How to treat prenatal paralysis of cattle? Can it be cured? Three Treatment Options for Prenatal Paralysis in Cattle

The root cause of prenatal paralysis in cattle is low blood sugar and blood sugar levels. Prenatal paralysis is more common in multiparous cows with strong milk production and cows that are usually deficient in calcium. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. The following will give you an overview of the various causes of prenatal paralysis in cows, as well as the corresponding treatment methods.

1. Too much calcium in the milk

Before the cow gives birth, a large amount of calcium enters the blood In the udder, it is used to synthesize colostrum, which causes a rapid drop in blood calcium levels and paralysis of the cow. For the prenatal paralysis caused by this condition, we can treat it by preventing the continued flow of blood calcium to the breast, and supplementing calcium to increase the blood calcium concentration. Supplementing blood calcium: Ingredients used: Kangli Taibao, its main ingredients are calcium gluconate, zinc gluconate, together with traditional Chinese medicines such as Pulsatilla, Coptidis, Duhuo, Achyranthes, etc., not only can supplement blood calcium and blood sugar, but also can clear internal heat, Nourishes liver and kidney, strengthens muscles and bones, increases immunity, and promotes recovery and re-stand of cows. In addition, under the guidance of professionals, we can use breast ventilation to prevent blood calcium from flowing to the breast and reduce blood calcium loss.

2. Gastrointestinal diseases affect calcium absorption

Cattle suffering from pregastric retardation, rumen accumulation, etc. Stomach diseases can lead to decreased appetite, digestive dysfunction, and decreased ability to reabsorb and utilize calcium and phosphorus in the feed, resulting in lower blood calcium levels than normal. It will cause the blood calcium concentration to continue to drop, so that the blood calcium concentration is too low, causing paralysis. In this regard, we can use the mixes for cows: Antaibao + Anweitaibao + Duoweitaibao to carry out a full range of conditioning, improve nutrition, restore digestive function, enhance immunity, and prevent various difficult postpartum diseases. At the same time, in response to the paralysis caused by this situation, we can intravenously inject 300-500 ml of 10% calcium gluconate injection to the paralyzed cow to increase blood sugar and blood calcium concentration.

3. Feed affects calcium absorption

If we feed pregnant cows the High protein content and iodine deficiency; reduced ability of cattle to use bone calcium; insufficient light, resulting in insufficient vitamin D synthesis; these reasons will affect the absorption of calcium, resulting in a decrease in blood calcium concentration, resulting in paralysis of cows. In this regard, we can: let cows go outdoors to bask in the sun, do not feed excessive protein feed, supplement iodine appropriately, and stop the continuous decline of blood calcium concentration. At the same time, we use the following ingredients for cows: Kangli Taibao + Ma An Taibao, which can speed up the recovery of cows, replenish blood and nourish qi, and promote the recovery of cows.

The above are the three causes and treatment methods of cow paralysis before giving birth. I hope it can help you quickly solve the problem of cow paralysis. You can click to follow, like, favorite, or forward it to more friends in need, and we will bring you more farming knowledge in the future.