How to regulate irregular menstruation 5 ways to improve menstruation to become normal

Mstruation is a normal physiological phenomenon. Every woman will have menstruation at a certain age. It can be said to be the key to testing women’s health. However, many people have irregular menstruation. What should I do at this time? What about conditioning? There are many reasons for people’s irregular menstruation. Everyone should pay attention to what food is good for menstrual irregularity?

How to regulate irregular menstruation

< p>1, pay attention to the spirit. Female friends should maintain a happy mood in life, so that our spirit can be relaxed, and a good mood is effective in regulating menstruation. Don’t let yourself be in a state of tension and excitement in life, otherwise it is very likely that menstruation will be affected, so everyone should adjust their mood as soon as possible.

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2. Hygiene work should be done well. During the menstrual period, it is very necessary to do a good job of hygiene. If the hygiene work is not done well, it is very likely to cause infection or cause bacteria to grow. All of our menstruation will have a certain impact, and severe inflammation may occur, so Good hygiene is effective in improving menstrual irregularities.

3. Don’t over-diet. There are many people who want to be thinner, but don’t want to exercise. At this time, they will choose to diet to lose weight. In fact, this method is harmful to our menstruation. Excessive weight loss is likely to lead to imbalance in the body, so we can’t. In this way, you can lose weight through a combination of diet and exercise.

4. Diet therapy. If you have irregular menstruation for a long time, it is very necessary to pay attention to your diet. You can drink more black fungus and red dates tea, strong tea brown sugar drink, hawthorn brown sugar drink, etc. in your life. If the symptoms still do not improve, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination in time to clarify the cause, so as to follow the doctor’s advice for early and targeted treatment.

5, to develop good living habits. People who live a regular life are generally healthier, and women in particular should have good living habits, so that some diseases can be avoided. Irregular menstruation in conditioning, we should pay attention to daily life. A normal daily life is helpful for conditioning.

Causes of irregular menstruation

1. Smoking and drinking

Irregular menstruation in women Time to smoke and drink is related. Excessive intake of harmful substances in tobacco and alcohol will interfere with the physiological processes related to menstruation, resulting in irregular menstruation. In the process of a lot of smoking and drinking, the damage of harmful substances will lead to fluctuations in endocrine levels, and even reduce the functions of the ovaries and uterus, and women’s irregular menstruation will be obvious.

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Therefore, in the process of protecting the uterus and ovaries, we should pay attention to good habits. To maintain a stable endocrine level by quitting smoking and drinking, otherwise menstrual irregularities will become more and more serious.

2. Mental depression

It is necessary to know whether women’s repeated irregular menstruation is related to abnormal emotions. Long-term mental stress, mental depression, or suffering from major mental stimulation and psychological trauma, these abnormal mental factors will cause women’s menstruation to fluctuate.

The obvious feature is menstrual disorders, and even amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc. These phenomena are mainly related to emotional fluctuations affecting the normal secretion of estrogen by the ovaries, and possibly the shedding of the endometrium. signal sent. If you want to maintain normal menstruation, your emotions should be controlled reasonably, by releasing pressure and eliminating the influence of negative emotions to maintain normal menstruation and prevent serious irregular menstruation.

3. Nutritional deficiency