Human abortion or drug abortion, which one is more harmful to women?

In the family planning clinic, doctors often encounter a little girl with a schoolbag. As soon as she sits down, she says anxiously:

“I’ll do the flow of people, the sooner the better, and I’ll have to go to class later.”

Could it be that in their eyes, a miscarriage is a matter of lying on the bed and it’s over?

(Source: Internet)

In the rush to see patients, gynecologists are often asked a question by patients:

“Should I have an abortion or a drug abortion, which is less harmful?”

On this point, Zhimei will come and have a good talk with you.


What we often call “human abortion” is the method of terminating pregnancy after manual intervention.

Actually, surgical methods are used to terminate unplanned or pathological pregnancies, including suction and curettage [1].

Negative pressure suction: A straw is inserted into the uterine cavity, and the embryonic tissue in the uterus is sucked out by strong suction.

Clamp curettage: It is suitable for cases where it is no longer possible to suck out the pregnancy tissue by negative pressure alone, and it is necessary to further crush the placenta and fetal limbs and take them out in pieces. .

Drug flow

Medical abortion, which refers to the method of terminating pregnancy by taking abortion drugs when an intrauterine pregnancy is confirmed by color ultrasound examination.

Everything is about timing, and so is the forced departure of a baby.

(Source: soogif)

Drug abortion is suitable for pregnancy within 7 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period. At this time, the embryo is small, and the pregnancy is terminated by mifepristone combined with misoprostol, and the embryo tissue excretion rate is as high as 94%.

The former (mifepristone) blocks progesterone receptors, causing degeneration and necrosis of the uterine decidua, softening of the cervix, and finally termination of embryonic development, while the latter (misoprostol) promotes The uterus contracts, prompting the expulsion of the embryo [2].

Once you are more than 7 weeks pregnant, medical abortion is not suitable.

Within 10 weeks of gestation, when the gestational sac and embryo are relatively small and the placenta has not yet formed, negative pressure can be used to suck out the pregnancy and achieve the purpose of abortion.

Wait until the 10th to 14th week of pregnancy, due to the gradual growth of the fetus and even the formation of bones, the negative pressure hysterectomy can no longer meet the requirements. At this time, you can use drugs to induce labor, or put The placenta and fetal limbs are crushed and taken out in pieces (clamp curettage).

Drug flow

Advantages: Avoid surgery-related complications: intrauterine adhesions, uterine perforation.


Long time: Bleeding time, waiting time, increase chance of infection.

Uncertain success rate. The success of medical abortion depends on whether the gestational sac is discharged and whether the abortion is complete.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Abortion surgery


Time-saving, convenient and quick, in most cases can be done in one step;

The damage to the endometrium is small, and after suctioning the gestational sac, there is no need to blindly cure and cure the uterus;

The success rate is high, and it can reach 99%~100% if it is performed in a regular hospital.


The operation is complicated, and it requires a high degree of manipulation for the relevant physicians. If the fetal sac is not successfully suctioned for the first time or the suction is incomplete, a second cleaning of the uterus is required.

In addition, if the physician is not skilled enough, the possibility of postoperative complications (infection, uterine adhesions, uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy) is high.

The flow of people is very simple, just sleep?

The words “painless”, “superconducting”, “visual” and “microtubule” are often seen before the word “people flow” in advertising leaflets, and some hospitals even preach that there is no need for anything. damage.

Here, Zhimei will tell you responsibly: At present, the artificial abortions all over the world refer to negative pressure suction or forceps curettage, and there is no advanced technology that can achieve no Injury does not mean that everything will be fine when you wake up with anesthesia.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Traffic is very harmful to the body?

The doctor will recommend the appropriate method of termination of pregnancy based on your gestational age and related circumstances. Choosing a regular hospital is extremely important! Strictly follow the doctor’s advice before and after surgery, and the damage caused by miscarriage can eventually be compensated to a certain extent.

Drug abortion is less damaging than human abortion?

Not necessarily.

Mifepristone combined with misoprostol can achieve a 94% excretion rate of embryonic tissue. In most cases, it is possible to avoid the “curettage and curettage” operation and reduce the damage to the endometrium.

However, about 6% of patients still require curettage to terminate the pregnancy.

Because different patients have different absorption and sensitivity to drugs, some patients may still have residues in the uterus after drug abortion. The presence of residues can lead to poor uterine contractions and even infection.

Therefore, there will be continuous or intermittent bleeding in the vagina, which lasts for more than 2 weeks or more, the bleeding time is long, the probability of infection is high [4], and the damage caused by Not smaller than the crowd.

Finally, Zhimei reminds young people who are falling into a vigorous love that abortion is not a contraceptive method, but a remedy. Love her, please remember scientific contraception!


[1] Gu Qingqing. Analysis of application effect of painless artificial abortion and medical abortion[J]. Chinese Medicine Guide, 2019,17(31):150-151.

[2] Chen Zhiping. Clinical observation and nursing measures for women with medical abortion [J]. Electronic Journal of Practical Gynecology and Endocrinology, 2019,6(19):157.

[3] Xie Jinling, Liu Duoduo. Analysis of clinical treatment of 122 cases of incomplete medical abortion [J]. Shaanxi Medical Journal, 2014, 43(07): 885-886.

[4] Han Shuqiang. The diagnostic value of gynecological vaginal ultrasound in the diagnosis of intrauterine residues after medical abortion [J]. Chinese Medicine Guide, 2018,16(13):133-134 .

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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