How to improve dry skin These 7 tricks can make dry skin disappear quickly

Most people hope that their skin will be fine and smooth, and the skin will improve and the temperament of the whole person will be improved. However, due to various reasons, many people’s skin is always relatively dry and rough, and the complexion looks bad. No, how to improve dry skin? Some foods can relieve dry skin, what foods are good to eat?

How to improve dry skin


For girls who like makeup, makeup removal and cleaning are very important parts. Different parts of the face should be treated differently. It can be said that the face skin has more oil in the T part. place, so pay attention when cleaning. People’s eyes and lips are relatively fragile, so use a special makeup remover when removing makeup.

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Under normal circumstances, it is enough to wash your face twice a day, but If the air quality is poor, you should wash your face several times, and when washing your face, you need to gently massage the facial skin, and wash your face in circular motions, so as to remove the dirt inside the skin. come out.


The skin will be dry and peeling, which is mainly caused by lack of moisture, so everyone should drink more water in life, and also You need to eat more fruits, use effective moisturizing products when choosing skin care products, and use mild and non-irritating skin care products. You can apply a mask before going to bed at night. If you persist, you can improve the symptoms of dry skin.

Washing face with white vinegar

White vinegar not only softens the stratum corneum of the skin, but also sterilizes. The skin absorbs some nutrients and increases the moisture of the cells, thereby enhancing the vitality of the cells and making the skin more smooth and tender.

Green tea face wash

Boil the green tea, wait until the water temperature drops, and then wash your face directly, because green tea contains tea polyphenols, and tea polyphenols It also has anti-oxidant effect, which can delay skin aging and restore white, tender and smooth skin.

Honey face wash

Honey has the effect of nourishing the skin. When washing your face, first wash your face with warm water, then pour an appropriate amount of honey into the palm of your hand and rub your palms against each other. , after more than a week, you can feel the facial skin has improved.

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Carrots actually have a cosmetic effect in addition to improving eyesight. They are called “beauty vitamins” because the beta-carotene contained in them can be converted into vitamin A in the small intestine, and vitamin A has a positive effect on the epidermis of the skin. The protective effect can make people’s skin soft, shiny and elastic.


Tomatoes have a very good exfoliating effect. After eating more tomatoes, the cells will absorb more fruit acids and help regulate The skin’s water and oil balance, thereby promoting the skin’s metabolism.

Causes of dry skin

1. Improper use of skin care products

Choose the right skin care products It can prevent dry skin, but the use of skin care products is very particular. After washing your face, apply a moisturizing lotion in time to moisturise the skin while the skin is still damp. Can not blindly choose expensive skin care products, suitable for their own is good. Some people like to use soap or shower gel when bathing or washing hands, which will disturb the acid-base balance of the skin, destroy the protective film that protects the skin, increase the burden on the skin, and cause dryness and itching of the skin.