How to Lose Belly Fat Efficiently

In the process of losing weight and fat, how to lose their big belly is a matter of great concern to most friends. Too much abdominal fat not only affects the appearance of the body, but also affects the health of the body. However, when we work hard for this, we will find that it is relatively difficult to lose abdominal fat. With the weight loss, other parts of the body have obvious changes, while the abdominal changes are not large, then, in reducing fat How to lose belly fat more efficiently in the process? What does abdominal training mean for losing belly? Next, let’s talk about belly reduction and abdominal training.

First: How to lose belly fat?

When we want to lose fat in a certain area, we all know that there is no localized fat loss, so even if you want to lose belly fat, all you have to do is Whole body fat loss, as the body fat rate decreases, the abdominal fat will also gradually decrease, but the abdominal fat is relatively stubborn, so the rate of abdominal fat reduction will be slower or even faster than other parts, so I want to lose it If you have belly fat, what you need to do is to reduce fat as the premise, and then do it in a targeted manner.

1. Effective fat loss is the premise to lose belly fat

Fat loss is to lose fat The premise of losing belly fat, so even if your goal is only to lose belly fat, you still have to grasp the general direction of fat loss. To effectively lose fat, what you need to do is to make calorie intake < consumption, in terms of method, or It is diet control, or increased exercise, or a combination of the two.

If you want to lose fat effectively, the first thing you need to solve is diet, because this is the premise of the formation of calorie deficit. In terms of diet, what you need to solve is to limit calorie intake, and to achieve dietary Balanced, so it is not recommended to adopt a single diet, or to reduce certain types of food, but to diversify the diet, so as to ensure a comprehensive nutrition. Then, what should we do in terms of diet?

Appropriately reduce the proportion of carbohydrate intake

In the process of diet control, appropriate It is still necessary to reduce the intake of carbohydrates for fat loss, but this does not mean that the lower the intake of carbohydrates, the better, but to moderate control. In general, the intake of carbohydrates The intake ratio is about 45-55% of the overall caloric intake, and in the selection of carbohydrate types, it is also necessary to diversify and increase the intake ratio of coarse grains as much as possible.

Pay more attention to protein intake

Sufficient protein is not only beneficial to reduce The risk of muscle loss can also increase satiety, which reduces food intake and avoids overeating or overeating problems. In addition, when carbohydrate intake is reduced, protein also provides energy for the body, so the more you control your diet, the more you should pay attention to protein intake.

Under normal circumstances, protein intake should be 10-35% of the total calorie intake. From a quantitative point of view, the recommended daily protein intake for adults is about 56 grams. And if you are in the process of losing fat, you should also consider the part that provides energy for the body. When you reduce the intake of carbohydrates, the intake of protein is even more. From the perspective of body weight, per person per day The protein intake should be 1.2-2 grams per kilogram of body weight. From the type of protein, it is more recommended to consume animal protein, because animal protein is more easily absorbed.

Don’t Ignore Dietary Fat

1 gram of fat provides 9 major Calorie calories (4 calories per gram of carbohydrates and protein), so, in the process of losing fat, many friends will try to reduce fat intake as much as possible, but this does not mean that fat is not important, on the contrary , Fat is also an essential nutrient for the body. Under normal circumstances, the recommended fat intake can be reduced to 15% of the total daily calorie intake, but fat cannot be absolutely rejected.

Eat plenty of vegetables and moderate amounts of fruits

In the process of losing fat, you need a calorie deficit Therefore, you need to limit the daily total calorie intake, so the daily total calorie intake should reach the state of ≤ daily energy requirements (appropriate adjustments should be made according to the exercise situation), in this case, you need to endure certain At this time, an effective way to solve the hunger is to eat more vegetables and an appropriate amount of fruits. Of course, the role of vegetables and fruits is not only these, they can provide the body with sufficient nutrients such as vitamins and minerals Element.

So, how much do you eat every day? In general, the recommended intake of vegetables is 300-500 grams, and the intake of fruits is 200-350 grams.

2. Movement It is more helpful to lose belly fat

From the point of view of fat loss, if you don’t want to exercise, just controlling your diet can also achieve the goal, but for belly fat, exercise It is very inevitable. Research has shown that exercise, especially high-intensity exercise, is more helpful to lose abdominal fat. That is to say, in the process of losing fat, paying attention to exercise is more conducive to the decomposition of abdominal fat, so as to solve the problem of abdominal fat. The problem of dry fat loss.

Of course, if you want to improve the efficiency of losing belly fat, you must not only pay attention to exercise, but also pay attention to the intensity of exercise, so if your focus is to lose weight Abdominal fat, then, during exercise, you cannot be in a relatively comfortable state, but to increase the exercise intensity. Increasing exercise intensity does not mean choosing a high-intensity exercise somewhere, but breaking through your exercise comfort. No matter what form of exercise you do, don’t make yourself too comfortable. Of course, if you can’t stick to it, you can also choose intermittent exercise.

< p>Second: What is the significance of abdominal training for losing abdominal fat?

From the perspective of the goal, abdominal training targets the abdominal muscles, and does not form a calorie deficit Under the premise that doing more abdominal training will not help you lose belly fat, of course, your abdominal muscles will become relatively developed, which cannot be denied. So, in this case, how can abdominal training help to lose belly fat What is the meaning of fat? Here are the reasons:

1. Abdominal training can help you develop exercise habits

When you want to lose your big belly ( Belly fat), the method chosen by many friends is abdominal training, hoping to achieve the goal through targeted training, even if this is not correct, but everyone has a very strong desire to lose abdominal fat, in this case, The motivation to insist on abdominal training is stronger. In the process of abdominal training, in order to make the training more effective, everyone will search for relevant content more or less, slowly You will know the relevant knowledge points. At this time, even if you are still insisting on abdominal training, you will make appropriate adjustments to your exercise methods to find the right direction. It is no exaggeration to say that many friends’ exercise habits have improved Success (or the development of a fitness habit) starts with abdominal training.

