Hubei added 1 new local confirmed case, reporting for Wuhan to come to Hubei from other provinces

From 0 to 24:00 on May 28, 1 new local confirmed case was reported in Hubei Province (reported from Wuhan City), and 0 new local asymptomatic infection was reported. There were 0 new confirmed cases imported from abroad, 0 new imported asymptomatic infections, 0 new suspected cases, 0 new deaths, 0 discharged cases on the same day, and 0 medical observation of asymptomatic infections released on the same day.

As of 24:00 on May 28, 1 local confirmed case (in Wuhan, mild) treated in designated medical institutions, suspected 0 cases. There are 5 cases of local asymptomatic infections (3 cases in Jingmen City and 2 cases in Ezhou City) who are still under centralized isolation and medical observation.

0 imported confirmed cases treated in designated medical institutions, and 3 imported asymptomatic infections still under centralized isolation and medical observation.

A total of 63,886 cases have been cured and discharged in the province, a total of 4,512 cases have died, and a total of 68,399 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia have been reported. There are 517 close contacts who are still under centralized isolation for medical observation.

SourcePublished in Hubei

Editor Gao Shanshan

Process Editor Liu Weili p>