How to deal with “falling over tricks” in life?

The Winter Olympics has driven a boom in ice and snow sports. Behind the amazing shows presented by the athletes to the world, they are full of their blood and sweat in pursuing the limits of human beings and challenging themselves.

Although we will not face the risk of injury caused by high-intensity sports like the Olympic athletes in our lives, people will experience falls more or less in their lives, and the injured parts are also varied, which can be called “patterns”. fall”.

Many times, even a small fall should not be taken lightly.

【Foot Landing: Ankle Fracture】

Ankle fracture may occur after ankle sprain caused by indirect violence. Fracture and dislocation of the ankle are common types of injuries in orthopaedics.

Ankle fractures usually occur after trauma, mainly manifested as ankle pain, swelling, subcutaneous bruises, bruising, patients often dare not move the ankle joint, unable to walk.

Once these manifestations appear after ankle injury, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to complete the X-ray examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of ankle fractures can be divided into two categories:

Non-surgical treatment is appropriate for nondisplaced fractures and can be immobilized with a cast or brace for 4-6 weeks.

Surgical treatment is indicated for displaced fractures. The purpose of surgery is to restore the normal anatomical structure and maintain the reduction of the fracture during the fracture healing process, so that the patient can start functional activities as early as possible, and finally obtain a good functional recovery of the ankle joint.

Regardless of the treatment method used, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for rehabilitation exercises.

【Hip Landing: Coccyx Fracture】

The coccyx is at the end of the human spine.

Generally speaking, there will be no obvious sequelae after coccyx fracture, but in some cases, some patients will have symptoms of rectal irritation. In addition, a small number of patients with coccyx fracture will have local intractable pain.

Coccyx pain may occur when the buttocks falls to the ground during a slip, causing trauma to the coccyx and its joint ligaments.

The main manifestation of coccyx fractures is pain at the coccyx, especially when sitting in a sitting position, the pressure on the coccyx is large, and pain is easy to occur.

For those who have obvious pain after falling on the buttocks, it is recommended to go to the hospital for relevant imaging examinations to identify the lesions of the coccyx, and to exclude other diseases that cause similar symptoms.

If the coccyx joint is obviously unstable, surgery can be considered. However, conservative treatment is the main treatment for coccyx fractures. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs can be used to relieve pain. Professional rehabilitation therapy also has a certain therapeutic effect. .

【Palm Landing: Distal Radius Fractures】

Wrist fractures are common in life. Fractures occur 2 cm proximal to the joint, and the most common distal radius fracture is called a Colles fracture.

For wrist fractures, correct reduction and good fixation are very important. Without timely and effective treatment, the patient’s wrist will be left with joint deformity, limited joint mobility, and joint pain. Symptoms will bring great trouble to the patient’s future life.

There are two main treatment methods for wrist fractures:

1. The first is conservative treatment, mainly using manual reduction, small splint or plaster external fixation.

Although conservative treatment can achieve early joint function exercise, due to the concern of unstable fracture fixation in conservative treatment, fracture may redisplace and lead to treatment failure.

2. If it is judged by a specialist that conservative treatment cannot effectively handle such a fracture, surgical treatment should be considered, that is, open reduction, internal fixation such as steel plate.

Exercise rehabilitation is very important to the recovery of wrist joint function. Be sure to follow the doctor’s advice and insist on rehabilitation exercise.

【Head on the ground: Concussion】

Concussion refers to the short-term cranial nerve dysfunction that occurs immediately after the head is struck by an external force.

Once the head falls on the ground first, the head will be in a transient coma immediately under the action of huge external force. After waking up, he can’t recall the circumstances of the injury and the process of the injury, but he can clearly understand the events before the injury. Recall that this is typical of a concussion.

A concussion may also be accompanied by symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, ringing in the ears, and difficulty concentrating.

Most people with concussions recover within two weeks.

However, once the head falls on the ground and there is obvious discomfort, please go to the emergency room of the hospital for observation. If you find secondary intracranial lesions or other complications, you can get timely diagnosis and treatment.

The Winter Olympics have come to an end, but the popularity of ice and snow sports continues. Be sure to pay attention to safety and enjoy the beauty of sports.

(Source: author Zhang Yin / Ye Tingjun / Wang Lei / Ruijin sports medicine doctor affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine)