Human-to-human transmission has occurred! A family with “smallpox”? Here, self-isolation for 21 days is required, and I want to prevent…

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Expert in this article: Zhang Zhidan, Chief Physician, Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University

Recently, countries including the United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Belgium have successively reported more than 100 confirmed and suspected cases of monkeypox .

WHO states: “Existing information suggests that individuals who have had close physical contact with symptomatic casesHuman-to-human transmission is taking place.

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The animal hosts of monkeypox virus include a range of rodents and primates.

Monkeypox, while it sounds like a virus from monkeys, is because in 1958, scientists were first tested in laboratory monkeys The virus was discovered and named monkeypox virus, but it is rodents such as mice and squirrels thatmainly carry and spread the virus.

after monkeypox virus infection What are the symptoms?

The incubation period for monkeypox virus is usually 6 to 16 days. The infection can be divided into two stages:

onset ( 0-5) days

fever, severe headache, swollen lymph nodes, back pain, myalgia, severe Fatigue, swollen lymph nodes are a distinct feature of monkeypox compared to other diseases that may initially appear similar (chickenpox, measles, smallpox).Enlarged lymph nodes.

Rash phase (within 1-3 days after onset of fever)

The rash tends to be more concentrated on the face and extremities than on the trunk. The most common are the face (95%), but also the palms and soles (75%). Affected are also the oral mucosa (70%), genitals (30%) and conjunctiva (20%), as well as the cornea.

The rash varies from maculopapular to small blisters, pustules, and crusts that slough off after drying. The number of lesions varies from a few to several thousand.

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How does monkeypox virus spread?

< span>Transmission from animals to humans can occur throughdirect contact with blood, body fluids, skin or mucosal lesions of infected animals.

Consumption of undercooked meat and other animal products from infected animals is also a possible risk factor. People living in or near forested areas may have indirect or low-level exposure to infected animals.

Human-to-human transmission is usually caused by close Caused by contact with respiratory secretions of an infected person, skin lesions of an infected person, or indirect contact with contaminated items.

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However, since the eradication of smallpox in my country, smallpox has Vaccines are no longer routinely given. Therefore, the best thing to do isavoid contact with animals (rodents, marsupials, primates) that may carry monkeypox virus and objects they have been in contact with, and should avoid eating Or deal with wild game.

The best way for foreigners to protect themselves isAvoid going to African forests where epidemics have occurred, and avoid contact with animals that may be infected, including groundhogs, monkeys, etc. Once a case of monkeypox is found, isolation measures should be taken in a timely manner to avoid human-to-human transmission.

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