to hot water , Atractylodes (tongjing) 15 grams, Atractylodes (spleen) 15 grams, the effect will be better.

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Qingdao Shiyitang Shinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 2, Laiwu 1st Road, Shinan District, take No. 1, 221, 225 You can get there by getting off at Guanxiang Road Station.

Qingdao Shiyitang Shibei Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 87 Changchun Road, Shibei District, take No. 219, 206, 322, 229, 211, 212, 307, 314, 32 and get off at Hexing Road Station.

Qingdao Shiyitang Dunhua Road Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 23 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, take the bus Bus 19, 119, 211, 314, 322, 368 get off at Dunhua Road Primary School and go straight.

Jinan Shiyitang Huaiyin Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: Jingqi Road, Huaiyin District, Jinan City No. 631-8 (the intersection of Jingqi Road and Weijiu Road), take bus No. 102, 104, 125, 19, 205, 29, 76, K96, K92 to Jingqi Road and Wei12 Get off at Road Station and get off at Road North.

Jinan Shiyitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: 34-23, Jingyi Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City No. (opposite the south gate of Shandong Expressway Arena) , take bus 32, 34, 42, 75, K54; get off at the South Gate of Provincial Gymnasium Station in the west, and get off at New World Mall in the east.