How to remove heavy moisture Use these 5 tricks to get rid of the moisture in the body as soon as possible

Excessive moisture in the body is likely to induce a variety of diseases. Moisture will accumulate in different parts of our body, which will affect the body to a certain extent. How to remove moisture is important? There are many reasons for people to have heavy moisture, such as weak gastrointestinal function or improper diet. Some foods can remove moisture from the body, what is good to eat?

How to remove heavy moisture

1. Keep a light diet

Long-term poor diet is likely to weaken the function of the spleen and stomach, which will make the moisture in the body not fully excreted Tivas. Eating meat often is likely to lead to aggravation of humidity. Usually, eating more fruits and vegetables can satisfy people’s nutrients and reduce the symptoms of heavy humidity.

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2. Ensure smooth and healthy gastrointestinal tract

Increased moisture in the body is likely to cause problems with defecation, and feces have been stored in the body, which is likely to aggravate the problem of heavy moisture, which will make the body enter a vicious circle. Therefore, everyone should maintain a fixed number of bowel movements every day, drink more warm water in life, and eat less fried food.

3. Exercise to remove moisture

Persistently doing exercise every day can speed up the metabolism of the human body. It is excreted in the form of urine, effectively reducing the moisture in the body. However, there is one thing that everyone should pay attention to, that is, you must not take a shower immediately after exercise, or directly touch cold water, which may lead to aggravation of moisture.

4. Seasonings remove moisture

Scallions, ginger and garlic are common seasonings in our daily life, not only have good seasoning effects, but also Boiled water with onion, ginger and garlic can achieve the effect of removing moisture. This kind of condiment is acrid in nature and tastes pungent. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effect of activating qi and channeling, and can also achieve the ideal effect of removing dampness.

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5. Moxa mugwort foot sticker to remove moisture

Artemisia argyi has the functions of dispelling wind, dehumidifying, warming meridians and dispelling cold. Mugwort foot patch removes moisture from the body through acupoint penetration, and has a good relieving effect on symptoms such as back pain and muscle soreness caused by moisture.

Causes of heavy dampness

1. Weak function of spleen and stomach transport and transformation: most of the reason for the generation of dampness is due to the transport and transformation of spleen and stomach Dysfunction, “the spleen governs transportation and transformation”, the dampness of the weak spleen and stomach will not be able to be excreted from the body.

2. In a humid environment: prolonged exposure to a humid environment will increase the humidity. Places with heavy moisture are generally airtight. Because of this, moisture can nowhere to be discharged and remain in the body, further causing various moisture reactions.

3. Staying up late: Often staying up late will slow down the metabolism of the human body, so that the moisture in the body cannot be expelled, resulting in acne, constipation, pigmentation, dark circles and other moisture-heavy reactions .