How to learn traditional Chinese medicine, learn to take images

Original: Chibi Writer

If the prescription of prescription is likened to leading soldiers to fight, understanding Chinese medicine is to understand your soldiers; You don’t even know your soldiers, and it is impossible for you to say that you will lead soldiers to fight.

If the prescription is likened to cooking, to understand Chinese medicine is to understand the ingredients such as pepper eggplant. If you have never seen pepper eggplant, you say that you are very good at cooking, Also impossible.

Republic of China’s genius doctor Zhang Xichun has great medical skills, why are people so good? They have solid basic skills, thorough research on medical science, and know Chinese medicine like the back of their hands.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a system, and the principles and prescriptions are indispensable.

Many people want to take shortcuts. There is no shortcut to learning Chinese medicine. Only by taking every step well, can TCM be good. Many people learn formulas and typhoid fever as soon as they come up. Unless they are geniuses, they will give up halfway.

Many friends said: I am not a doctor, nor do I want to prescribe prescriptions, learn these traditional Chinese medicines What is the use? If you are not a doctor, you must go to the kitchen. You must use red dates, angelica, astragalus, and ginger. If you don’t know some basic Chinese herbal medicines, you can’t eat red dates and eggs.

Many friends also said: Even if you learn it, you can’t remember it, Chinese medicine is very difficult to learn. Traditional Chinese medicine is the flowers and plants in nature. Originally, it does not need memory. It only needs you to feel, understand, and practice. I have always been against learning by memory, and I have never memorized any knowledge myself. My emphasis is on understanding and feeling.

For example: what kind of effect does a piece of ginger have, you don’t need to remember, you Just have a taste. Spicy, oh, this is spicy; if you eat too much, you get angry, oh, this is hot. ended.

The next step is to use it. For example, if you get cold outside in the rain, make a bowl of ginger soup and drink it quickly. Why? Ginger is diffusive, and it can help you dissipate the wind and cold you just suffered. If you have a cold stomach all the time, put more ginger when cooking. Ginger is warm, and heat can drive away the cold. What a simple truth.

Learning Chinese medicine also has to learn to take images. These things are not taught in books, but, Once understood, Chinese medicine is easy to understand. What is an image pickup? To put it simply, Chinese medicine is also life, and all life must follow the same law. This law is “Tao”, and the manifestation of Tao is “Xiang”. Heaven has celestial signs, people have signs, and Chinese medicine has signs of Chinese medicine.

Chinese herbal medicines are actually just a few types.

1. Branches are used as medicine, such as cinnamon sticks, mulberry branches;

2. The leaves are used as medicine, such as mulberry leaves and orange leaves;

3. The stems are used as medicine, such as Bupleurum, lotus stems;

4. Roots are used as medicine, such as yam, angelica;

5. Fruits are used as medicine, such as Gorgon, red dates.

6. Flowers are used as medicine, such as roses and chrysanthemums.

The branches are scattered outward, so most of the medicinal materials that use branches as medicines are It has a divergent effect, which is a kind of “divergence”. You can naturally think that they can radiate your qi and blood energy to the body surface.

The leaves grow upward, so most of them use leaves as medicine, and the medicinal properties are different. It is rising and floating, and it is an image of “rising hair”. For example, the mulberry leaves in spring are those that lift the liver; the frosted mulberry leaves that are picked in the fall, together with the image of autumn harvest, become the ones that lower the lungs and converge the lungs.

Stems grow upward, and the nutrients absorbed by the roots are transported to the branches and leaves , is a kind of “access”. Therefore, if you look at Bupleurum, it is to elevate the liver, and it also has the effect of clearing the qi of the liver.

The root, which grows downward, can absorb the essence of the soil and is a kind of ” The sign of “absorption”, so you can see that most of the qi and blood are the roots in the soil. The root is divided into head, body, and tail. Look at the head of angelica. It needs to transport nutrients upwards, and the medicinal properties are upward, so the head of angelica can make the blood go up. We believe that the head of angelica stops bleeding; the head of angelica absorbs essence energy Mostly, we believe that Angelica is nourishing blood; the tail of Angelica has to break the soil and grow downward, and the medicinal properties are downward, so we think that the tail of Angelica will break the blood.

Fruits are the essence of plants and an image of “wrapping”. Therefore, you can see that walnuts, wolfberry, and leek seeds are all nourishing for the liver and kidney, while red dates, Gorgon, and dogwood are all astringent.

Flowers are blooming, a kind of “rising and scattering”. So, after you get angry, you will drink some rose tea, and your body will feel comfortable soon. What is the purpose of this? I just want to disperse these negative emotions that my body feels like flowers.

When you truly understand these principles, you will find that these traditional Chinese medicines are no longer Dead knowledge, but a fresh life.

It is not easy to study a subject thoroughly. Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, this kind of spirit is rare in contemporary society.

If you want to know more, you need to get in touch with them more. . Look, smell, taste, and slowly become familiar.