How to prevent cardiovascular disease in the elderly? Hear what the experts have to say

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, July 27. From July 25 to July 31, 2022, is the 2022 National Elderly Health Promotion Week. With the advent of an aging society, the health problems of the elderly have also become a hot spot of social concern. Cardiovascular disease is a common and frequently-occurring disease of the elderly. How can the elderly scientifically prevent and treat cardiovascular disease? Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed relevant experts.

Fan Yan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Geriatrics of Changsha Third Hospital, said that everyone is the first responsible person for their own health, advocates a healthy lifestyle, vigorously popularizes health knowledge and skills, and guides the elderly to establish Reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and a healthy lifestyle of psychological balance are the keys to preventing cardiovascular disease.

Fan Yan said that scientific diet is particularly important for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in the elderly. The elderly should consume more fresh vegetables and fruits in their daily life, and can appropriately increase the intake of corn, millet, brown rice, oats, sweet potatoes, yam, etc. The protein intake of the elderly should be mainly vegetable protein, such as beans , nuts, low-fat milk or yogurt, appropriately reduce the intake of red meat, eat less animal offal and processed meat.

Fan Yan suggested that the elderly should reduce the intake of cholesterol. It is recommended to use olive oil instead of animal fats to reduce the intake of margarine, etc. The elderly should control the intake of salt and reduce the intake of sugar. , reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to the latest dietary guidelines, the dietary pattern for preventing cardiovascular disease in the elderly is mainly composed of vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. Potatoes, fish, eggs, etc. (Provided by Changsha Third Hospital)

Yu Bo, a critical care physician at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, reminded that with the improvement of living conditions, the number of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension has increased , Due to the lack of health concepts, these chronic patients did not pay attention to them in the early stage of illness, resulting in the occurrence of chronic disease complications and even serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The picture shows a general practitioner in a community hospital in Changsha providing diagnosis and treatment for the elderly. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Shuai Cai

Yu Bo reminded that the elderly should have regular physical examinations. When there are aura symptoms such as palpitation, chest tightness, and discomfort in the precordial area, you should take Suxiao Jiuxin Pills quickly, and you should seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying treatment.

Reporter: Shuai Cai

Acknowledgements: The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University

The Third Hospital of Changsha City

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