How to do a good job of psychological adjustment during the epidemic prevention and control period? Experts from Yantai Psychological Rehabilitation Hospital will help you

Qilu Evening News, Qilu One Point reporter Sun Shuyu correspondent Cong Bing

The epidemic is not only a physical test for many people, but also a severe psychological test. How to make psychological adjustments for different groups during the epidemic prevention and control period, Ju Hongzhen, an expert from Yantai Psychological Rehabilitation Hospital, provides advice for everyone.

Susceptible people and the general public should actively respond and prevent scientifically

“For the susceptible people and the general public, the common mentality is panic and dare not go out. , irritable or overly optimistic, careless, etc. In this case, I suggest that everyone pay more attention to official information, respond actively, and prevent scientifically.” Ju Hongzhen told reporters.

How should vulnerable groups and the general public properly respond to the epidemic? Ju Hongzhen suggested that, first of all, you should maintain a healthy life and rest. The regularity of work and rest is the premise of good immunity and the barrier against viruses. Secondly, we must learn to correctly identify online information. Gossip that is released by individuals on social platforms that can easily cause people to fall into anxiety and panic should not be believed, let alone forwarded and disseminated. Do not spread rumors, do not spread rumors.

At the same time, divert attention, maintain a reasonable workload, choose appropriate activities at home, and reduce mental stress. “You must also face up to and accept your emotions. When you find yourself in a state of stress, your body will have some reactions, such as poor sleep, inability to eat, fear, anxiety, etc. These are all natural phenomena, and you can relax, meditate, and Talk, write, paint, listen to music, exercise and other ways to adjust and vent.” Ju Hongzhen said that if her emotions are serious and affect her normal work and life, she needs to go to specialized medical institutions for psychological consultation and intervention.

In addition, be sure to take personal protection. Wearing masks correctly in public places, avoiding crowds and gatherings, washing hands frequently, opening windows in offices and homes for ventilation, etc. are the most basic protection requirements.

Home-isolated people actively cooperate with the isolation work and adapt to changes

“The common mentality of home-isolated people is panic, anxiety, loneliness, helplessness, depression, depression , pessimism, anger, tension, grievance and shame of being alienated and avoided by others, etc. In this regard, it is recommended that this group of people cooperate seriously with the isolation work and adapt to the changes.” Ju Hongzhen said that those who are isolated at home should be assisted in understanding true and reliable information , to encourage them to actively cooperate with relevant epidemic prevention policies.

Ju Hongzhen introduced that the common mentality of close contacts is avoidance, anxiety, anticipatory anxiety, or blind bravery, refusal to protect, etc. Medical staff and their families should respond to their education and comfort, encourage them to communicate through the Internet, trust official scientific and medical information; maintain good eating habits and daily routines, read more books and exercise more; accept the isolation situation, actively cooperate with them, and understand Isolation and observation help others as well as yourself; at the same time, you can also seek social support to cope with stress, such as communicating your feelings with relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. through mobile phones and other channels, maintaining communication with the society, and obtaining support and encouragement from others; if necessary, you can call Psychological assistance hotline or online psychological intervention.

For families who are taking online classes at home during the epidemic, how should they spend this different parent-child time? Ju Hongzhen suggested that when children take online classes at home, parents play the role of teachers. This change of roles may break the original harmonious relationship between parents and children, from intimacy to opposition. In order to avoid this kind of situation, parents must pay attention to communication skills, actively handle the relationship with their children, be less scolding, less nagging, interact with children more, listen to their inner expressions more, and work out a good learning schedule and schedule together with their children. Plan and encourage and supervise its completion, and do not strengthen the opposition with the child as a “supervisor”.

If you have serious emotional or sleep problems, you should seek medical attention in time.

In Ju Hongzhen’s view, not only the emotional changes of ordinary citizens need timely attention during the epidemic, but those who struggle The psychological counseling of medical workers, police, grass-roots staff and volunteers on the front line of epidemic prevention is also very important.

“The front-line epidemic prevention personnel have been in a state of high-intensity work for a long time, and they are under enormous pressure both physically and psychologically, and they need to pay more attention in time.” Ju Hongzhen told reporters that for this group of people, they are emphasizing on strengthening their own protection, While arranging work and rest reasonably, it is also necessary to encourage them to communicate and talk rationally through various channels. If they have serious emotional or sleep problems, they should seek medical treatment in a timely manner, through appropriate drug treatment and psychological intervention, to effectively help them relieve their stress, and make every effort to build a psychological defense line for epidemic prevention and control.

In addition to this, if citizens are troubled by anxiety and tension during the epidemic, they can also seek timely help through the psychological assistance hotline. It is reported that the Yantai Psychological Rehabilitation Hospital (Yantai Mental Health Center) and the free psychological assistance hotlines opened in various districts and cities can provide citizens with professional psychological support, psychological counseling and psychological crisis intervention services at any time.

Attachment: Free psychological assistance hotline in Yantai and various districts and cities