How to do household disinfection? Full analysis of 30 questions and answers!

1. What are the main points of daily disinfection at home?

Home disinfection shouldmainly cleaning, supplemented by disinfection, Disinfection is not necessary to use disinfectants, and physical disinfection methods such as sun exposure and heat are preferred at home.

Disinfect key links and objects, such as tableware, couriers, door handles, etc.

Disinfectants should be formulated with appropriate concentrations according to the instructions for use and according to different disinfection objects, and carried out with appropriate disinfection methods.

Personal protection should be taken during disinfection. When preparing disinfectants, masks and gloves should be worn, and it should be carried out in a well-ventilated environment. The prepared disinfectants should be used as soon as possible.

2. How to do indoor air disinfection?

Open the windows for ventilation. It is recommended to open the windows for ventilation continuously. , Open the windows at least once a day in the morning and afternoon for more than 30 minutes each time.

If the windows cannot be opened for ventilation or the ventilation is poor, mechanical ventilation methods such as electric fans and exhaust fans can be used to introduce outdoor fresh air as much as possible.

3. How to disinfect household items?

Common Widgets Such as mobile phones, remote controls, mice, door handles, faucets, various buttons, etc., can be wiped and disinfected with 70%-80% alcohol cotton balls or disinfectant wipes.

Large objectssuch as desktops and floors, can be sprayed with disinfectant containing 500mg/L of available chlorine (bromine), Wipe or mop to disinfect. Clothes, bedding and other fabrics can be exposed to the sun for 4-6 hours (pay attention to turning over so that the front and back sides can be exposed to the sun), and generally do not need special disinfection.

Sinks and toilets can be regularly disinfected with chlorine-containing disinfectant.

4. How to sterilize tableware?

Boil sterilization for 15-30 minutes is preferred, or circulating steam sterilization 30 minutes, or you can use the tableware sterilizer to operate according to the instruction manual. You can also use 250-500mg/L chlorine (bromine) disinfectant to soak for 30 minutes, then rinse with water.

It is important to note thatThe time for boiling or steam sterilization should be calculated from the start of boiling and steam injection, not the start of heating. When sterilizing with circulating steam, the tableware should be placed with a gap and should not be placed closely to avoid affecting the disinfection effect. Soak disinfection should ensure that the tableware is completely submerged. If new tableware is put in, the time should be recalculated. In order to ensure the disinfection effect, cleaning should be done before disinfection to remove visible pollution.

5. How to do garbage disinfection?

For community waste such as households,< strong>If there is no definite positive infected person contamination, can be normalIt is discarded and disposed of as household waste, and there is no need to sterilize the waste.

If contamination is suspected,spray 10000-20000mg/L of chlorine (bromine) disinfectant on the garbage for 60 minutes; Spray 1000-2000mg/L chlorine (bromine) disinfectant on garbage packaging bags for 30 minutes; spray 1000-2000mg/L chlorine (bromine) disinfectant on trash cans (recommended with lids) for 30 minutes.

6. How to sterilize meat and egg food?

Meat does not need to be sterilized,Soak and wash it several times.

Keep eggs refrigerated or in a cool place, and clean their shells before cooking.

7. How to sterilize the bought vegetables?

Pay attention to wearing a mask when collecting and arranging vegetables,Rubber gloves may also be used if available.

Vegetables (potatoes, radishes, onions, etc.) that are not easily dehydrated and spoiled can be placed on the balcony for a period of time.

Vegetables that are easily dehydrated and spoiled (green vegetables, garlic sprouts, Bean sprouts, etc.), can be rinsed with slow water, soaked and cleaned, drained and stored.

8. Does frozen food need to be sterilized?

Frozen food packaging can be sterilized upon receipt, or by rinsing the surface with a slow stream of water before cooking.There is no need to sterilize the food inside.

9. How to sterilize the outer packaging of rice, flour, grain and oil?

Rice, flour, grain and oil are generally produced automatically, and the chance of contamination itself is extremely small , As long as the outer packaging of the rice, noodles, grains and oils purchased home can be sterilized, those that are not eaten immediately can be placed in a ventilated place for a period of time.

10. How do families choose disinfectants?

Disinfectants should be reasonably selected according to the objects to be disinfected, span>Not the more expensive the better, usually the more expensive disinfectants on the market are often in the marked disinfection method And under the use, the adverse reactions are relatively small, and it is not necessarily the best disinfection effect.

For those who use less disinfectant daily, it is generally recommended to buy small packages. It is not recommended to purchase disinfectants in large packages, and it is not recommended to use disinfectants after separate packaging. Disinfectants in large packages are easily contaminated when they are self-packed, and disinfectants are generally volatile. If the bottle is used for a long time after opening, the concentration of the disinfectant will decrease. If it really needs to be repackaged after being formulated into a disinfectant, it should be marked to avoid misuse and misuse, and it should be used up as soon as possible.