2. Abdominal training can help reduce fat to shape abdominal shape

The greatest significance of abdominal training It lies in the shaping of the abdominal shape. Of course, it does not change the appearance of the abdominal muscles themselves, such as whether the abdominal muscles are symmetrical, how many pieces, etc., because the appearance of the abdominal muscles is natural, but abdominal training can solve the loose waist and abdomen after fat reduction. In addition, abdominal training can increase the blood flow of the abdomen, thereby helping to improve the efficiency of losing belly fat during the fat loss process (of course, this is in the calorie deficit. premise).

Therefore, if you want to avoid the problem of loose abdomen after losing fat, make the abdomen flat and firm, and even have a waistline, abdominal training is very important. So, how to do abdominal training? That’s what comes next.

3. How to do abdominal training

Speaking of abdominal training, we can find many related Training action, what kind of action to choose?

First of all, you must choose a comprehensive training action according to the abdominal structure, that is to say, it is not the more the better, but to be comprehensive. Muscle movements (crunch type for the upper side of the rectus abdominis, leg lifts for the lower side of the rectus abdominis), movements for the oblique muscles (rotation and side flexion movements), for the transverse abdominis movements (core classes or vacuum abdominal movements).

According to your ability, choose moderately difficult movements instead of difficult movements. Moderate difficulty can be understood as the training movements you choose are difficult to a certain extent, but they can be completed in a standard way. Certainly challenging, so it is not a simple action. Of course, you have to try this slowly by yourself.

As your ability improves, pay attention to adjustment, rather than being limited to a group of actions, when a group of actions When it can be done easily, it is necessary to update the training method. At this time, it can be to update the movements and choose the more difficult movements, to shorten the rest time between movements, or to increase the training time (but from the perspective of abdominal training) , the generally recommended time is about 15 minutes, so this point is generally not considered), or it can be increased capacity, that is, weight training.

Of course, no matter what kind of training action you choose, if you want to train more efficiently, the premise is to ensure the standardization of the action, so that the target muscle can lead the force to complete the action.

In view of this, I would like to share a set of abdominal training exercises that are more suitable for the public, 3-5 sets at a time. If it feels okay, you might as well stick to it.

Exercise 1: Crunches (15-20 times)

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the ground, lower back on the ground, hands Put it next to the ear

Keep the body stable, keep the lower back on the ground throughout the whole process, and the abdominal muscles will force the upper back to roll up to the maximum. Feel the contraction of the abdominal muscles, and then control the speed to restore slowly

Action 2: SupportAlternate knee raises (16-20 reps)

Bent over, arms supported under shoulders, elbows slightly bent, back straight, core tight, legs extended back Straight, feet toes on the ground

Keep the body stable and do not shake, the lower abdominal muscles exert force to drive the legs to alternately forward the knees, pay attention to the knees as close to the elbows as possible when raising the knees

Keep an even rhythm and complete the action at your own pace

Movement 3: Recumbent Cycling (16-20 times) p>

Lie on your back, put your lower back on the ground, put your hands next to your ears, lift your upper back and head up, fix your neck, straighten your legs forward, and keep your feet off the ground

Keep the body stable, keep the lower back not off the ground, use the force of the side abdomen to drive one leg to lift the front knee, and rotate the shoulders to the side of the active leg at the same time, so that the elbow and knee of the opposite side are as close as possible

Stop for a while at the top of the action, actively control the speed to restore slowly, and complete the action on the other side during the restoration process

Action 4: Sitting with knees bent Abdomen (15-20 reps)

Sit, legs together and straight forward, feet off the ground, support the body on the top of the buttocks, lean the upper body back, and place the hands on the sides of the hips

Keep the body stable, the abdominal force drives the legs to bend the knees forward, and the upper body moves forward at the same time, so that the abdominal muscles are fully squeezed

Stop for a while at the top of the movement, and control the speed slowly Restoring, be careful not to touch the ground when restoring

Exercise 5: Plank left and right hip rotation (16-20 times) p>

Bend over, bend your arms and elbows under your shoulders to support your body, keep your back straight, your core tight, your legs together and your back straight, and your toes on the ground

Keep your body stable , keep the core tightened, and the lateral abdominal muscles drive the hips to rotate to one side, to the maximum extent

stop for a while at the top of the movement, then slowly restore and complete the movement on the other side

Movement Six: Dynamic Plank (16-20 reps)

Bend over with arms under shoulders Straighten, bend your elbows slightly, straighten your back, tighten your abs, and straighten your legs back

Keep your body steady, keep your abs tight all the way, and bend your arms alternately, elbows down, so that your body is in Plank support state, and then alternately straighten the arms to support the body to restore

Pay attention to maintaining a uniform speed, and do not fully straighten the elbow joint when restoring


A lot of belly fat affects not only your appearance, but also your health, so losing belly fat is of greater significance to your health. To lose belly fat, you must first grasp the general direction, that is, systemic fat loss. The method is to make a calorie deficit appear, but belly fat is relatively stubborn and difficult to reduce. Therefore, in order to lose belly fat more efficiently, exercise (especially high-intensity exercise) ) is very necessary.

For abdominal training, although it is not of great significance to lose belly fat, it can help you develop exercise habits, and can help you solve the problem of abdominal relaxation after fat reduction, so as to shape firmness The shape and line of the abdomen, so that the abdomen is flat and firm, and even has a vest line.

However, in any case, what we need to know is that fat loss or shaping is not something that can be achieved quickly, so give your body some time to adapt, don’t worry, just stick to it Do, and time will give the best answer.