How to relieve flatulence 4 ways to relieve gas to keep you from flatulence

Many people experience flatulence in life. This is a very troublesome thing for people. After flatulence, patients will feel uncomfortable in their abdomen and have no appetite. How can people with flatulence relieve it? There are many reasons for flatulence. Everyone should pay special attention to some foods that can relieve flatulence. What are some good foods to eat?

How to relieve flatulence

1. Often eat some easy-to-digest foods

The appearance of many diseases in life has a certain connection with our daily diet, as is flatulence. If you don’t pay attention to your eating habits in your life and often eat foods that are not easy to digest, it is very likely to cause symptoms of flatulence, and the bacteria in the intestinal tract will also increase for a long time, which will make the symptoms of flatulence aggravated.

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The first flatulence problem is not serious, but people will feel very uncomfortable Comfortable, especially in public places, flatulence will make everyone feel bad, so everyone should eat more food that can promote digestion in daily life. These foods can help improve flatulence and relieve stomach. burden.

2. Don’t talk while eating

Many people like to eat and talk normally, but we need to know that this lifestyle is very unhealthy , Mainly speaking while eating, it will make the food eaten cannot be fully chewed, and it is very likely that large pieces of food will be blocked in the esophagus, and in severe cases, there may be suffocation.

3. Eat more food that nourishes the stomach

If your stomach is often bloated, you can choose to eat some food that nourishes the stomach, such as Yam, sweet potato, spinach, pumpkin, etc., eat less greasy, cold, spicy and irritating food.

If you often have flatulence in your stomach, it may be that your gastrointestinal digestion is not very good. If you often eat greasy, cold, hard, spicy and irritating foods in your daily life, it will be unfavorable for gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. , and it will stimulate our stomach, increase the burden on the stomach, and in severe cases will lead to the occurrence of various gastrointestinal diseases, which is not conducive to our health.

4. Appropriately massage the stomach

If the stomach is often bloated, you can massage the stomach properly. Massage the stomach can promote the peristalsis of our stomach. , to help expel toxins and garbage accumulated in the stomach, which is beneficial to the health of the stomach.

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But we need to pay attention, do not use the counterclockwise direction Rubbing your stomach will make the problem of flatulence worse, and we have to massage after eating for a while, otherwise it will affect our gastrointestinal health.

Causes of flatulence

1. Excessive stress

Some people experience stress It is time to decompress by eating. The greater the pressure, the more food you eat, and the burden on the stomach will become heavier and even overloaded. At this time, the peristaltic efficiency of the stomach cannot keep up with the speed of eating, which will lead to accumulation of food. Stomach bloating occurs over time. And when people are in negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, anger, etc., they will not only produce too much stomach acid, but also lead to gastric dysfunction.