11. How to use disinfectant correctly?

To achieve disinfection,The disinfection concentration, disinfection time and amount of disinfectant should be guaranteed. When using disinfectants, appropriate concentrations should be prepared according to different disinfection objects, according to the instructions, and appropriate disinfection methods should be used.

Try to clean first and then disinfect. If it is difficult to clean or there is a risk of cleaning, the disinfection concentration should be increased (usually double the concentration). Do not use disinfectants with other chemical products. Personal protection should be done when disinfecting.

12. How to use alcohol disinfectant (such as 75% alcohol, alcohol-based hand disinfectant)?

(1)Hand disinfection:Evenly spray or rub Hand 1-2 times.

(2)Skin disinfection:Apply to the skin surface 1- 2 times.

(3)Surface disinfection of small items (such as mobile phones, keys, door cards, etc.):Wipe the surface of the object 1-2 times.

Notes:Use with caution if you are allergic to alcohol; do not spray on a large area to prevent accidents such as burning; it should be stored in a cool, dark place.

13. How to use chlorine-containing disinfectant (such as 84 disinfectant, etc.)?

(1)< span>Protect yourself:Wear a mask, gloves, and a waterproof apron, and choose a well-ventilated environment.

(2)Preparation of effective concentration:Pay attention to the content of active ingredients, Taking 84 disinfectant with a concentration of 5% active ingredients as an example, 1 liter of water is mixed with 10 ml of disinfectant to prepare a disinfectant with a concentration of 500 mg/L.

(3)Disinfection:Disinfect surfaces such as tables and chairs Wipe, spray and mop the ground.

(4)Remove residue:If necessary, use clean water Wipe with a rag to remove residue of disinfectant.

Disinfectants need to have a certain action time to be effective, and they cannot be wiped off immediately after use.Please refer to the specific action time Read the product instructions carefully.

84 disinfectant cannot be mixed with other cleaning agents, Otherwise, chlorine gas will be produced, which is harmful to health.

14. The higher the concentration of disinfectant, the better?

should be diluted according to product directions, span>High-concentration disinfectant is relatively corrosive and irritating, and the workload of removing residues will also increase.

15. Can expired disinfectants still be used?

Not recommended, The disinfection effect of expired disinfectants may be reduced due to volatilization of active ingredients and reduced concentration. When there is no other disinfectant on hand, it can also be used in an emergency, and the dosage or disinfection time can be appropriately increased.

16. How many days is the prepared disinfectant valid for?

Commonly used disinfectants to be prepared mainly refer to span>Chlorine (bromine) disinfectants, such as 84 disinfectants, are generally prepared and used. It is recommended to keep it for no more than 24 hours after preparation, and use it as soon as possible, as the active ingredients will volatilize over time, and the disinfection effect will decrease.

17. Can I spray vegetables and fruits with disinfectant?

Generally speaking, the outer packaging of vegetables and fruits can be sprayed with disinfectant to reduce the risk, and the fruits and vegetables themselves only need to be cleaned, span>Do not use chemical disinfectants for disinfection, so as not to affect food safety and taste.

If there is a need for disinfection, you can use a disinfectant with a record of vegetables and fruits, soak it for 10-30 minutes according to the concentration in the manual, and rinse with water to remove the residual disinfectant.

18. Can I spray clothes with disinfectant?

Under normal circumstances, the probability of personal coats carrying the new coronavirus is small;Secondly, chemical disinfectants such as pedestrian disinfection channels should be set up The method of direct spraying on the human body, because the spraying time is too short and the amount of spraying is too small, the disinfection effect cannot be achieved.

19. Is it possible to spray air with disinfectant?

The probability of being positive for the virus in outdoor air is minimal, because even if there is a The sol, which is also rapidly decomposed and diluted by circulating air, is virtually non-infectious. And spraying and disinfecting outdoors cannot meet the required amount of disinfectant and disinfection time.

20. The resistance of the elderly and children is relatively poor. Can they use a humidifier to spray disinfectant in their rooms to continuously kill the new coronavirus?

The disinfection effect of humidifier spraying disinfectant is difficult to guarantee, on the other hand The respiratory tract of the elderly and children is sensitive and fragile, and is easily damaged by disinfectants, such as respiratory irritation, burns and sensitization.It should not be used in the presence of people spray chemical disinfectants.

21. How to disinfect after going out and testing nucleic acid after returning home?

Take off the coat gently and hang it in a ventilated position;

Take off the mask and hang it in a dry and ventilated place if it needs to be used again; span>

Clean hands with “soap/hand sanitizer + running water” in time;

Put the shoes off at the door, and wipe the uppers with disinfectant wipes; span>

Mobile phones, keys and other personal items, use 75% alcohol cotton balls or disinfectant wipes Wipe to disinfect.

If conditions permit, you can distinguish between “contaminated areas” and “clean areas” at home, and leave your clothes and shoes in the “contaminated areas”.

22. How to sterilize group purchase and express items?

for pickup, Wear masks, gloves, and take contactless delivery. The outer packaging of the items can be wiped and disinfected with disinfectant spray or disinfectant wipes, and left for 10-30 minutes. Keep cartons, packaging bags, etc. outside the door as much as possible and put them in the trash. Fresh food can be rinsed or soaked in slow water, washed and wiped dry.

After processing, Use “soap/hand sanitizer + running water” to clean your hands according to the “seven-step handwashing method” in time.

23. What are the hazards of excessive disinfection?

Home disinfection should not be excessive. Excessive disinfection will lead to a significant reduction of bacteria in the normal living environment, insufficient immune stimulation to the human body, and it is easy to get sick; it may cause micro-ecological environment imbalance and super bacteria. It is easy to induce allergies in the body; it may also damage the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and even cause poisoning.

24. Neighbors living in the same building were confirmed to be infected with the new crown. We How should I disinfect at home?

Virus infection is conditional, and the body must be exposed to a certain amount of infection. number of viruses. There is currently no evidence that airborne viruses can cause infection in very low concentrations. If a neighbor in the same building is diagnosed with the infection, it is most important for us to keep our room clean, tidy and ventilated at homeYes, don’t let the virus have a hiding place.

Physical disinfection is the first choice for disinfection. Boiling and natural ventilation, etc. If chemical disinfection is required, mainly for items brought into the home from the outside, the outer packaging can use low-concentration disinfectant (250mg/L-500mg/ L chlorine-containing disinfectant) for wiping or spraying, and the items in the package can be placed in a ventilated place for 30 minutes before disposal. If other items in the home are disinfected with disinfectant, remember to wipe them with clean water after the 30-minute action time.

25, the neighbors in the building are “yang”, the toilet exhaust fan Can you still drive?

When the toilet exhaust fan is turned on, the air in the indoor toilet is passed through the exhaust fan. The air duct is directly exhausted to the outside or a unified exhaust duct (bathroom without direct external windows), and it will not introduce the airflow of the neighbors in the building into the house.So instead of turning off the exhaust fan, keep it on as long as possible.

26. Do I need to disinfect the toilet every time I use it?

Not generally required in families. Aerosols from toilet flushing do not normally spread across floors and are unlikely to spread the virus. However, for hygiene reasons, it is recommended that citizens close the toilet lid before flushing after using the toilet. Human excrement contains a lot of pathogens. Covering the toilet lid can prevent pathogens from being sprayed into the air by the air pressure formed by the water flow when flushing, polluting the toilet environment and causing human diseases.

27. Neighbors in the building are confirmed to be infected with the new crown, and the virus will follow Does the sewer go to my house?

As long as the air flow of the sewer between the neighbors of the residential building is not connected, the The risk of sewer transmission is extremely low. It is therefore recommended that you check all the sewer pipes in your home, such as kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, washing machine drains, balcony sinks, etc.< /span>If there is no seal between the drain pipe (especially the hose) and the floor drain, you can use a material such as silicone to seal it. If there is no silicone, you can also use tape. Regularly (3-7 days) add water to the floor drain near the toilet (not in the shower). After each use of the basin, cover the flip-top drain cover, and the pull-out type keeps it closed, so that a small amount of water can be left in the basin.

28. How to disinfect the home of positive infected persons?

Positive individuals in the community may contaminate the surrounding environment. According to the relevant requirements of the country and the city’s new crown pneumonia prevention and control work, After a positive infection is found, it is necessary to take timely disinfection measures for the home environment and activity trajectory.

The family environment, especially those with positive infection, should be Thoroughly disinfect the contact area. After the tableware is washed, it can be disinfected by a tableware disinfection cabinet or by boiling, the surface of the object can be wiped and disinfected, the floor can be wiped and disinfected, towels and other fabrics can be soaked and disinfected with chemical disinfectant, and electronic products can be disinfected with alcohol cotton balls and disinfectant wipes Wipe to disinfect. If you are worried that the disinfectant is corrosive to furniture, etc., you can wipe it with clean water after disinfection for half an hour to remove the residue.

29. How to disinfect the building where the positive infected person is located?

Disinfect the buildings of positive infected persons, < /span>The focus is on the places where the positive infected person has passed and touched, including elevator buttons, handrails, door call buttons, etc., The disinfection method mainly uses spraying.

30. How to disinfect the public areas of the community where the positive infected person is located?

The focus should be on the visits and passages of positive infected persons Targeted disinfection measures shall be taken for indoor places and the surfaces of items they have been in contact with. Special reminder, there is no need to carry out large-scale disinfection of the greening, roads and walls of the community to avoid unnecessary damage to the community environment.

Source: Health Shanghai 12320