How to judge whether it is iron deficiency anemia or thalassemia in children with anemia

Children’s anemia, most parents think of iron deficiency, iron deficiency anemia is indeed a common anemia in children, but there is also an anemia – thalassemia, and iron deficiency anemia The manifestations are similar and easy to confuse, but they are far more harmful to children.

Thalassemia was first discovered in countries bordering the Mediterranean, hence the name.

Very different from iron-deficiency anemia, thalassemia is a common autosomal recessive disorder caused by a genetic defect.

Hemoglobin is a special protein that transports oxygen in red blood cells in the blood. It is composed of globin and heme, of which globin is composed of several different globin chains, including alpha globin chains and beta globin chain.

People with thalassemia have deletions or mutations in the globin gene, and one or more of the globin chains are reduced or unable to be synthesized, resulting in easy rupture and decomposition of red blood cells, hemolysis, and reduced hemoglobin. Manifested as anemia.

Based on the type of globin deficiency, thalassemias are divided into 4 types, with alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia being the most common.

According to the degree of globin deficiency, it is divided into mild, intermediate and major thalassemia, and major thalassemia is more harmful.

In the case of thalassemia minor, there is a mild problem with globin synthesis, usually no symptoms, and the hemoglobin level in the blood routine may be in the normal range, or it may be mild anemia.

The daily life, work and life expectancy of people with thalassemia minor are basically unaffected. For example, the French football player Zidane suffers from mild thalassemia, and he still runs on the field and wins big football awards. Consistent.

Thalassemia minor usually has no obvious discomfort and no special treatment. It is recommended to supplement folic acid and vitamin E appropriately.

If it is thalassemia intermedia, it can partially synthesize globin, so it may appear as pale complexion, enlarged spleen, and some common symptoms of anemia, such as dizziness, fatigue, etc.

People with thalassemia intermedia grow and develop normally and usually do not need regular blood transfusions. However, if the anemia is aggravated due to infection, pregnancy, etc., blood transfusion is required.

Major thalassemia major has obvious anemia in infants and young children, stunted growth, and gradually appears typical thalassemia appearance such as abnormal bones and facial features, which is a great threat to the child’s life.

For specific thalassemia major, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is required; if hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is not performed, long-term blood transfusion, iron monitoring, and iron removal with iron removal agents are required.

Therefore, if you suffer from thalassemia, you need to treat it according to different conditions.

For thalassemia intermedia and thalassemia major, follow the doctor’s examination and plan for treatment.

Because thalassemia minor has little impact on daily life, and the hemoglobin is normal or mildly low, many people with thalassemia minor do not know that they are thalassemia.

Wang Can, Du Chun’s wife in the variety show “Mother-in-law and Mother”, didn’t know that she was thalassemia until the pregnancy test.

Thalassemia minor does not require treatment, but it is very important to know that you have thalassemia, so that the next generation can be prevented from developing thalassemia intermedia and major as soon as possible.

As mentioned earlier, thalassemia is an autosomal recessive inheritance, and its inheritance pattern follows the law of autosomal recessive inheritance, so doing prenatal examinations can effectively prevent moderate to severe thalassemia.

How do I know if I have thalassemia? Professional diagnosis requires hemoglobin electrophoresis or genetic diagnosis. Genetic diagnosis is the most direct and accurate.

Some information can also be seen from the blood routine results. If the number of red blood cells in the blood routine is significantly increased, the average volume of red blood cells, and the content of red blood cell hemoglobin are significantly reduced, then beware of the possibility of thalassemia.

If there is such a blood routine result, it is best to do further professional diagnosis.

In addition to these, there is another point that confuses parents, that is, the child has thalassemia, does he need iron supplements and eat some high-iron foods?

If the child has thalassemia minor, and it is clear that it is iron deficiency anemia, according to the degree of iron deficiency, high-iron diet can be used.Iron supplements or directly take iron supplements suitable for children for iron supplementation, and at the same time regularly detect the children’s blood routine and serum iron metabolism indicators. When the child’s index reaches the normal range, iron supplementation can be stopped appropriately to avoid the child’s iron overload.

Similarly, if the mother is diagnosed with mild thalassemia during pregnancy or breastfeeding, she should go to the hospital for an examination first, and then determine whether it is necessary or not based on the results. Just buy iron pills to eat.